Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I just rediscovered television, I probably haven't watched it in half a year. My sis' tv got moved into my room since she moved out ^^ Yesterday my dad bought 5 goldfish for his outdoor pond, he's the asian type to never research anything and go with what he THINKS is the right way. SO today i get up look into the pond and there are 5 fish floating upside down near the surface. Good work dad. I have to practice english, I gave up trying to memorise Macbeth's lines...I'm just practicing how to not retardedly say old english words. Already are i'th'court? I've just completely given up on actually understanding shakespear. I kinda just rely on the italic captions on the opposite page.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
My eyes are having that red lighting blood vessel effect around the white areas. They are sore, dry very quickly and hurting to blink for some odd reason. So for tonight I'm off to do mando homework and enlgish practice (which i havent even started)
Edit: Now my right eye is twitching uncontrollably, maybe i should go to sleep... Did you know that eating too many carrots can make your skin turn orange?
Edit: Now my right eye is twitching uncontrollably, maybe i should go to sleep... Did you know that eating too many carrots can make your skin turn orange?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Multi....Cultural! and toilets?
So MC day today and I spent... $15. I guess i spent most of my time watching wrestling and playing table tennis. Did i mention I absolutely pwned everyone else there? =D *cough* I wana eat wahabzadahs tabouli- man that tabouli was good. At first I was like "you are never going to sell the tabouli" -shakes head- I'd never thought I would actually buy it, and crave it now. I thought it would be some crappy retail/ woolies tabouli, but it was actually made by a leb dudes mum (the ONLY leb dude in our grade), yesyesyes it was good, I feel so lame talking about this.
Highlight of the day: seeing pink turbans/eating tabouli/ wearing nerd glasses, rice farmer hat/ seeing indian dancing
LOLOLOL racheI feel sorry for your non profiting stall- plz don't uber hard squish my cheeks on monday. Btw I noticed that A shaved off his armpit hair for a dance because at one point he has to lift his arms XD that instantly reminded me of that lynx dry ad. Also are people really that turned off armpit hair? :O If so then yay, no problem for me coz i dont have any, okay why did i just say that publicly online. Too bad I'm asian thats my excuse. (I'm only kidding, partially..)
Yes guys are weird like that, for example in the guys changerooms certain individuals lift their arms and pull at the hair and go "LOOOK at that hair bitch, wooooh" and here i am feeling so left out. Boys changerooms: Imagine a small, dark, smelly (of all sorts of bodily teenage guy odours, mixed with a tad too much deo, also the toilets being connected to our changerooms doesn't help either), loose garments here and there, I think I've seen red underwear (a couple), a stray sock or two and black pe shorts. Oh speaking of toilets reminds me of the time I accidently walked into the womens toilets at a restaurant and the toilet cubicle was both full, I was like "hey wtf what sort of toilets don't have a trough (i think they're called urinals)?, psshhh cheap restaurant" -truth dawns- "OH SHIT" -runs out- If you ever go to CHina don't go to public toilets, the worse I've seen is when theres 2 troughs in the ground running parallel to the two walls and the toilet doors are running parallel to the trough, and when you need to do whatever you need to do, you squat and let it flow into the trough, it then runs down down down to a huge hole where everything goes. If you;re ever in this situation i suggest you pick the top cubicle, because its kinda nasty when you're at the end of the line nearest to the hole and you see your neighbours deposits going pass (yes i HAVE seen it).
Well i hope you enjoyed todays post, go eat something, it'll make you feel better (:
Highlight of the day: seeing pink turbans/eating tabouli/ wearing nerd glasses, rice farmer hat/ seeing indian dancing
LOLOLOL racheI feel sorry for your non profiting stall- plz don't uber hard squish my cheeks on monday. Btw I noticed that A shaved off his armpit hair for a dance because at one point he has to lift his arms XD that instantly reminded me of that lynx dry ad. Also are people really that turned off armpit hair? :O If so then yay, no problem for me coz i dont have any, okay why did i just say that publicly online. Too bad I'm asian thats my excuse. (I'm only kidding, partially..)
Yes guys are weird like that, for example in the guys changerooms certain individuals lift their arms and pull at the hair and go "LOOOK at that hair bitch, wooooh" and here i am feeling so left out. Boys changerooms: Imagine a small, dark, smelly (of all sorts of bodily teenage guy odours, mixed with a tad too much deo, also the toilets being connected to our changerooms doesn't help either), loose garments here and there, I think I've seen red underwear (a couple), a stray sock or two and black pe shorts. Oh speaking of toilets reminds me of the time I accidently walked into the womens toilets at a restaurant and the toilet cubicle was both full, I was like "hey wtf what sort of toilets don't have a trough (i think they're called urinals)?, psshhh cheap restaurant" -truth dawns- "OH SHIT" -runs out- If you ever go to CHina don't go to public toilets, the worse I've seen is when theres 2 troughs in the ground running parallel to the two walls and the toilet doors are running parallel to the trough, and when you need to do whatever you need to do, you squat and let it flow into the trough, it then runs down down down to a huge hole where everything goes. If you;re ever in this situation i suggest you pick the top cubicle, because its kinda nasty when you're at the end of the line nearest to the hole and you see your neighbours deposits going pass (yes i HAVE seen it).
Well i hope you enjoyed todays post, go eat something, it'll make you feel better (:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
So we're learning about evolution in class now, and just wondering, do the creationist christians in my class just glaze over this topic? And when they're asked a question in a test, do the have to write an answer that they themselves do not believe in? hmmm
So today in history elective we have garlic bread, lasagna, and goji berry gelato/ sobet (provided by our group), hmm i wonder what's the difference. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had Goji berries. I just lost a $2 coin playing heads or tails with myself in the bathroom, I flicked it up, missed the catch and it went right down my sink >.<
Multicultural day tomorrow. I have nothing asian-y to wear! Maybe I should just dress really fob just fully suit up with a rice harvesting hat. There are these peasant farmers in china that work in suits so they can give the image of themselves as rich business men.
So today in history elective we have garlic bread, lasagna, and goji berry gelato/ sobet (provided by our group), hmm i wonder what's the difference. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had Goji berries. I just lost a $2 coin playing heads or tails with myself in the bathroom, I flicked it up, missed the catch and it went right down my sink >.<
Multicultural day tomorrow. I have nothing asian-y to wear! Maybe I should just dress really fob just fully suit up with a rice harvesting hat. There are these peasant farmers in china that work in suits so they can give the image of themselves as rich business men.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
So today for history elective, our group chose italian cuisine. What word first comes to mind when i say italian food? PIZZAAAA. SO we made a classic margherita pizza with buffalo cheese. Did you know that the first pizza was served to queen Margherita in Italy in the colours of the italian flag? (tomatoes- red, basil-green, cheese- white). We could only use the school microwaves to heat up the pizzas, making the (homemade dough) base a bit soggy. We followed the masterchef recipe- because we're just that pro (: Since a certain someone, wasn't here (the one meant to bring the gelato) we had no dessert and we looked uber stingy compared to other groups >.< Oh and P almost cut my finger off as he was cutting the pizza, I was pulling off a piece of pizza I told him to keep cutting, he kinda FORGOT MY FINGER WAS STILL THERE, and i actually FELT the blade on my finger. I was expecting it to gush blood any second or uno -skin forms a little white line- and slowly gets filled with blood, but nothing. Luckily the school is so cheap that we can't afford proper knives that actually cut.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Stolen from issy XD
Bus drivers can make me =D :) :S :/ D= :( >=(There is the mean type:- Grunts for answers, doesn't look at you, waves you away, shouts at the students.
There is the annoying type:- Like today an Indian (nothing against indians..) busdriver in a turban, who actually takes a student's buspass holds it up to his face, bends it, holds it up to the light and continues to inspect it for a couple of minutes, as the line becomes longer and longer. Then if he is not satisfied/ dislikes the student, he waves them away by making some lame excuse as "this pass is not valid", "this pass doesn't say that you can use it at blacktown station", "send it back to the company, for now you have to pay".
There is the mean looking but infact quite nice type:- Today i took out money for the bus fare, expecting him to give me change, but instead he just waves me on.
There is the nice type:- A bit chubby and talkative.
There is the eager type (obviously new to the job):- Asks people on the bus about their lives/ where they live/ what grade he/she is in a bit too much.
Today the busdriver didn't stop when I pressed the STOP button and went straight past my stop. So i had to walk down the road and almost got hit by a car as I attempted to j-walk in a difficult to see car stretch of the road.
It's hard not to talk when your friend gives someone something and that someone asks you what the something is a week or two beforehand.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Yes, I do hate haircuts.
Give me something to write! My life is boring on the weekends... I'll edit this post if I manage to think of something. I'm actually quite surprised I've managed to write a post (nearly) everyday for more than two months. And when I don't have enough time to post I feel uber guilty because I promised I would post everyday :(
Give me something to write! My life is boring on the weekends... I'll edit this post if I manage to think of something. I'm actually quite surprised I've managed to write a post (nearly) everyday for more than two months. And when I don't have enough time to post I feel uber guilty because I promised I would post everyday :(
Friday, August 20, 2010
My dad came home from china today. And he brought lots of chinese/ shanghainese food. I kinda forgot about his nagging until he came back home, just wondering, who nags you more your mum or dad? In my case its definitely my dad, my mum nags a lot but in a subtle and easily ignorable way. With my dad, he demands an answer from the same question he asks everyday and theres kindof a predecided answer that i am obliged to say.
He brought some boiled crabs home from Shanghai (are you allowed to bring seafood overseas? maybe he smuggled it heheh), thus bringing me to the topic of the day CRABS (no not THOSE kind of crabs). I like crabs, its probably my favourite seafood, the meat is tender, slightly sweet and overall quite good. omnomnomnom. Btw do you eat the yellow crab roe inside? heaps of people think it's yucky and throw it away. And if you're thinking ewwww, then trust me you are missing out, it definitely is the best part of the crab. Nex ttime try it! but get your mind away from the colour grossness and you'll be fine.

Ever eaten a horseshoe crab? They look like armoured stingrays..
He brought some boiled crabs home from Shanghai (are you allowed to bring seafood overseas? maybe he smuggled it heheh), thus bringing me to the topic of the day CRABS (no not THOSE kind of crabs). I like crabs, its probably my favourite seafood, the meat is tender, slightly sweet and overall quite good. omnomnomnom. Btw do you eat the yellow crab roe inside? heaps of people think it's yucky and throw it away. And if you're thinking ewwww, then trust me you are missing out, it definitely is the best part of the crab. Nex ttime try it! but get your mind away from the colour grossness and you'll be fine.
Ever eaten a horseshoe crab? They look like armoured stingrays..
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I think today was a whole 10 degrees hotter than yesterday. Today in netball, i scored two goals (are they called goals?) in the first game, but in the second game i randomly got those stomach aches that hurt you to move, so I was making heaps of mistakes (passing to opposition, missing passes etc.) Btw sorry to the short person who i almost smashed into trying to get the ball from a rebound, I didn't see you... in the heat of the moment i only really look ahead and where the ball is at, so i didn't notice you D: I didn't think anyone was there :S
I got my work experience record back, so I can hand it in tomorrow! 2 weeks late, not bad, not bad at allll
I got my work experience record back, so I can hand it in tomorrow! 2 weeks late, not bad, not bad at allll
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wang's roots
Today I shall tell you a story about my ancestry and how my last name came to be. Sorry, but this will be quite a pointless post to the people I've already told this to.
I'd like to call this story, 'The Wang Legacy'
Once upon a time, a long long time ago in ancient China, my ancestors' lastname was 'fung'. However, they had committed some kind of crime and the emperor sent his soldiers to execute the whole family, including all relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents), so the lastname would never live on. If a family committed a crime, the whole family and relatives would be executed. So all the relatives got killed, except for one...-dramatic music plays- he managed to escape to the fishing village of ningbo and changed his last name from fung, to a much more common lastname, wang to avoid risk of being caught. With little possessions and money he managed to start a simple, poor peasant life. It stayed like this, until after a few generations one confident young boy was born. Now we don't know if this part is entirely true, but family history has it that he walked from ningbo to Shanghai (the big city) in the middle of winter with nothing but the clothes on his back (bear grylls style!) and a pair of shoes, seeking fortune and a better life. Although he had a pair of shoes, those shoes cost quite a lot of money, so he saved those shoes and walked bare footed in the snow. My relatives live in Shanghai till this day, and my dad came to Australia to have me and seek a better life.
Sources: My dad, one lazy sunday afternoon with those -father and son- talks, that happened to stumble on my oh so controversial last name. My dad heard this story from his dad who got it from his dad who got it from his dad etc etc.
Okay Idk if the ningo -> shanghai bit is entirely true, but hey we're in Shanghai now! In fact the whole story itself may have been a tad contorted over the generations, but it's something along the lines of that.
If you're bored and have nothing else to do, you should ask your parents about your ancestral roots, hey you never know, you might just learn something interesting about yourself like I did! (:
I'd like to call this story, 'The Wang Legacy'
Once upon a time, a long long time ago in ancient China, my ancestors' lastname was 'fung'. However, they had committed some kind of crime and the emperor sent his soldiers to execute the whole family, including all relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents), so the lastname would never live on. If a family committed a crime, the whole family and relatives would be executed. So all the relatives got killed, except for one...-dramatic music plays- he managed to escape to the fishing village of ningbo and changed his last name from fung, to a much more common lastname, wang to avoid risk of being caught. With little possessions and money he managed to start a simple, poor peasant life. It stayed like this, until after a few generations one confident young boy was born. Now we don't know if this part is entirely true, but family history has it that he walked from ningbo to Shanghai (the big city) in the middle of winter with nothing but the clothes on his back (bear grylls style!) and a pair of shoes, seeking fortune and a better life. Although he had a pair of shoes, those shoes cost quite a lot of money, so he saved those shoes and walked bare footed in the snow. My relatives live in Shanghai till this day, and my dad came to Australia to have me and seek a better life.
Sources: My dad, one lazy sunday afternoon with those -father and son- talks, that happened to stumble on my oh so controversial last name. My dad heard this story from his dad who got it from his dad who got it from his dad etc etc.
Okay Idk if the ningo -> shanghai bit is entirely true, but hey we're in Shanghai now! In fact the whole story itself may have been a tad contorted over the generations, but it's something along the lines of that.
If you're bored and have nothing else to do, you should ask your parents about your ancestral roots, hey you never know, you might just learn something interesting about yourself like I did! (:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I just last minute did my science assignment, probably the same with most people. Tomorrow i'll go to hillsbus seven hills depot to see if my wallet has turned up, and if it hasn't then I am going to get owned by my parents. Gosh the day i lost the wallet, I saw the bus leaving was having an -OH NO- moment, when really it was just going to the bus depot like a few minutes away. SO if i WAS SMART, i could've just walked there and picked it up straightaway. I didn't realise the stop that seven hills was the last stop.
Some things you didn't know about me:
- My second toe is longer than my big toe (just)
- I can't curl my tongue into a hollow tube
- I am EXTREMELY unflexible, to the point where sitting down on the floor cross legged normally is difficult and my back kills after sitting for a long time. I've perfected my own awkward somewhat less painful sitting position
- I play tennis
- I can't speak mando
- I was born in Australia
- My last name was never originally 'wang'
Can't think of anything else now, I'm going to sleep bright any early today. I'm trying to sleep before 12am nowdays.
Some things you didn't know about me:
- My second toe is longer than my big toe (just)
- I can't curl my tongue into a hollow tube
- I am EXTREMELY unflexible, to the point where sitting down on the floor cross legged normally is difficult and my back kills after sitting for a long time. I've perfected my own awkward somewhat less painful sitting position
- I play tennis
- I can't speak mando
- I was born in Australia
- My last name was never originally 'wang'
Can't think of anything else now, I'm going to sleep bright any early today. I'm trying to sleep before 12am nowdays.
Monday, August 16, 2010
WHY AM I SO DAMN FORGETFUL. Today on the bus home I left my wallet on the seat. I realised halfway walking up the stairs. Rushed straight back down to the bus bay only to see it go. I already lost my wallet half a year ago, gosh my parents are going to throw a spaz at me. I had like $40 in there D: I tried ringing the bus company apparently they'll "get back to me", in other words, I'll probably never see it again. OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG. I don't care THAT much about the money, it's the id card, libary card and bus/ train passes I'm worried about, because they can be a bitch to reapply for. FML
In other news, this whole week we're going to be eating in history elective class. Our assignments involve us to pick a cuisine, explain it and serve it to the class (: Today we had noodle soup, laksa, prawn crackers, kimchi and fruit salad. We're doing italian cuisine ----> gelato + homemade pizza. :)
Should i tell my parents about my wallet now? Or wait a week and hopefully get it back. .... my parents are so gonna rage at me.
In other news, this whole week we're going to be eating in history elective class. Our assignments involve us to pick a cuisine, explain it and serve it to the class (: Today we had noodle soup, laksa, prawn crackers, kimchi and fruit salad. We're doing italian cuisine ----> gelato + homemade pizza. :)
Should i tell my parents about my wallet now? Or wait a week and hopefully get it back. .... my parents are so gonna rage at me.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Yesterdays party was FUUUN (: I didn't post yesterday because I got home at 12am. You might say, "but wait you stay up till 2am", yes although this may be true this is WITHOUT my parents knowing, without coming home 2hrs later than what I had originally told her and without my mum needing to stay up that late to wait for me. In such situations as these, while in my friend's car although I KNOW it's going to take at least 30minutes, as I'm ringing my mum I tell her that it's going to take around 15minutes just to test her mood. If she seems in a nice mood I pull to a more correct time "ohhh about 15-20 maybe 25 minutes" maybe later. If she rages into my phone, I stick with 15minutes and make up some lame excuse such as "the traffic was bad", "we got lost". HEY it works.
Party- I'll not go into detailed description because somethings are meant to stay at parties. It can be summarised in a couple of words, ripped pants, BBQ, singing (badly), table soccer, hair waxing, prank calls, balloons (will not go into detail ), stacks on with around 12 people, oh and puppy (I'm not scared of dogs). Btw eating a whole sachet of wasabi is not a good idea. Unless it's a dare in which case you HAVE to do it, or it ruins the tradition. Well if you haven't experienced it, you could either set your nose on fire, or pour pepper into your nose, I think it would generate the same effect. But put these all together add a couple of friends and you get one awesome night/party (:
Eat all these, and I swear I'll pay you $20, 1 of them is hard enough....
Party- I'll not go into detailed description because somethings are meant to stay at parties. It can be summarised in a couple of words, ripped pants, BBQ, singing (badly), table soccer, hair waxing, prank calls, balloons (will not go into detail ), stacks on with around 12 people, oh and puppy (I'm not scared of dogs). Btw eating a whole sachet of wasabi is not a good idea. Unless it's a dare in which case you HAVE to do it, or it ruins the tradition. Well if you haven't experienced it, you could either set your nose on fire, or pour pepper into your nose, I think it would generate the same effect. But put these all together add a couple of friends and you get one awesome night/party (:
Eat all these, and I swear I'll pay you $20, 1 of them is hard enough....
Friday, August 13, 2010
Why does my right pelvis always hurt after playing soccer for one an a half hours every week? Note to self: do not attempt to chest a ball that is flying at you from the midpoint of the field. Instead do 'the Ophelia'. This highly advanced defence mechanism protects ones face and frontal region from flying projectiles if one is too scared to face them. To execute this, you must be a master of skill and evasion, it involves turning a whole 180 degrees, ducking then covering your own face.
Females are stereotypically feel more physical pain than guys. Daniel will now reveal the truth about these statements (: I recently read this: "Females are more sensitive to pain, less tolerant and more able to discriminate different levels of pain than males," OMG he put it in quotation marks, it must be true! But seriously a study on humans and animals prove this. So don't worry, it's not that you guys are weaker! You're just born to feel more physical pain (Y) kekeke i hate to be you during child birth :D
Click here for evidence.
Screw the 30 day challenge, I can't be bothered, and most of them are going to be N/A
Females are stereotypically feel more physical pain than guys. Daniel will now reveal the truth about these statements (: I recently read this: "Females are more sensitive to pain, less tolerant and more able to discriminate different levels of pain than males," OMG he put it in quotation marks, it must be true! But seriously a study on humans and animals prove this. So don't worry, it's not that you guys are weaker! You're just born to feel more physical pain (Y) kekeke i hate to be you during child birth :D
Click here for evidence.
Screw the 30 day challenge, I can't be bothered, and most of them are going to be N/A
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Cold crisis
Okay now I have reached stay 3 and 4 of the cold- uber runny nose and lost of taste. Runny noses? what does that mean? TISSUES, and lots of them. Today I brought a whole packet of tissues to school, and just after recess they were all used up. A friend of mine suggested last resort dried up tissues, but I didn't even have any of them! All my tissues were soggy and wet since they didn't have time to dry up. And then i used up my tissues to the extent of them being a mass of white soggy tissues that break up in clumps in your hand (ever experienced that before?). I have a -painful red patch below nose due to excessive snot blowing and tissue friction- Our school is too cheap to put tissues in front of classrooms. Now you have to ask for a tissue, the teacher brings it out of the storeroom you take ONE and the teacher puts it back in the storeroom.
Yep, you really needed know this.
I have a really funny/epic picture of me that I just remembered about today, but i can't find it on my computer D=
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Yep, you really needed know this.
I have a really funny/epic picture of me that I just remembered about today, but i can't find it on my computer D=
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I got a paper cut from my maths test as soon as i got it back today. I wonder what that shows... yay I finally got work experience = no need to work at kmart or even worse GIRRAWEEN HIGH SCHOOL *shudders*. Deo sharma is lame, me being in the front row, he kept wasting 15minutes of my time asking if I had gotten this sheet, if I had gotten that booklet, whether I had gotten this test back and telling us we had 20minutes to complete the geography essay tomorrow and realising he made a mistake and told us we had 30minutes to do it as the bell rang and everyone went into "yay recess time" -ignore teacher- mode. By the way, he writes the exact same comment in every report, and changes the names. Something along the lines of: "daniel is a good, quiet and conscientious student who works well with his peers, this definitely shows in his marks. Marks can be further improved through early and thorough revision at home". I just read my year 9 and 10 report comments.
My immune system is not holding up, I'm in stage 2 of the common cold. BLOCKED NOSE. nuuuuuuuu
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
I don't know anyone deceased.
My immune system is not holding up, I'm in stage 2 of the common cold. BLOCKED NOSE. nuuuuuuuu
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
I don't know anyone deceased.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My throat is very flemmy, sore and I'm coughing a lot. Not a good sign. Must. Not. Get. Sick. Before. Party.
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Hullo, I really only really started to get to know you this year. You seemed so stoned and uninviting at first glance. And also seemed really sad at your rather superior maths marks which you deem too be inferior, in an attempt to make people feel better, but it generally has the opposite effect. Certain people think you're cold -physically and mentally- (which it may seem from the outside), me included, but they really don't know you well enough and misinterpret your innocent actions for ones of deceit. You're a weirdo, in a strange and unique way, I guess that's why it's interesting to talk to you...
I'm glad I started to talk to you all those months before, and i hope we can get to know each other better. And don't forget me after highschool D: Others should get to know you, you're cooooool (:
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Hullo, I really only really started to get to know you this year. You seemed so stoned and uninviting at first glance. And also seemed really sad at your rather superior maths marks which you deem too be inferior, in an attempt to make people feel better, but it generally has the opposite effect. Certain people think you're cold -physically and mentally- (which it may seem from the outside), me included, but they really don't know you well enough and misinterpret your innocent actions for ones of deceit. You're a weirdo, in a strange and unique way, I guess that's why it's interesting to talk to you...
I'm glad I started to talk to you all those months before, and i hope we can get to know each other better. And don't forget me after highschool D: Others should get to know you, you're cooooool (:
Monday, August 9, 2010
Little kids
today I went on a leadership program at Girraween primary school, and it was a very nostalgic experience. Let's just say that in my whole classroom there were 2 white kids 2 asians and 26 little curry kids. So the teacher told me to tell my name to the class, I did, and then he was like "welcome daniel please children", kids simultaneously chant: "Good mmmmOOOOOOrning dddaaaannniieeelll" with a prominent higher pitch in the middle of morning. It's normally good morning, but with these kids it had to be good mooooorning, I'm making no sense am I? I was laughing at first then, I had a wave of nostalgia *hey I used to do that!*. It's still amusing to see new year 7s go Good Moooorning ms Dasnevasss every new year. (I remember doing that aswell on the first assembly of year 7, followed by sniggering of grades above). Btw we were late so all we got to do was say "hi" to our kids before they had to leave for fitness. Yup well worth the skipping of maths.
On the way back theres this gate at the back of the primary school which leads to a faster route back to our school. But it was closed, so like the good older/mature role models we were we decided to jump the fence and break their school rules on our first day. Slowly as we were walking past we realised the teachers and little kids doing fitness had silently watched us jump over the fence. I hope we don't get verbally raped tomorrow at assembly.
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
No-one gosh I'm so boring, I have like no idols.
On the way back theres this gate at the back of the primary school which leads to a faster route back to our school. But it was closed, so like the good older/mature role models we were we decided to jump the fence and break their school rules on our first day. Slowly as we were walking past we realised the teachers and little kids doing fitness had silently watched us jump over the fence. I hope we don't get verbally raped tomorrow at assembly.
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
No-one gosh I'm so boring, I have like no idols.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
So today I went to the city to help my sis unload. Using my *brute* -cough- strength I was able to assemble the bed and lift cupboards and wardrobes into my sis' room. Her and her room mates rented out the top 3 levels, so they have 3 balcony's! You can see the harbour and anzac bridge kekeke... I was leaning over the side enjoying the views, when SUDDENLY, I realised that I was very very high indeed and if I had happened to slip and fall over the side...so i stepped back and enjoyed the views there. My sister being on the top floors reminded me of that international Malaysian uni student who was on the top level of a building when a guy was trying to rape her and she jumped off 10 stories of building and died... If i was her I would've just gotten raped, HEY better than jumping to your death! In the end I'm happy for her (my sister), but it suddenly hit me... that I would never see her again unless I actually go out to visit her... For lunch we had thai- pad see ew (stir fried noodles with vegetables etc etc)
Do you ever come to think that you can never really come back to being 15/16 again? I just randomly reminisced with my friend about primary school life and how great it was, but we're never able to go back to that moment of time.
I just realised my sister owned one of those expensive ceramic hair straighteners as I was helping her unpack. And my parents are nagging me about how hard I have to work now that my sister can't help me etc etc...
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
I'm taking an internet friend as one you have never met before. It's a funny story really, we met on facebook through an argument on one of her photo's on a public group. (It was about height, which is a subject I am VERY passionate about (Y) Now I talk to her a lot on facebook, she seems nice (: I just hope she doesn't turn out to be a fat old pedo man who wants to stalk me.
When was the last time you ate a chuppa chup? I'm sucking on one now, and I just realised its probably been years since I last had one
Do you ever come to think that you can never really come back to being 15/16 again? I just randomly reminisced with my friend about primary school life and how great it was, but we're never able to go back to that moment of time.
I just realised my sister owned one of those expensive ceramic hair straighteners as I was helping her unpack. And my parents are nagging me about how hard I have to work now that my sister can't help me etc etc...
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
I'm taking an internet friend as one you have never met before. It's a funny story really, we met on facebook through an argument on one of her photo's on a public group. (It was about height, which is a subject I am VERY passionate about (Y) Now I talk to her a lot on facebook, she seems nice (: I just hope she doesn't turn out to be a fat old pedo man who wants to stalk me.
When was the last time you ate a chuppa chup? I'm sucking on one now, and I just realised its probably been years since I last had one
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I GOT up sooo early today (10am) to go to tennis, and then my car failed to start up. SO now I'm kindof crabby. And I also have to go to mando school, by either walking there or catching a bus there (and I've never caught a bus there).
Today I was helping my sister pack all her stuff (clothes, shelves, tables) into our car. And tomorrow I'm going to crash in her unit in Chinatown for a day. SHould be fun ^^
Day 6 — A stranger
What am I meant to say to a stranger if i don't even KNOW the stranger, hence the name...
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Null, to all 4 of those options
Well that went well...
Today I was helping my sister pack all her stuff (clothes, shelves, tables) into our car. And tomorrow I'm going to crash in her unit in Chinatown for a day. SHould be fun ^^
Day 6 — A stranger
What am I meant to say to a stranger if i don't even KNOW the stranger, hence the name...
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Null, to all 4 of those options
Well that went well...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I just had an excruciatingly painful stomach ache. I think it's something from the sandwich I ate during lunch. I came home a while ago and randomly had a painful stomach ache, went to the toilet and was all good. Then I had another bite and 30mins later my stomach began hurting even more D':
Lately I've noticed soooo many freckles on my body. I think I counted about 20, theres 4 alone on my ear, and soooo many on the left side of my face. If you look really closely there are FOUR really faint freckles under my left eye. And in the shower I discovered a new freckle on my shoulder and one near my belly button, and they are both slightly raised!!! cancerous? I should stay out of the sun and wear a hat.
Day 5 — Your dreams
I have no dreams... (options are also limited as an asian). All i know is that I'm doing law in uni, because my parents tell my to any I'm a good little boy, and also partly because I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up.
Lately I've noticed soooo many freckles on my body. I think I counted about 20, theres 4 alone on my ear, and soooo many on the left side of my face. If you look really closely there are FOUR really faint freckles under my left eye. And in the shower I discovered a new freckle on my shoulder and one near my belly button, and they are both slightly raised!!! cancerous? I should stay out of the sun and wear a hat.
Day 5 — Your dreams
I have no dreams... (options are also limited as an asian). All i know is that I'm doing law in uni, because my parents tell my to any I'm a good little boy, and also partly because I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I seriously hate myself right now. Today in the maths test I had around 10 minutes to spare when I came to the last question. Its wording confused me (also because I think I read it wrong) and the diagram also confused me. Everyone found out x and took 85 from it. At first I had thought of it, but looked at the diagram again and decided it wasn't right, because it says he walked from B to C but that involves two streets and it only gave the length of one street which was 85. But thats not the point, me being such a freaking idiot I left it BLANK!!!! I should have still done the working for that and at least got a couple of marks even if it was wrong. OMG so angryyy, I can't think straight and logical in stressful test situations. Then I had a mental blank on the matching ratios and left that blank aswell!!! All you had to do was cube root the volumes. Jeeeeez i am SUCH a baka. I've already lost sooo many marks. What's done is done, can't to anything about it....And what sucks even more is that each mark is worth more than 1%.
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Best sister ever I guess, even though she's 10 years older then me. She buys me fooooood (: but not for long since she's moving. And she is always one to turn to when something goes wrong (especially in maths).
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Best sister ever I guess, even though she's 10 years older then me. She buys me fooooood (: but not for long since she's moving. And she is always one to turn to when something goes wrong (especially in maths).
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My sister can take me.
The insects are taking revenge on me. I don't really notice this but lately as I go in the shower around 2 or 3 tiny red bumps that are ultra itchy show up (I don't think I notice getting bit as I'm sitting down). Speaking of showers, O-M-G yesterday WORST shower experience ever. Ok like normal I take off my clothes, stand outside the shower, turn on the hot water, stick my hand under the water until it gradually becomes warmer and enter. But yesterday I stood naked for like 5minutes (in the cold) waiting for the water to become hot, which it didn't. When the awful truth dawned on me, i mustered up all my strength and dived into the cooooolllddd water. I had like a 3minute shower (don't worry i still used soap and shampoo) and if you've ever been that cold, when you step out to a 10 degree atmosphere it almost feels warm in comparison. Note to self: don't shower after 12:30am. If this happened to you what would you do? put on your pj's and get into bed all dirty and sweaty or take a hypothermia causing shower? Answer in the chatbox or the comments, I really would like to know!
Day 3 — Your parents
My parents are asian, that is all. Ok fine, they are naggy, repetitive (how is your maths going? what tests do you have? did you do good in your tests? etc) But i guess they are kind and caring, and let me have more freedom than other asian parents.
Car dialogue between father and son. (over a couple of days)
Case one:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Good
Dad: Good what do you mean good? when you get your results back they are bad not good! You only ever say 'good'
Case two:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Since I can't say good, I'll say bad.
Dad: Whhhaattt badd??? ask your sister, ask your teacher, ask your friends. You have to study hard, these years are crucial. Even ask me, what are you having problems with?
Me: Trigonometry
*confused look*
Dad: What's that?
Daniel: You know with the angles...
Dad: OHHHH that stuff -rapid machine gunning of shang mathsy words and numbers-
Daniel: *nods* *pretending to listen and be interested*
The ambiguous case: (AHHH trig is getting into my blog)
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Hmm, Uhhh okay?
Dad: What sort of answer is that?? that doesn't tell me anything I might aswell not ask!
Me: *murmuring* then don't...
Dad: Did you just say something? You better not have talked back to me! Because you know what'll happen if you do *raised backhand* "DISCHIPLINEE" *FEEL PAIN*
If you want to know the things spoken between me and my dad when he comes to pick me up from year 7 -10, randomize the cases and replay them over and over and over again.
Okay they aren't that slack, exaggeration, okay not really they actually do say that (in shang) but it kinda sounds more threatening in English and they'll never actually do it. I think...
The insects are taking revenge on me. I don't really notice this but lately as I go in the shower around 2 or 3 tiny red bumps that are ultra itchy show up (I don't think I notice getting bit as I'm sitting down). Speaking of showers, O-M-G yesterday WORST shower experience ever. Ok like normal I take off my clothes, stand outside the shower, turn on the hot water, stick my hand under the water until it gradually becomes warmer and enter. But yesterday I stood naked for like 5minutes (in the cold) waiting for the water to become hot, which it didn't. When the awful truth dawned on me, i mustered up all my strength and dived into the cooooolllddd water. I had like a 3minute shower (don't worry i still used soap and shampoo) and if you've ever been that cold, when you step out to a 10 degree atmosphere it almost feels warm in comparison. Note to self: don't shower after 12:30am. If this happened to you what would you do? put on your pj's and get into bed all dirty and sweaty or take a hypothermia causing shower? Answer in the chatbox or the comments, I really would like to know!
Day 3 — Your parents
My parents are asian, that is all. Ok fine, they are naggy, repetitive (how is your maths going? what tests do you have? did you do good in your tests? etc) But i guess they are kind and caring, and let me have more freedom than other asian parents.
Car dialogue between father and son. (over a couple of days)
Case one:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Good
Dad: Good what do you mean good? when you get your results back they are bad not good! You only ever say 'good'
Case two:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Since I can't say good, I'll say bad.
Dad: Whhhaattt badd??? ask your sister, ask your teacher, ask your friends. You have to study hard, these years are crucial. Even ask me, what are you having problems with?
Me: Trigonometry
*confused look*
Dad: What's that?
Daniel: You know with the angles...
Dad: OHHHH that stuff -rapid machine gunning of shang mathsy words and numbers-
Daniel: *nods* *pretending to listen and be interested*
The ambiguous case: (AHHH trig is getting into my blog)
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Hmm, Uhhh okay?
Dad: What sort of answer is that?? that doesn't tell me anything I might aswell not ask!
Me: *murmuring* then don't...
Dad: Did you just say something? You better not have talked back to me! Because you know what'll happen if you do *raised backhand* "DISCHIPLINEE" *FEEL PAIN*
If you want to know the things spoken between me and my dad when he comes to pick me up from year 7 -10, randomize the cases and replay them over and over and over again.
Okay they aren't that slack, exaggeration, okay not really they actually do say that (in shang) but it kinda sounds more threatening in English and they'll never actually do it. I think...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Its official. My sister is moving out this Saturday. How does this have any correlation with anything you ask? Well this means I have no one to take me to a certain party, my mum will probably get lost because she sucks at map reading and she refuses to drive out of Blacktown (my dad is in China). So now since I can't take Julian or keely, I guess getting there will have to involve bus+train+picked up from station? (I have to leave straight after chinese class so i'll have to bring a bag full of mando books for the day) Julian's parents are a bit strict and are worried about him on public transport. Now this is all well and good for me, but it's the getting home that is the problem. I have absolutely no way to get home. I'm not going to walk to the station, my sister/mum won't pick me up and I don't want to travel to blacktown at night. So the only way is for me to get home is somehow negociate with my sister or get picked up by a friend's parent, taken to their house and stay there for the night (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* chris). So now since my sis can't pick me up julian's chances of going are also reduced since his parents can't pick him up after 10pm and also they won't let him stay after 10pm... Oh well we'll see.
Day 2 — Your Crush
I only liked someone for a little while, I wouldn't really call it a crush. AND NO I DO NOT LIKE KEELY OR RACHEL FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE READING THIS I KNOW YOU'RE THINKING ALONG THOSE LINES.
Day 2 — Your Crush
I only liked someone for a little while, I wouldn't really call it a crush. AND NO I DO NOT LIKE KEELY OR RACHEL FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE READING THIS I KNOW YOU'RE THINKING ALONG THOSE LINES.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Big post for the 1st of AUGUST
Its the first day of a newwwww month. -virtual pinch and punches blog readers- okay I'm not really in the mood because second day of August (tomorrow) I have a maths test, but nonetheless *cheers* What EXCITING *sarcasm* things will you be reading this month? uhmmm, lets see, there is westpac, maths test, geo test, english performance, work experience placement sheets (what an exhilarating life I lead, don't you agree?) and some parties. Oh and maybe horseriding aswell (:
Man VS wild!!! best show ever. This pic is blurry because it was the only pic on google I could find of bear Grylls in my favourite episode. This is a picture of him in an african desert squeezing and drinking the water out of elephant poo (seriously) when he ran out of water. Other thirst quenching mechanisms include drinking your own pee (it is actually safe, trust me I've tried, Ok thats just disgusting) and licking moss. If you didn't know Man vs Wild is a show where this survivalist expert (bear grylls) goes into an unknown region (desert, rainforest, icy mountains) dropped from a helicopter. His mission is to survive with only a pocket knife and to find civilisation. What would you do if you were stuck in a desert with nothing to eat? survive in style, bear grylls style try eating grubs, ants, dead animal meat, raw fish, cockroaches or even grass (hey you never know if you never try).
My gay internet has been failing the whole day forcing me to do maths *shudders* even though it really is good for me. I'm thinking of joining the formal committee, and for those who think that having it at the school hall is lame/gay, I'll have you know that ALL schools have their year 10 formal in the school hall. I have all these little insect carcasses on my monitor and desk who were unfortunate enough to wander into my room and fall prey to my light.
Daniel will embark on the 30 day challenge. Startinnnggg NOW
Who knows how long I can maintain this for but, yea i'll give it a go
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Hmmm how can I say this without being gay. We used to go to the same primary school, even though we only knew each other for 2 years, those years of primary were the best, sad to see you leave and now we go to different schools but we're both still awesome mates. I don't know if you still consider me a bestfriend but we were in year 5 and 6. You've probably made heaps of friends now and so have I but you're still my best mate I feel I can say practically anything to you. I look forward to the rare hour of the week we can talk to each other, and during that 1hour I probably laugh more than in a whole week. If you're reading this (but I'm pretty sure you won't), dw I'm not gay LOL.
Write something about the people below each day for 30 days:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
Man VS wild!!! best show ever. This pic is blurry because it was the only pic on google I could find of bear Grylls in my favourite episode. This is a picture of him in an african desert squeezing and drinking the water out of elephant poo (seriously) when he ran out of water. Other thirst quenching mechanisms include drinking your own pee (it is actually safe, trust me I've tried, Ok thats just disgusting) and licking moss. If you didn't know Man vs Wild is a show where this survivalist expert (bear grylls) goes into an unknown region (desert, rainforest, icy mountains) dropped from a helicopter. His mission is to survive with only a pocket knife and to find civilisation. What would you do if you were stuck in a desert with nothing to eat? survive in style, bear grylls style try eating grubs, ants, dead animal meat, raw fish, cockroaches or even grass (hey you never know if you never try).
My gay internet has been failing the whole day forcing me to do maths *shudders* even though it really is good for me. I'm thinking of joining the formal committee, and for those who think that having it at the school hall is lame/gay, I'll have you know that ALL schools have their year 10 formal in the school hall. I have all these little insect carcasses on my monitor and desk who were unfortunate enough to wander into my room and fall prey to my light.
Daniel will embark on the 30 day challenge. Startinnnggg NOW
Who knows how long I can maintain this for but, yea i'll give it a go
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Hmmm how can I say this without being gay. We used to go to the same primary school, even though we only knew each other for 2 years, those years of primary were the best, sad to see you leave and now we go to different schools but we're both still awesome mates. I don't know if you still consider me a bestfriend but we were in year 5 and 6. You've probably made heaps of friends now and so have I but you're still my best mate I feel I can say practically anything to you. I look forward to the rare hour of the week we can talk to each other, and during that 1hour I probably laugh more than in a whole week. If you're reading this (but I'm pretty sure you won't), dw I'm not gay LOL.
Write something about the people below each day for 30 days:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
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