- Doing yearlies when you're sick is not fun
- Funny how i have more things to post about now when I'm meant to be busy
I don't have a test tomorrow so i have time to do this (:
- Does anyone remember how junior high school maths was like, circumference, surface area, volume loloololol how cute. Maths used to be so cute, then calculus and shit came in D: I mean you don't even get to draw cool stuff anymore :( drawing parabolas is so boring.
- ENGLISH ASSIGNMENTS USED TO BE 500 words lololol my CORE HOMEWORK is fking already 1500 words. But i bet when im in uni i'll be like "trololol 1500 words only my assignment is like 10000"
ella, Wangy, wang, wangbang, bangwang <-- yeah aren't people so creative
Longest song on mp3?
4:35- Shampoo, After School <3
Shortest song on mp3?
2.55- Love like this, SS501 (lol yeah like 95% of my songs are around 3minutes)
yeah- but not like full hardcore bro.
Biggest fear?
Failing HSC? lol im so asian. But it's every asian's worst fear probably :L
What you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Funny
- Caring- person to go to if I'm feeling DEVO
- My best friend - Asian music fan -
- Watches asian dramas with me <3
- Cooks with/for me (:
- Is tall-ish 165cm+ high 160's :D preferably
- Is not fat (i.e. weigh more than me, but there are practically no asian girls who i consider fat)
- dresses nicely (but most girls dress well anywayzzz)
- Looks average+
As long as my future gf is some of these thats cool (Y)
Celebrity you want to meet?
OMGOD SOOOOOOO MANYYYY SNSD or 4minute but if i had to narrow it down to an individual from those groups.... Yuri or Hyuna. AND if i HAD to choose 1, then probably yuri. <3<3 lol that actually look me a while. OH well seeing them in november anyway. YUURRRIII
Take a photo of yourself and upload it.

P.S. can our school please fire mr Tully, like seriously... i don't see how a guy who gave me wet willies in year 7 be a good mentor >.< fml