they really need to make a better base for the ipod touch seriously i only got mine a few days ago and it's already heaps scratched! and all i do is leave it in my pocket... ir eally need to get a case soon.
I say this all the time but seriously the year 7's are so active/lively running everywhere. Also there was one or two year 7s just staring at me when i was at canteen and i was like wtf- I'm not that attractive am i? ;D LOLOL jokes. And then i realised a couple of them are from my mando class >.> so yeahhh I don't even maintain eye contact i may talk to them on saturdays but during normal high school days im your senniiorr muahahaha lollol.
arggh once i reach home the day goes by so fast :(
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
it's 2 am school starts today and i still have economics essay to complete. I REGRET NOTHINNNNNNNG.
yes im not sleeping tonight, great start to the hsc term. BUT IM PUMPED FROM THE MATCH -starts doign economics- okay idno how im guna get up later today. goodbyee. I feel sorry for tennis fans who missed this like omg.
it's 2 am school starts today and i still have economics essay to complete. I REGRET NOTHINNNNNNNG.
yes im not sleeping tonight, great start to the hsc term. BUT IM PUMPED FROM THE MATCH -starts doign economics- okay idno how im guna get up later today. goodbyee. I feel sorry for tennis fans who missed this like omg.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
i feel sorry for murray hes always almost there- semi finals grand finals but never won a grand slam before :/:/
i laike to eat mangozz while i watch the tennis.
which reminds me i was watching the match with my dad in my room and mannn asian parents acn be annoying sometimes. He never stops talking and always looking over at my screen, I hatteeee when people keep staring at my screen and whenever i talk to someone "oh is it a girl" "oh you always talk to girls" and hes always commenting on what i'm doing fffsss. ANd idunno the way he says girl in chinese it annoys me even more for some reason and hes always telling me the type of person i should be married to like seriousslllyyyyyyy. And this is while he himself is staring/judging my snsd posters around my rooom.
/end semi rant and back to economics. al holidays homework in 2 days? yeah sounds pretty reasonable to me.
i laike to eat mangozz while i watch the tennis.
which reminds me i was watching the match with my dad in my room and mannn asian parents acn be annoying sometimes. He never stops talking and always looking over at my screen, I hatteeee when people keep staring at my screen and whenever i talk to someone "oh is it a girl" "oh you always talk to girls" and hes always commenting on what i'm doing fffsss. ANd idunno the way he says girl in chinese it annoys me even more for some reason and hes always telling me the type of person i should be married to like seriousslllyyyyyyy. And this is while he himself is staring/judging my snsd posters around my rooom.
/end semi rant and back to economics. al holidays homework in 2 days? yeah sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
LOLOLOL. "It was a great day at darling harbour for the sydney ferry race" "4 ferries were battling it out for first place, with first place eventually being taken by the china southern" trolololololol abc represent. Looked more like a migrant boat lololjks. Watching 7 news, go back to tennis please...
so yesterday, eventually came home 30mins later than i should have my curfew was 11pm oh well, parents weren't angry. Was fun even though it was raining! pool and dinner at menya was funnn. Especially pool and teaching noobs XD overall a greattt day probably my last outing these hols need to do worrkk. hbd and hope you had fun R ;D
happy australia day guys, do people actually do anything for australia day? because i know i dont lol
i feel sorry for mens tennis tbh you just cant take down the top 4, you'd think getting into the quarterfinals means you're pretty good yourself btu ferrer and kei both lost in straight sets... must suck.
so yesterday, eventually came home 30mins later than i should have my curfew was 11pm oh well, parents weren't angry. Was fun even though it was raining! pool and dinner at menya was funnn. Especially pool and teaching noobs XD overall a greattt day probably my last outing these hols need to do worrkk. hbd and hope you had fun R ;D
happy australia day guys, do people actually do anything for australia day? because i know i dont lol
i feel sorry for mens tennis tbh you just cant take down the top 4, you'd think getting into the quarterfinals means you're pretty good yourself btu ferrer and kei both lost in straight sets... must suck.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
so stayed up watching hewitt vs djokovic (not that i wouldn't be up anyway) expected outcome but great fighttt. I wonder whether i'll live to see an australian win the australian open. All australians + li na goonneee fuuuu. but li na couldn't convert 3 match points, seriously? ==' man all this tennis really makes me want to play lol. Except you still have the image of how the professionals do it in your head, and then when you play it looks/feels like crap haha.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
i recently took out all the train tickets from the last 2/3 months from my wallet because i never really bothered to throw them out. So these last few months i've visited pendle hill, parramatta, eastwood, strathfield, westmead, granville, central, townhall, cabramatta, north sydney (fireworks) and olympic park (KPOP MUSIC FEST YEAHH) And evidently i've been to parramatta the most which surprises me considering there isnt really that much at parramatta and I didnt think i visited very often...
only 1week left of holidays KILL ME NOWOWOWOWOWOJWWJ
I just realised people are getting old D: some of my friends are turning freaking 18 this year. EIGHTEENNEEENNE full rights of an adult, it's scary i don't want to grow up just yet D:D: we're like older teens now.. oh well i'm not quite there yet im turning 17 this year :) 16 to 17 is like mehh but 17 to 18 is a massive jump... in terms of maturity responsiblities etc etc.
I seriously regret deleting bebo, would be good to see how i was like in my younger tween years. Even if what i wrote and how i used to think would probably be cringe worthy.
only 1week left of holidays KILL ME NOWOWOWOWOWOJWWJ
I just realised people are getting old D: some of my friends are turning freaking 18 this year. EIGHTEENNEEENNE full rights of an adult, it's scary i don't want to grow up just yet D:D: we're like older teens now.. oh well i'm not quite there yet im turning 17 this year :) 16 to 17 is like mehh but 17 to 18 is a massive jump... in terms of maturity responsiblities etc etc.
I seriously regret deleting bebo, would be good to see how i was like in my younger tween years. Even if what i wrote and how i used to think would probably be cringe worthy.
okay so let me tell you what asian family friends and my family talk about :)-
- common chinese immigration stories
- how my dad's friend managed to woo his now wife, and how she used to be the 'prettiest girl' in school
- likewise with my dad and my mum
- get me to stand up and comment on my height
- discussing whether i have a girlfriend or not
- how the old 70 year old man is some world wide champion in badminton
As a result i missed out on hewitts match but I'm not complaining because i got substantial amounts of red pockets :{D wow this is the first time ive used this emoticon -> @m-elancholylove influence >.<\
tomic vs federer, hewitt vs djokovic
not looking good for australia lol.
Oh yeah and neighbours why do you have so much lawn to mow?!?! i swear every second day someone around my street mows the lawn wakes me up EVERY time at like 7/8am forcing me to get up and close my windows which i hate since it becomes hot and stuffy. And the other day a freaking hhuuugeee ass lawn mowing machine was mowing the grass in the park a few meters away from my window gahhh closed all the windows still sounded like a steamtrain was in my room.
oh and also.
Record: 12 hours without eating food! (sleep ;D)
- common chinese immigration stories
- how my dad's friend managed to woo his now wife, and how she used to be the 'prettiest girl' in school
- likewise with my dad and my mum
- get me to stand up and comment on my height
- discussing whether i have a girlfriend or not
- how the old 70 year old man is some world wide champion in badminton
As a result i missed out on hewitts match but I'm not complaining because i got substantial amounts of red pockets :{D wow this is the first time ive used this emoticon -> @m-elancholylove influence >.<\
tomic vs federer, hewitt vs djokovic
not looking good for australia lol.
Oh yeah and neighbours why do you have so much lawn to mow?!?! i swear every second day someone around my street mows the lawn wakes me up EVERY time at like 7/8am forcing me to get up and close my windows which i hate since it becomes hot and stuffy. And the other day a freaking hhuuugeee ass lawn mowing machine was mowing the grass in the park a few meters away from my window gahhh closed all the windows still sounded like a steamtrain was in my room.
oh and also.
Record: 12 hours without eating food! (sleep ;D)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
tomic and li won woot australian + chinese ftw :) except li went through beause of the opponents injury and if i were the crowd i wouldnt be clapping in sympathy because i paid to watch TEN MINUTES OF TENNIS wtf lol. I'm so asian... now there are replays of matches during the day, llamme =='
seeing success stories on fb about uni and what not makes me feel very very very very insecure. if i do well, then going to china with fams at the end of this year/ early next year and sis shouting me trip to vietnammmm.
seeing success stories on fb about uni and what not makes me feel very very very very insecure. if i do well, then going to china with fams at the end of this year/ early next year and sis shouting me trip to vietnammmm.
me: *checks wallet*
-wallet contents $3.20 in coins-
me: yes should be enough for the train ticket
-reaches blacktown station-
lady: that ticket will be 3.30
me: -ffuuuuuuuuu face-
-reluctantly breaks $50 note :(:(- wallet full of change :(:(
and whenever i have an outing/ event next day it takes meee aggeess to fall asleep and i wake up really early in the morning before my alarm goes off. Then when i get up in the morning on normal days or just before i sleep i have an urge to do homework/ year 12 study but when i finish breakfast i feel so ceebs and just go on the computer..............................
from the morning 10am i had nothing to eat until just now when i devoured my dinner. You really don't feel like eating after playing for a few hours, all i had between morning and dinner was lots and lots of water and a chatime. Which was actually really bitter :S:S maybe too used to easyway since btown only has easyway... P.S. S if you're reading this your womanly services of delivering drinks + food for us from eastwood was greatly appreciated ;DD
I'm tired brb while i massage my knees lol. i'm so nooooob fuuuarrr, oh well this may be sad to admit but it feel pretty great getting up in the morning for once :) family friends coming over tmr, their daughter goes to a better school than me is younger than me in the grade below and gets 95+ in EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT. soooo my + parents dignity = 0 lol. SO asian how when family friends come over and the parents always praise the daughter/sons of the other family whilst belittling your own and vice versa with the other families. It's so awks while sitting there and then they try to find the littlest points to praise you on FOR EXAMPLE:
me: -sitting in room watching drama-
family friends: "oh look hes probably studying what a hardworking person he is"
*sees computer screen*
family friends: "oh this is good you need a little bit of relaxation time always studying isnt good"
my dad: nono he does this all the time he hardly ever does work.
me: poker face while staring at screen.
lol sorry this sounds more legit in chinesseee.
-wallet contents $3.20 in coins-
me: yes should be enough for the train ticket
-reaches blacktown station-
lady: that ticket will be 3.30
me: -ffuuuuuuuuu face-
-reluctantly breaks $50 note :(:(- wallet full of change :(:(
and whenever i have an outing/ event next day it takes meee aggeess to fall asleep and i wake up really early in the morning before my alarm goes off. Then when i get up in the morning on normal days or just before i sleep i have an urge to do homework/ year 12 study but when i finish breakfast i feel so ceebs and just go on the computer..............................
from the morning 10am i had nothing to eat until just now when i devoured my dinner. You really don't feel like eating after playing for a few hours, all i had between morning and dinner was lots and lots of water and a chatime. Which was actually really bitter :S:S maybe too used to easyway since btown only has easyway... P.S. S if you're reading this your womanly services of delivering drinks + food for us from eastwood was greatly appreciated ;DD
I'm tired brb while i massage my knees lol. i'm so nooooob fuuuarrr, oh well this may be sad to admit but it feel pretty great getting up in the morning for once :) family friends coming over tmr, their daughter goes to a better school than me is younger than me in the grade below and gets 95+ in EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT. soooo my + parents dignity = 0 lol. SO asian how when family friends come over and the parents always praise the daughter/sons of the other family whilst belittling your own and vice versa with the other families. It's so awks while sitting there and then they try to find the littlest points to praise you on FOR EXAMPLE:
me: -sitting in room watching drama-
family friends: "oh look hes probably studying what a hardworking person he is"
*sees computer screen*
family friends: "oh this is good you need a little bit of relaxation time always studying isnt good"
my dad: nono he does this all the time he hardly ever does work.
me: poker face while staring at screen.
lol sorry this sounds more legit in chinesseee.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
up to last episode of meteor garden whyy are girls so cruueeell -rage- lollolol. Taiwanese dramas are so good! but now that i think about it i've only completely watched 4 dramas: pk,sg,ch & gong and still watching heartstrings + gave up on BOF since meteor garden is so much better. keen to watch it started with a kiss, i've heard a lot about it and i think i need a break from watching many mens' hearts being broken by ruthless women lol.
Oh yeah australian open started, because i can actually play tennis i can really appreciate their skills every shot of theirs is like insanely hard kekeke. I want to go watch a match sometime :(- brb mirin l33t tennis skills of federer lol <- the greatest. haha so many peopl watch tennis, i guess it's interesting to watch for everyone. Unlike cricket which i would say are 'aquired' tastes, i dont think i would be able to sit through a test series (not sure what that is exactly but i've heard it from somewhere before lol) or golf... don't know why theres so much money in golf.
I don;t get many pimples but when i do get like one i have a sudden insatiable urge to burst them... I don't know if this is good or bad, they seem to heal fine once i burst them... wow this is so random.
okaybye. going to sleep now.
Record: 12:42am is the earliest I have slept these holidays, voluntarily :D
P.S. so heard wiki was going on an anti piracy strike. -insert challenge accepted meme- but me being the sneaky guy that i am, i stop loading the page before it has a change to redirect me :D:D why am i so smart for? lmfao. Thank god this wasnt during school time on the night before an assessment because mannn would i be screwed or whhattt. but these ways must change CHANGE I SAYYY.
Oh yeah australian open started, because i can actually play tennis i can really appreciate their skills every shot of theirs is like insanely hard kekeke. I want to go watch a match sometime :(- brb mirin l33t tennis skills of federer lol <- the greatest. haha so many peopl watch tennis, i guess it's interesting to watch for everyone. Unlike cricket which i would say are 'aquired' tastes, i dont think i would be able to sit through a test series (not sure what that is exactly but i've heard it from somewhere before lol) or golf... don't know why theres so much money in golf.
I don;t get many pimples but when i do get like one i have a sudden insatiable urge to burst them... I don't know if this is good or bad, they seem to heal fine once i burst them... wow this is so random.
okaybye. going to sleep now.
Record: 12:42am is the earliest I have slept these holidays, voluntarily :D
P.S. so heard wiki was going on an anti piracy strike. -insert challenge accepted meme- but me being the sneaky guy that i am, i stop loading the page before it has a change to redirect me :D:D why am i so smart for? lmfao. Thank god this wasnt during school time on the night before an assessment because mannn would i be screwed or whhattt. but these ways must change CHANGE I SAYYY.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
watched sherlock holmes and played basketball this week. I had something to say regarding SH but i forgot now, hate when that happens. Not productive at all arrghh. must. do. economics. NOW. but on friday have a massive bball game with possibly 18 people woot woot, so not going to be doing work i dont think. Also have to trek to eastwood i've been like a total of 1 time in my 16 and a half years of existence. it'll take about an hour so longer than city because i have to change at strathfieellldd. It's okay though i like going new/different places :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
movie review...- read if extremely bored.
just watched my sassy girl, overall pretty good movie, it was a major success and people were comparing it to titanic but it's not THAT good lol.
except the whole movie kinda had a melancholy air to it even through the comedy moments.
also i dont think they should have left the 2 year departure so unexplained... WHY DID THEY suddenly break up wtff..
AND idk if they purposely didnt show any of the girl's friends, but it's kindof empty because in all movies the female lead usually has a couple of friends...
male leads aren't as funny as they used to be...
Jun Ji-hyun is so pretty omo- and she wanted to become an air hostess lmfaooo
and one last thing THEY NEVER KISSED IN THE MOVIE WTWHDAUCHYAGD lol okay this may be a chick thing to say but serrioussllyy how can you not have a kiss in a romance movie wtfux. WOW look at what asian dramas has made me become >.>
P.S. it's sad but i've yet to find a movie that'll make me shed tears lol. I don't think i will, my eyes have watered before thats it lmfao, im such a wussss. I going to be made into a drama, tbh i dont think it's going to be as good, nothing is as good as the original. :)
yeah getting into old asian movies/dramas because they're so much better than the things these days. What happened to well directed movies. Also i like how the guy isnt overly good looking and mediocre height and the girl is so pretty, it reflects the character. But now days i dont think they can afford to actors to be like this, since society dictates that a man should be tall, serious and protect the girl, this storyline would be way too farfetched have the korean woman step out of her archetypal role- which is being shy + needs protecting etc etc. Hence to be a successful actor these days you need to be tall ie like lee min ho who exudes masculinity. WOW wtf i've turned this post into a freaking english extension analytical essay. Yes this is what hsc does to you, please ignore lol.
I should take trains more often maybe find a pretty drunk girl that i can save ;D lol you have to watch the movie to get this.
except the whole movie kinda had a melancholy air to it even through the comedy moments.
also i dont think they should have left the 2 year departure so unexplained... WHY DID THEY suddenly break up wtff..
AND idk if they purposely didnt show any of the girl's friends, but it's kindof empty because in all movies the female lead usually has a couple of friends...
male leads aren't as funny as they used to be...
Jun Ji-hyun is so pretty omo- and she wanted to become an air hostess lmfaooo
and one last thing THEY NEVER KISSED IN THE MOVIE WTWHDAUCHYAGD lol okay this may be a chick thing to say but serrioussllyy how can you not have a kiss in a romance movie wtfux. WOW look at what asian dramas has made me become >.>
P.S. it's sad but i've yet to find a movie that'll make me shed tears lol. I don't think i will, my eyes have watered before thats it lmfao, im such a wussss. I going to be made into a drama, tbh i dont think it's going to be as good, nothing is as good as the original. :)
yeah getting into old asian movies/dramas because they're so much better than the things these days. What happened to well directed movies. Also i like how the guy isnt overly good looking and mediocre height and the girl is so pretty, it reflects the character. But now days i dont think they can afford to actors to be like this, since society dictates that a man should be tall, serious and protect the girl, this storyline would be way too farfetched have the korean woman step out of her archetypal role- which is being shy + needs protecting etc etc. Hence to be a successful actor these days you need to be tall ie like lee min ho who exudes masculinity. WOW wtf i've turned this post into a freaking english extension analytical essay. Yes this is what hsc does to you, please ignore lol.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Had to get up at 9 today! went to sydney fish markets, pretty disappointing and wasn't very big. 1 thing i notice the workers are all asian and the buyers/restaurant eaters are also all asian...flemington is also all asian and so is ashfield. we've invadedd :O
rode to wl park yesterday and i've made a realisation: i have never flown a kite before. Just something i have to do before i die.
finished frankenstein and i just have to say that it's the most macabre gothic book i've ever read. Literally the protagonists whole family, wife and best friend die and in the end he also dies. Along with this the antagonist > frankenstein's monster also dies in the end. So the whole book is about death never have I read a book in which literally all the characters end up dead. WOW, early 18th century victorian english literature is pretty hard to understand. Like in the first few pages i had no idea what i was reading like i couldnt understand the language. this entirely -> wow tumblr is so relevant to real life :) thank god for memes which put daily woes of life into pictures :D BUt then eventually throughout the book i got used to the language. But sometimes i still had to read and re-read sentences with the aid of a dictionary to understand wtf it was on about. Yes extension 1 hsc english student ftw.
When i read the last few lines of a good book or watch the last few minutes of a good drama, and it finishes. I kinda have the "soo what nnoooww" empty kindof feeling. LOL maybe it's jsut me.
goodnight :)
rode to wl park yesterday and i've made a realisation: i have never flown a kite before. Just something i have to do before i die.
finished frankenstein and i just have to say that it's the most macabre gothic book i've ever read. Literally the protagonists whole family, wife and best friend die and in the end he also dies. Along with this the antagonist > frankenstein's monster also dies in the end. So the whole book is about death never have I read a book in which literally all the characters end up dead. WOW, early 18th century victorian english literature is pretty hard to understand. Like in the first few pages i had no idea what i was reading like i couldnt understand the language. this entirely -> wow tumblr is so relevant to real life :) thank god for memes which put daily woes of life into pictures :D BUt then eventually throughout the book i got used to the language. But sometimes i still had to read and re-read sentences with the aid of a dictionary to understand wtf it was on about. Yes extension 1 hsc english student ftw.
When i read the last few lines of a good book or watch the last few minutes of a good drama, and it finishes. I kinda have the "soo what nnoooww" empty kindof feeling. LOL maybe it's jsut me.
goodnight :)
Friday, January 13, 2012
A reflection on the internet
Record: 40 hours without using the computer :)
Yep but not out of my own free will though, but at least i now have unlimited internet woots. But i think my tpg plan was a little more stable and faster, but oh wellz, unlimited downloading ftw. Maybe it'll get better ive only been online for a few hours. So in my 40 hours of internet famine i've realised that i felt somewhat sadly disconnected with the rest of the world lol yet also somewhat liberised. Now that i have the internet back i feel like im once again trapped within cyberspaccee and the pull is too great to resist. Seriously though the time goes by so fast when I'm on computer :/
So in little over 2 weeks i'll be yet again seeing, but for the last time fresh eager filled eyes of new year 7 high school students. And i can quietly snigger and remember myself during their first school assembly when the principal addresses the assembly with "good morning everyone" and the year 7s initially start of with "gooood mOOOORningg" and then realise they don't know the name of the principal and that no other grade is saying anything and thus they proceed to awkwardly fade into murmers and silence. I think the teachers enjoy trolling the juniors as they become accustomed to high school life- of which i am a veteran of...
okay summer idc if you're not going to have days where the temperature is above 30 degrees i WILL go swimming even if it's 20 something degrees. Which is what i did yesterday and played pool cricket with ping pong balls and a broken noodle yes. we are cool like that. But then when i had to get out and it was pretty windy yesterday fuuuuuuarrr so cold. I think i'm coming down with something, been sneezing all day now...
one last thing, I FOUND MY EARPHONES WOOT woot -does happy dance-
going asian grocery shopping and fish markets with fams tomorrow because i am a dedicated family man. Lol jokes because i have nothing to do and also because they'll treat me to yummy chink food in ashfield-> i think we're going there tmr aswell.
Holidays oh how i love theeee.
Yep but not out of my own free will though, but at least i now have unlimited internet woots. But i think my tpg plan was a little more stable and faster, but oh wellz, unlimited downloading ftw. Maybe it'll get better ive only been online for a few hours. So in my 40 hours of internet famine i've realised that i felt somewhat sadly disconnected with the rest of the world lol yet also somewhat liberised. Now that i have the internet back i feel like im once again trapped within cyberspaccee and the pull is too great to resist. Seriously though the time goes by so fast when I'm on computer :/
So in little over 2 weeks i'll be yet again seeing, but for the last time fresh eager filled eyes of new year 7 high school students. And i can quietly snigger and remember myself during their first school assembly when the principal addresses the assembly with "good morning everyone" and the year 7s initially start of with "gooood mOOOORningg" and then realise they don't know the name of the principal and that no other grade is saying anything and thus they proceed to awkwardly fade into murmers and silence. I think the teachers enjoy trolling the juniors as they become accustomed to high school life- of which i am a veteran of...
okay summer idc if you're not going to have days where the temperature is above 30 degrees i WILL go swimming even if it's 20 something degrees. Which is what i did yesterday and played pool cricket with ping pong balls and a broken noodle yes. we are cool like that. But then when i had to get out and it was pretty windy yesterday fuuuuuuarrr so cold. I think i'm coming down with something, been sneezing all day now...
one last thing, I FOUND MY EARPHONES WOOT woot -does happy dance-
going asian grocery shopping and fish markets with fams tomorrow because i am a dedicated family man. Lol jokes because i have nothing to do and also because they'll treat me to yummy chink food in ashfield-> i think we're going there tmr aswell.
Holidays oh how i love theeee.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
wow getting up at 11am tmr can i do it?? >:O lol
and istill cant find my earphones i even checked in the bin, under my bed, and the drawers in the bathroom which may for some unbeknownst reason harbour by beloved earphones >:( guess i'll have to bring my much uglier earphones out tmr :/ oh well at least i wont feel like a fat blob tmr :)
and istill cant find my earphones i even checked in the bin, under my bed, and the drawers in the bathroom which may for some unbeknownst reason harbour by beloved earphones >:( guess i'll have to bring my much uglier earphones out tmr :/ oh well at least i wont feel like a fat blob tmr :)
Monday, January 9, 2012
NO YANG MI NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. fufuasuhda if you're going to date at least date feng siahxiahzx. y u no stay singgle you dont need love who needs love? lolol -rage over- lol my dad is such an asian man, socks and slippers because he ceebs to wear proper shoes and i have to go with him to buy bread and milk at woolworths. Lol fearless asians. pfft we don't need public image XD Oh and i saw a little asian kid with his family wearing socks and sandals hahaha brings back waves of nostalgia im sure every asian guy at some point in his youth has been dressed by parents in this way XD cute. In hindsight though kinda don't see the point you either wear sandals or enclosed shoes lol. i actually havent owned sandals since year 5 or something, thongs ftw.
Movies i want to watch these holidays:
sherlock holmes
mission impossible 4 (sequels are never as good but oh wellz.)
tin tin
puss in boots.
thats like $50 in movies probs cant afford it actually..
Movies i want to watch these holidays:
sherlock holmes
mission impossible 4 (sequels are never as good but oh wellz.)
tin tin
puss in boots.
thats like $50 in movies probs cant afford it actually..
holidays almost over and i havent don't shit yet. gg hsc life. i seriously have to start minimum 2 weeks before school starts. i still have so much to do. Hope everyone is having fun :)
IN response to V's post coz im bored and its only 1:40am :)
insects and cockroaches used to scare me so much as a kid. I still remember being in my room an freaking out when i heard scratching noises from the corners of my room, one time a roach fell onto my bed and in semi scared/instantaneous reaction i got my slipper and crushed it. There was guts all over my quilt ewwww, i still remember it. and then there was once a cockroach that flew onto my face almost into my mouth and i as a child that was very emotionally scarring i had chills down my spine and was paranoid for the whole night hahaha. yes what a fulfilling childhood i've had lol. BUt i remember as a curious little cute toddler that i was i used to pick up cockroaches, worms, bugs anything fearlessly because i didn't know what they were, ignorance is bliss :) But then now i kinda just got over them, like when summer comes (it's not so bad now) and theres one on the floor and ceebs getting bug spray i kinda just crush it and get a tissue then dispose of it. Or if i really ceebs i'll just leave it guts and all on the floor until i get up in the morning, then i feed them to my chickens <33 muahah they love them.
im going parra watch movie tmr woooow havent been movies at parra in a while. there's nothing at parra haha. Oh well theres more eye candy at parra than btown ;) annddd goodnite guys :) <--- why am i using so many of those today, unusually happy? O.o
I CANT FIND MY IPOD EARPHONES im going inssannnnnee. I hate when i lose stuff, where are youuu earphooones i've looked everywhheere comeback my earphones from which kpop flows through your metallic forest of veeiins and into my ears. Lol idk wtf im on about. its 2 forgiveme.
but then again i probably say ive looked everywhere then it just pops up when you least expect and where you least expect it to be. Or then your motherr finds it.. the never ending attack on a son/daughters dignity. But then again if you're asian even if your parents are wrong they're always ALWAYS right. Yeah you asians you know what imean.
I've been watching the 'original' romance/comedy drama from 2001 with my sisss. It's so good like omg the korean dramas ive been watching cannot even compete.
Okay ive editted this a number of times and even showered, so now i'm finally going to hitt duh hayy. goodnight :) ps some of this may not make sense to you readers, i do not blame you.
oh and... possibly 15k views today? >:) :O :D
GOODBYE FAROUT ITS ALREADY 2:30am god blog i must love you so much. Internet > social life.
IN response to V's post coz im bored and its only 1:40am :)
insects and cockroaches used to scare me so much as a kid. I still remember being in my room an freaking out when i heard scratching noises from the corners of my room, one time a roach fell onto my bed and in semi scared/instantaneous reaction i got my slipper and crushed it. There was guts all over my quilt ewwww, i still remember it. and then there was once a cockroach that flew onto my face almost into my mouth and i as a child that was very emotionally scarring i had chills down my spine and was paranoid for the whole night hahaha. yes what a fulfilling childhood i've had lol. BUt i remember as a curious little cute toddler that i was i used to pick up cockroaches, worms, bugs anything fearlessly because i didn't know what they were, ignorance is bliss :) But then now i kinda just got over them, like when summer comes (it's not so bad now) and theres one on the floor and ceebs getting bug spray i kinda just crush it and get a tissue then dispose of it. Or if i really ceebs i'll just leave it guts and all on the floor until i get up in the morning, then i feed them to my chickens <33 muahah they love them.
im going parra watch movie tmr woooow havent been movies at parra in a while. there's nothing at parra haha. Oh well theres more eye candy at parra than btown ;) annddd goodnite guys :) <--- why am i using so many of those today, unusually happy? O.o
I CANT FIND MY IPOD EARPHONES im going inssannnnnee. I hate when i lose stuff, where are youuu earphooones i've looked everywhheere comeback my earphones from which kpop flows through your metallic forest of veeiins and into my ears. Lol idk wtf im on about. its 2 forgiveme.
but then again i probably say ive looked everywhere then it just pops up when you least expect and where you least expect it to be. Or then your motherr finds it.. the never ending attack on a son/daughters dignity. But then again if you're asian even if your parents are wrong they're always ALWAYS right. Yeah you asians you know what imean.
I've been watching the 'original' romance/comedy drama from 2001 with my sisss. It's so good like omg the korean dramas ive been watching cannot even compete.
Okay ive editted this a number of times and even showered, so now i'm finally going to hitt duh hayy. goodnight :) ps some of this may not make sense to you readers, i do not blame you.
oh and... possibly 15k views today? >:) :O :D
GOODBYE FAROUT ITS ALREADY 2:30am god blog i must love you so much. Internet > social life.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
NYE+everything+2012!!~!@@#- epic longest post ever gl reading lol + photo spam.
Lol soz been neglecting blogger for tumblr.
Now where should i begin...
gather around for a long story kids :]
on day 1, KKinda just got home and slumped onto my bed- Daniel's body cannot survive without sleep D: i didn't even unroll my sleeping bag last night/ this morning. Slept/ dozed off couple of hours had those asian pork dumpling things that you steam in pot, then came back onto computer and in a zombie state of mind aimlessly went on tumblr + allkpop spent like 3 hours on it holycrap, i don't think getting tumblr was a good idea lol...
I have to say this was the first time i've seen fireworks live and it's ssosooso amazing irl like omgah. Went to a mates house bit before when we were planning to catch the train and meet up with other friends at like 4:33 little did we know we were so aborbed into our maffia card game that we had 5-10 minutes to get to pendle hill, all 7 of us lmfao. SO we all changed in 1 minute went to toilet (woo advantages of being a guy :D) and legged it to peno. Then we had to buy ticks fahhh the ticket machine was so slow and we could only buy one by one we still had 2 tickets to buy and the train had already arrived, we sprinted down the stairs i almost epicly stacked it and we just make it. New clothes for the day soaked with sweat... which defeated the whole purpose of changing into the clothes before. 30 seconds later and we wouldn't have made it D:D: but wait this is just the beginning of our adventure lahh.
We meet up with the girliess at north syd station and proceed to be fatties and eat sub way/ hungry jacks for dinner. I had a foot long (no innuendo intended) and bought some subway cookies to nom on, omg i love subway cookies they're so soft man. And i wanted a drink but had no cup so just borrowed from friends hungry jacks cup and refilled at subway ^^ teehee but then i got caught by the asia man worker there "you cannot do that" and im just like 'k' and walk out of the store wooo rebel ftw.
Then got to mcmahons point and prepared to camp out for 6 hours a whole school day :O but we actually got pretty good seats and we could see the whole harbour FOR FREE. it went like uber fast though before we knew it it was already 9 o clock and fireworks were going off which were pretty mediocre. And they kept trolling us with fake fireworks like 15mins before hand >:( so after the 9 oclock fireworks we decide to go for a leisurely stroll around the area which was getting pretty crowded and the toilet lines bahahahha 30mins- 1hr waiting in line gg. Waht sucked was that the toilets were uni sex gosh make the guys wait for so long... if there were males toilets there would be a heaps smaller line. I swear i freaking couldnt even get through the line, and never before have i gotten such big death stares from people waiting to pee trolololol. I mean you may as well just go find a bush. so then we were walking around chilling and we come past this park and this was where allt he teenage drunk people were smoking and yelling and shit. We go down the stairs to a nicer pathway near the sea and we see a massive massive cave in front of us like in the cliff face so with nothing else to do in skinny jeans and converse shoes i/ friends decide to traverse the cliff int he middle of the night and chill/ sleep up there. Here's a pic it's not very good but yeah, such derps we are lololol. There was only just enough space for us to lie down, 3 of us fit in there :)
Then we became slightly claustrophobic and paranoid and D was like wat if drunk people like peed/ vomited up here D:D:D: and then we decided to get down. THen i was like waaittt a minute if they were drunk there would be no way they could climb up there in the first place >> and then as we are walking back up the public pathway- with lots ofpeople walking past and up the stairs we come across a couple ya know casually on the side having sex, like legit bro. At first we were like wtf are they doing since there was a girl sitting on a guy? and moving... and then the realisation and we were all like wttfuuuxx yeah theres a new memory for us, friggin shameless boggannss ==' probably on something aswell or on many things...and then there were the lebs who were drinking, swearing throwing insults at each other, i swear they're so uncreative "Fuck you" "no fuck YOU" lmfao be more original gawwshh. WE stopped and watched hoping that they'd get into a fight, entertainment wooo. Finally we came back to your camping spot for the last hour of 2011~ here are some pics taken with my 5mp phone :/ i just have to say seeing the fireworks on television does not compete with real life.
THIS WAS SO COOL it was like gold was streaming from the harbour bridge and then the reflection on the watter, shame that there were gaps though.
TOO, many, fireworkds, phone, cannot, handle.
So the fireworks finished at around 12:15 and it took us until THREE AM to get back to my friends house. THe crowds homg you seriously cannot imagine. We found this shortcut to north syd station but had to leave to join the main line because we THOUGHT it was the bus line when actually it was not so could have gotten on the train 30minutes earlier ehhh. In the mean time went to troll asian looking tourists/ families by saying 'xin nian kuai leeee' in an extremely chinky accent :D
ANd then start swimming at 4am in around 20 degree temperatures because we can, and the long stream of derpy photos begin! the consequence of too much caffeine, red bull and god know what else. I chose to upload one of the less crazy photos :)
got out of the pool and don't really remember what happened after till when i left at 10am. But yeah didn't end up sleeping at all, played pool, basketball and table tennis while everyone ran of energy and died on the floor lool, we're as i did not even unroll my sleeping bag -insert appropriate meme- Oh yeah i remember at 7or 8 went for a bike ride with C who also did not sleep to pendle hill where all the shops were closed even woolworths. EXCEPT FOR ONE an asian bakery bahahahahha, asians ftw. We bought 5 steak pies ^^ and the service lady was just like FIVE? and we nod with sullen sleep deprived adolescent faces. yeahh i was hungry but the pies didnt really sit very well with everything that was churning in my stomach at the time. Everyone left pretty early 8 or 9 ish probs to go home and sleep weak ones :P For what i did when i got home refer to above since im writing this 2 days after lol. I stayed up all of new years day saw the first sunrise of 2012 and the last sunset of 2011 <3 If only i could spend it with someone special~ lol jk my friends are special :):):)
wow the last 3/4 days went by fast. Wondering if can be bothered getting up at 9am and trekking to city for law seminars and information sessions at unsw/uts/usyd tmr with frieeends. Buh nah probably not im lazy. It's finally getting hot aquatic centre this thursday or balling? hmmmm.
this took me an unbelieveably long amount of time to write, i congratulate if you managed to get this far lolol. bored kids.
Nye unforgetable new memories and experiences :] one of the best nights <3
and here are some more random pictures that are less derp :D
my friend made these for us~
our spots were pretty good.
we laik to asian squat.
wow i think this is like over 1.5k words blogspot posting > school work priorities.
Wooo just wasted i guess 5-10 minutes of your life? :) btw no way am i editting this took so long to write.
OKAY BYYYYYYYYE finally. back to tumblr <3 :):)
Now where should i begin...
gather around for a long story kids :]
on day 1, KKinda just got home and slumped onto my bed- Daniel's body cannot survive without sleep D: i didn't even unroll my sleeping bag last night/ this morning. Slept/ dozed off couple of hours had those asian pork dumpling things that you steam in pot, then came back onto computer and in a zombie state of mind aimlessly went on tumblr + allkpop spent like 3 hours on it holycrap, i don't think getting tumblr was a good idea lol...
I have to say this was the first time i've seen fireworks live and it's ssosooso amazing irl like omgah. Went to a mates house bit before when we were planning to catch the train and meet up with other friends at like 4:33 little did we know we were so aborbed into our maffia card game that we had 5-10 minutes to get to pendle hill, all 7 of us lmfao. SO we all changed in 1 minute went to toilet (woo advantages of being a guy :D) and legged it to peno. Then we had to buy ticks fahhh the ticket machine was so slow and we could only buy one by one we still had 2 tickets to buy and the train had already arrived, we sprinted down the stairs i almost epicly stacked it and we just make it. New clothes for the day soaked with sweat... which defeated the whole purpose of changing into the clothes before. 30 seconds later and we wouldn't have made it D:D: but wait this is just the beginning of our adventure lahh.
We meet up with the girliess at north syd station and proceed to be fatties and eat sub way/ hungry jacks for dinner. I had a foot long (no innuendo intended) and bought some subway cookies to nom on, omg i love subway cookies they're so soft man. And i wanted a drink but had no cup so just borrowed from friends hungry jacks cup and refilled at subway ^^ teehee but then i got caught by the asia man worker there "you cannot do that" and im just like 'k' and walk out of the store wooo rebel ftw.
Then got to mcmahons point and prepared to camp out for 6 hours a whole school day :O but we actually got pretty good seats and we could see the whole harbour FOR FREE. it went like uber fast though before we knew it it was already 9 o clock and fireworks were going off which were pretty mediocre. And they kept trolling us with fake fireworks like 15mins before hand >:( so after the 9 oclock fireworks we decide to go for a leisurely stroll around the area which was getting pretty crowded and the toilet lines bahahahha 30mins- 1hr waiting in line gg. Waht sucked was that the toilets were uni sex gosh make the guys wait for so long... if there were males toilets there would be a heaps smaller line. I swear i freaking couldnt even get through the line, and never before have i gotten such big death stares from people waiting to pee trolololol. I mean you may as well just go find a bush. so then we were walking around chilling and we come past this park and this was where allt he teenage drunk people were smoking and yelling and shit. We go down the stairs to a nicer pathway near the sea and we see a massive massive cave in front of us like in the cliff face so with nothing else to do in skinny jeans and converse shoes i/ friends decide to traverse the cliff int he middle of the night and chill/ sleep up there. Here's a pic it's not very good but yeah, such derps we are lololol. There was only just enough space for us to lie down, 3 of us fit in there :)
Then we became slightly claustrophobic and paranoid and D was like wat if drunk people like peed/ vomited up here D:D:D: and then we decided to get down. THen i was like waaittt a minute if they were drunk there would be no way they could climb up there in the first place >> and then as we are walking back up the public pathway- with lots ofpeople walking past and up the stairs we come across a couple ya know casually on the side having sex, like legit bro. At first we were like wtf are they doing since there was a girl sitting on a guy? and moving... and then the realisation and we were all like wttfuuuxx yeah theres a new memory for us, friggin shameless boggannss ==' probably on something aswell or on many things...and then there were the lebs who were drinking, swearing throwing insults at each other, i swear they're so uncreative "Fuck you" "no fuck YOU" lmfao be more original gawwshh. WE stopped and watched hoping that they'd get into a fight, entertainment wooo. Finally we came back to your camping spot for the last hour of 2011~ here are some pics taken with my 5mp phone :/ i just have to say seeing the fireworks on television does not compete with real life.
THIS WAS SO COOL it was like gold was streaming from the harbour bridge and then the reflection on the watter, shame that there were gaps though.
TOO, many, fireworkds, phone, cannot, handle.
So the fireworks finished at around 12:15 and it took us until THREE AM to get back to my friends house. THe crowds homg you seriously cannot imagine. We found this shortcut to north syd station but had to leave to join the main line because we THOUGHT it was the bus line when actually it was not so could have gotten on the train 30minutes earlier ehhh. In the mean time went to troll asian looking tourists/ families by saying 'xin nian kuai leeee' in an extremely chinky accent :D
Stuck here with friends for laik 30minutes, inching the way to north syd station.
And then this train ride OMMGGOD. most packed train i've ever been on 12312839x china. Even the kpop music fest wasn't this bad. Had sweaty arms, backs and butts making physical contact with me for around 15 minutes. Couldn't even move, and breathing was difficult as i absorbed the cacophany of human bodily odours. I have never made so much physical contact with a number of guys around me before. ever. And i dont plan to. My friend had girls all around him for the whole train ride, lucky ;-; lol jokes, but better off than me =o the girls got off attt townhall and we had to wait all the way to toongabbie :S
oooft we're so badass taking pictures of ourselves at toongabbie at 3am. -sarcasm- lol Don't mind me casually in theback i just kinda forgot to open my eyes again :) but tbh never been in public so late/early before it was 1am at btown after kpop music fest :3 such a goodboy.ANd then start swimming at 4am in around 20 degree temperatures because we can, and the long stream of derpy photos begin! the consequence of too much caffeine, red bull and god know what else. I chose to upload one of the less crazy photos :)
got out of the pool and don't really remember what happened after till when i left at 10am. But yeah didn't end up sleeping at all, played pool, basketball and table tennis while everyone ran of energy and died on the floor lool, we're as i did not even unroll my sleeping bag -insert appropriate meme- Oh yeah i remember at 7or 8 went for a bike ride with C who also did not sleep to pendle hill where all the shops were closed even woolworths. EXCEPT FOR ONE an asian bakery bahahahahha, asians ftw. We bought 5 steak pies ^^ and the service lady was just like FIVE? and we nod with sullen sleep deprived adolescent faces. yeahh i was hungry but the pies didnt really sit very well with everything that was churning in my stomach at the time. Everyone left pretty early 8 or 9 ish probs to go home and sleep weak ones :P For what i did when i got home refer to above since im writing this 2 days after lol. I stayed up all of new years day saw the first sunrise of 2012 and the last sunset of 2011 <3 If only i could spend it with someone special~ lol jk my friends are special :):):)
wow the last 3/4 days went by fast. Wondering if can be bothered getting up at 9am and trekking to city for law seminars and information sessions at unsw/uts/usyd tmr with frieeends. Buh nah probably not im lazy. It's finally getting hot aquatic centre this thursday or balling? hmmmm.
this took me an unbelieveably long amount of time to write, i congratulate if you managed to get this far lolol. bored kids.
Nye unforgetable new memories and experiences :] one of the best nights <3
and here are some more random pictures that are less derp :D
my friend made these for us~
our spots were pretty good.
we laik to asian squat.
wow i think this is like over 1.5k words blogspot posting > school work priorities.
Wooo just wasted i guess 5-10 minutes of your life? :) btw no way am i editting this took so long to write.
OKAY BYYYYYYYYE finally. back to tumblr <3 :):)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
~ I'm hommeee been awake for the last 20+ hours. Best nye night evvarrrr. The fireworks were great and our seats at north syd was so goood :] and soososo many new experiences and memoriessss (some good and some like wttffuuxx mann) which i'll come back to after i get some sleep >.< I'll try upload some photos but only have the ones from my shitty phone camera. Unless my friends upload today which i doubt they will. My legs and body are so sore i swearrr and the crowd omgg the crowddd. Goodnight guiiisse, post later :)
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