Saturday, June 30, 2012
Muckup class of 2012
hi guys im sitting here at 1:30 eating a packet of skittles to celebrate the beginning of a 2 week long "study break". It was the last day of school for term 2 and it really didnt feel like it, after all everyone was still madly taking photos even when the last bell rang, we really needed more time. Also my sword got confiscated because we werent allowed weapons even ift hey were blatantly fake. That kinda sucked but at least that didnt make up the majority of my costume, there were people dressing up as toy soldiers, it was actually really great they went all out and in the end looked pretty damn amazing, except like 2 mins after steppnig out of the changerooms the deputy made them get rid of all their fake gunss, arghhh that kinda sucked. BUt yeah it was a great day chilled until period 5. Most work i did was in economics where we actually had a teacher and had to doa practice essay. My economics teacher is really emotionally driver somedays when shes in a good mood she jokes around is really leniant, doeesnt mind us bludging where as like today when shes serious for some reason she rarely talks, pretty strict even on the last day and is really anal about us talking so yeahh. Everyone was great from babushka dolls to superheros, teletubies, vampires, zombies, dementors, to prof layton and luke, to bleach to ancient roman soldiers.
mmmm yeah the tunic thing feels like im wearing a skirt. HOW DO GIRLS DO IT felt so bare/exposed with the wind and air freely travelling up my legs, feels bad man. Was so tempted to wear shorts under tunic but have to maintain that authenticity :D but it was cool by the end of the day i felt like i could wear a skirt all day 8D so comfortable and liberating then i had to put on my pants, lololool okay this is getting weird moving on. So after the day had ended L and i had to travel all the way back to city in our tired states to return our costumes before 5 so that we wouldnt have to pay a $15 late fine for every day it's late. Luckily we didnt get lost and had 30 mins to spare, never again trekking it that for to get a costume when to city every second day for the past week! :L So after that we went to eat gourmet beef/lamb burgers DAMN so juicy and meaty and niceee.
SO holiday plans:
- null because parents say that i have to stay home and study- although usually i can make up an excuse and they becme leniant and the ironic moment when holiday classes at school means you're able to go out when you wouldn't normally be able to.
- study for trials? :)\
- get books, sheets, bag, room organised-> whenever i do assignments i just pile all the shit on my table then kinda move it aside for the ext assignment. Not a great system considering you lose a lot of sheets and it ujst piles up on your table over time.
Lawl couldnt make the last 2 mando classes coz iw as busy on sat and not going tmr because theres an assembly/ performance or some shit and cbf going :)
P.S. if you want to see more derp photos of me, stalk me on fb (if oyu havent already lolol)
mmmm yeah the tunic thing feels like im wearing a skirt. HOW DO GIRLS DO IT felt so bare/exposed with the wind and air freely travelling up my legs, feels bad man. Was so tempted to wear shorts under tunic but have to maintain that authenticity :D but it was cool by the end of the day i felt like i could wear a skirt all day 8D so comfortable and liberating then i had to put on my pants, lololool okay this is getting weird moving on. So after the day had ended L and i had to travel all the way back to city in our tired states to return our costumes before 5 so that we wouldnt have to pay a $15 late fine for every day it's late. Luckily we didnt get lost and had 30 mins to spare, never again trekking it that for to get a costume when to city every second day for the past week! :L So after that we went to eat gourmet beef/lamb burgers DAMN so juicy and meaty and niceee.
SO holiday plans:
- null because parents say that i have to stay home and study- although usually i can make up an excuse and they becme leniant and the ironic moment when holiday classes at school means you're able to go out when you wouldn't normally be able to.
- study for trials? :)\
- get books, sheets, bag, room organised-> whenever i do assignments i just pile all the shit on my table then kinda move it aside for the ext assignment. Not a great system considering you lose a lot of sheets and it ujst piles up on your table over time.
Lawl couldnt make the last 2 mando classes coz iw as busy on sat and not going tmr because theres an assembly/ performance or some shit and cbf going :)
P.S. if you want to see more derp photos of me, stalk me on fb (if oyu havent already lolol)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The awkward moment when you're standing on george street waiting with your mum and a chick aims for you and hands you a strip club flyer, in which your mum proceeds to asks what she jsut handed you and you flip over the flyer and there is a half naked girl on the cover. mmmmm.
So after this incident we went to eat spanishh- yeaaaaaaaahhhh
Also got served this alcoholic drink thing, therefore the waiter must have assumed i was over age 18 which MEANNNSSS i dont look so young afterall :D:D:D
no 5th and 6th period yeahhhh
So after this incident we went to eat spanishh- yeaaaaaaaahhhh
Also got served this alcoholic drink thing, therefore the waiter must have assumed i was over age 18 which MEANNNSSS i dont look so young afterall :D:D:D
no 5th and 6th period yeahhhh
listening to sistar's newest single yeahhhh so happy and cute.
yeeeeah love the feeling of finishing an exam/assignment, now i can somewhat be more chilled :) it's almost the end of term 2 and now i can enjoy muckup day tomorrow yeahhhh. Hope it isnt too cold. Will be leaving for townhall in an hour for dinner :3
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Finally got a costume and then chilled at city with l today. Wass great except someone dogged me ahaha usually wouldn't be allowed out since parents pretty anal about hsc but I had an excuse this time. THe weather was nice for once to walk around the city, and went to galaxy world after sooo long yeahh time crisis and Daytona racing ftw. Tmr is my dads birthday (and seohyuns hehe) so going to city AGAIN after school tomorrow. Wow just realised how many times I've gone to the city in the last 6 days :o and ten muckup on Friday funfun! Then have to go city again to return it on fri o.o But in the mean time need to worry about my eng ext assessment tmr. Might update this when/if i get it done by tonight.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I just realised that yesterday i didn't get an autographs or get any merchandise, i saw chonny for like 2 seconds and some fob called darren for 5 seconds :L:L We got free noggi icecream and waffles i think as compensation, it was good even in the freezing weather, but still... YOu know what I spent $8 on? a drink and a packet of gum at ultimo convenience store... but i was thirsty ffs in times of desperation i swearr. Oh yeah and apparently according to some losers i met yesterday i look like david choi? dafuqqq don't really know who he is but he must be pretty goodlooking. TROLOLOL not sure if compliment or insult ahaha.
yeahhh no sleep for me tonight gg.
Oh yeah and the one thing that i did do was when chonny came out and ran past the crowd with his camcorder i jumped up at stuck my rude finger up 8D yeeeah maybe you'll see it in his next vids. Also i kinda felt really bad because we were all a squished line against noggi's wall and these were these really really short girls who looked really scared/uncomfortable they were like huddling each other and holding each other ande everytime they looked up they had a kindof scared/desperate expression, as if they were about to get raped or some shit :< feels bad man. They didn't look that young but i wanted to ask if they were okay or something :S
yeahhh no sleep for me tonight gg.
Oh yeah and the one thing that i did do was when chonny came out and ran past the crowd with his camcorder i jumped up at stuck my rude finger up 8D yeeeah maybe you'll see it in his next vids. Also i kinda felt really bad because we were all a squished line against noggi's wall and these were these really really short girls who looked really scared/uncomfortable they were like huddling each other and holding each other ande everytime they looked up they had a kindof scared/desperate expression, as if they were about to get raped or some shit :< feels bad man. They didn't look that young but i wanted to ask if they were okay or something :S
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Unproductivity levels peaking
yepppp walked around city all day to look for a costume without success fuuuarrk what are we going to doooo $70 to rent is too damn expensive ffs le sigh. Ended up being a derp and playing on the kids equipment (yeeahhh never get tired of playgrounds) no shame year 12 student playing on children playground meh no one can judge mee. Then went to chonny meet + greet with friends stood for 4 hours and chonny was frekaing 1 and a half hours late to his own event only to be told by police to leave at like 9:30 ffssss stood for 4 hours after walking around in city all day, my legs are literally unable to be moved atm. But i met some preee cool people and caught up with non-girra friends so I guess that made up for it slightly. Fuck you noggi and chonny (hey they rhyme) i love you but still =='
And trackwork was a bitch took 1hr+ to get to strathfield frm parra via bus in the morning.
Okay sleeping early tomorrow need to assignmennntt.
Oh yeah i took some prettty derp photos at costume stores with inappropriate costumes, idk if i should upload incase it can potentially be used for blackmailing purposes in the future. :L
k night guysss.
And trackwork was a bitch took 1hr+ to get to strathfield frm parra via bus in the morning.
Okay sleeping early tomorrow need to assignmennntt.
Oh yeah i took some prettty derp photos at costume stores with inappropriate costumes, idk if i should upload incase it can potentially be used for blackmailing purposes in the future. :L
k night guysss.
my body is sore, it was sooooo hard to get up this morning i was just wishing it was somehow saturday, but it wasnt. Got home at 10:30 yesterday, western sydney careers expo was kinda shit, there were heaps of schools and people and jsut generic hsc information taht your ordinary bogan would know (no offence to bogans). so yeah best part of the day = seeing old primary school friend from cherrybrook and meeting crestwood friend and also seeing a gigantic guy he was at least 1.5head taller than me fuarkk must;ve been like 2m + it's hilarious because you just see a head floating above everyone else. And then when he comes the crowd just kinda parts around him hahahaha and when girls looked up it lookedl ik they were looking at a giant from above haha. SO yeah besides that the usual long toilet lines, generic programs and ridiculously long lines for ridiculously overpriced hot food. Then went to ceetayy after with ma sis yeeee :D
damnit forgot to take pictures of the other ones/ one with green roe. YUM YUM.
SO yeah ended up coming home late at 10:30
THen on friday/today went to MAD yeeeeeee just this music, arts and dance performance at school was actually surprisingly good. Even though at around 7 at night until 10 it's FREEZZINGGG. but well worth the compromise of work lololol. SO got home at 10:30
AND tomorrow/saturday (i.e. today) goign to citttyyy for costume hunting then dinner at strathfield and noggi to meet mychonny with friends (because im there anyway, not ebcause im a MAJOR fan because crazyfangirls almost trampled me last time at kpopmusic fest). Meeting up with primarybestieee. SO um will be getting home last aswell.
wow so late home 3 days in a row, my muscles are sore maybe i should go to sleep, or at least sleep early D: argh.
And my ancient speech/report is due on monday should really get a move on and i dont even have tomorrow to work on it. Must not procrastinate and make most of time. okayy night all.
damnit forgot to take pictures of the other ones/ one with green roe. YUM YUM.
SO yeah ended up coming home late at 10:30
THen on friday/today went to MAD yeeeeeee just this music, arts and dance performance at school was actually surprisingly good. Even though at around 7 at night until 10 it's FREEZZINGGG. but well worth the compromise of work lololol. SO got home at 10:30
AND tomorrow/saturday (i.e. today) goign to citttyyy for costume hunting then dinner at strathfield and noggi to meet mychonny with friends (because im there anyway, not ebcause im a MAJOR fan because crazyfangirls almost trampled me last time at kpopmusic fest). Meeting up with primarybestieee. SO um will be getting home last aswell.
wow so late home 3 days in a row, my muscles are sore maybe i should go to sleep, or at least sleep early D: argh.
And my ancient speech/report is due on monday should really get a move on and i dont even have tomorrow to work on it. Must not procrastinate and make most of time. okayy night all.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I KNEW IT why would you ever want to reduce external stability ==' good thing that question was actually a typo hopefully i get at least 1 or 2 marks out of 4 arghhh. Did shit in modern, there goes my ranking >.> We're going to a western sydney careers expo on thursday the last "excursion" for high school... deciding whether i want to go on saturday and sunday hmmm they have better programs...
wow my life is so dreary- boringest posts ever hahaha
wow my life is so dreary- boringest posts ever hahaha
Saturday, June 16, 2012
so yeah got up at 6:40 today trekked it all the way to sydney uni and experienced a day of a uni student, had 4 lectures the whole day :) was quite good, the lecturers who know their stuff are sooo much better/more interesting than the ones reading of notes -> no one paid attention to them. Wrote 4k study notes in that one session, wow productivity to ze max. There were soooo many people and schools, i thought it was just some small event, but every lecture was packed
Friday, June 15, 2012
Eating competition, photo postt
SOOOOO today was girraween high eating comp i promised to enter if my
friend did so it was game on at the price of my own dignity -> yet
honour to keep. SOOOO who wants more derps photos of me? yeahhh we all
do >:) ALthough i do say this has to be one of my worst most
unappealing, derpiest photo yet. YEAHHH ftw.
P.S. i was fgighting hard to hold the gag reflex in and keep food down, gahhh it was so spicy and it stained my mouth couldnt even clean it in the bathroom fuuarrr, so for the rest of the day i had a subtle strange orangey tinge to my face, as some people called it "a really bad tan" hmph. Yeah i think by the end it made D a little crazy as you can see llolololol
GOD us seniors had to eat the worst one 7-8 ahd to eat instant noodles, 9-10 jelly with chilli powder or some shit in it and yr 11-12 had to eat cold, mushy spagetti with mustard, wasabi, chilli paste, chilli oil, tomato sauce and whatever dafuq they decided to put in it. I didn't even eat lunch to prepare my body FOR the feat in which i was to embark on, so i was hungry but i really wasnt prepared for the dryness and disgustingness of it lmfao. Almost gagged few bites in since i was trying to swallow without chewing not smart lololol. SO yeah i tried to eat as much as possible in 5min -> the awkward moment when you're hungry yet feeling sick at the same time due to trying to eat too fast D: We had these bags on so we couldn't move, stuffing face in tomato sauce and noodles for 5 minutes in front of the school -> new level of dignity lost mehhhh.
EHH at least this one is slightly less derp ahaha. BUT WOW my eyes really are small arent they... and looks like they always have been... hmmm and i swear i was trying to open my eyes D:D:
Just for the lulz i found theseee, who is this little cutiee fuuarrk.
Can easily tell he's going to grow into a very goodlooking guy. LLOLOLOLOL okay /ends derpiest random post. i think my eyes have shrunk when everything else has grown D: when can i surpass 0.7cm :(:(
Have to get up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 tomorrow history seminar at usyd- mr ryan wants us there by 8:15 dafuq bro it doesnt even start until 9 T__T ahhh. Yeahhhh busy busy weekend. GOIng to try to sleep at 11 today, i don think its possible for me >:/ this post took way too long D: night alll, till next timeu
P.S. i was fgighting hard to hold the gag reflex in and keep food down, gahhh it was so spicy and it stained my mouth couldnt even clean it in the bathroom fuuarrr, so for the rest of the day i had a subtle strange orangey tinge to my face, as some people called it "a really bad tan" hmph. Yeah i think by the end it made D a little crazy as you can see llolololol
GOD us seniors had to eat the worst one 7-8 ahd to eat instant noodles, 9-10 jelly with chilli powder or some shit in it and yr 11-12 had to eat cold, mushy spagetti with mustard, wasabi, chilli paste, chilli oil, tomato sauce and whatever dafuq they decided to put in it. I didn't even eat lunch to prepare my body FOR the feat in which i was to embark on, so i was hungry but i really wasnt prepared for the dryness and disgustingness of it lmfao. Almost gagged few bites in since i was trying to swallow without chewing not smart lololol. SO yeah i tried to eat as much as possible in 5min -> the awkward moment when you're hungry yet feeling sick at the same time due to trying to eat too fast D: We had these bags on so we couldn't move, stuffing face in tomato sauce and noodles for 5 minutes in front of the school -> new level of dignity lost mehhhh.
penrith high school michael elliott just posted a photo of himself
running whilst showing his abs onto girra memes, cool kidsss fuark
these badasses dont want to messs with themmm. They spend their time
and effor to troll girra memes <33
Our last school id card came today, we're leaving in
practically a term there isnt really much point in getting them, except
for sentimental prposes, but totally devo since i lost all my id cards
from 7-10 fuuuuu.
EHH at least this one is slightly less derp ahaha. BUT WOW my eyes really are small arent they... and looks like they always have been... hmmm and i swear i was trying to open my eyes D:D:
Just for the lulz i found theseee, who is this little cutiee fuuarrk.
Can easily tell he's going to grow into a very goodlooking guy. LLOLOLOLOL okay /ends derpiest random post. i think my eyes have shrunk when everything else has grown D: when can i surpass 0.7cm :(:(
Have to get up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 tomorrow history seminar at usyd- mr ryan wants us there by 8:15 dafuq bro it doesnt even start until 9 T__T ahhh. Yeahhhh busy busy weekend. GOIng to try to sleep at 11 today, i don think its possible for me >:/ this post took way too long D: night alll, till next timeu
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Omg had kpop practice today, we realllly need to get a move on, multicultral day is next term and we've only ddone like half the songs ehhhhhh. Also freaking muckupday this term and we have exams all the way until the end of the term, will have no time to make/look for costumeesss.
ENglish was mehhh only wrote like 5 pages and didnt have time for conclusion im such a derp i always have trouble starting like it takes me 20 minutes to write 1 or a bit more pages and then i rush and write my whole essay in the next 20 minutes, WAE do i do thiss fuuuarr.
SO our school tried to give us a session on "coping with the hsc" and they actually were able to have enough funds to give us custom girraween merchandise lmfao, that's a first. Stressballs never work for me, i dont undetsrand how they relieve stress, only thing it does is make my hand tired :/ regular exercise= frisbee relieve stress = stress ball keep hydrated = water take a break= kit kat bouncing back= bouncy ball self encouragement= smarties (becayse we're all smart lOOLOLOL) and enough sleep (9hrs) lmfao yeah asiffff they recommend people sleep at around 10-10:30pm LOOL who the hell sleeps at 10 :L "take deep breaths you dont want to have a sudden blank mind during the exam" LOLJOKES i have nothing in my mind to begin with i go in blank TROLLOL Wow i actually paid attention to this seminar O.o it was actually quite good and the slideshow was pretty funny good on you ghs teachers >:) they're really trying to make us feel that they support us :P
I ALWAYS DO THIS, after a few assessment tasks i just feel like chilling but i cant afford to! have to study arrghhhh. There was free bread at parra the other day and today i got a free iced tea thing, why doesnt blacktown have any good promotions? all we have are people who hand out christianity/god preaching flyers (that no one ever takes) and seemingly permanent red cross people.
mmm i got a haircut on friday~
you can see my forehead 8D
ENglish was mehhh only wrote like 5 pages and didnt have time for conclusion im such a derp i always have trouble starting like it takes me 20 minutes to write 1 or a bit more pages and then i rush and write my whole essay in the next 20 minutes, WAE do i do thiss fuuuarr.
SO our school tried to give us a session on "coping with the hsc" and they actually were able to have enough funds to give us custom girraween merchandise lmfao, that's a first. Stressballs never work for me, i dont undetsrand how they relieve stress, only thing it does is make my hand tired :/ regular exercise= frisbee relieve stress = stress ball keep hydrated = water take a break= kit kat bouncing back= bouncy ball self encouragement= smarties (becayse we're all smart lOOLOLOL) and enough sleep (9hrs) lmfao yeah asiffff they recommend people sleep at around 10-10:30pm LOOL who the hell sleeps at 10 :L "take deep breaths you dont want to have a sudden blank mind during the exam" LOLJOKES i have nothing in my mind to begin with i go in blank TROLLOL Wow i actually paid attention to this seminar O.o it was actually quite good and the slideshow was pretty funny good on you ghs teachers >:) they're really trying to make us feel that they support us :P
I ALWAYS DO THIS, after a few assessment tasks i just feel like chilling but i cant afford to! have to study arrghhhh. There was free bread at parra the other day and today i got a free iced tea thing, why doesnt blacktown have any good promotions? all we have are people who hand out christianity/god preaching flyers (that no one ever takes) and seemingly permanent red cross people.
mmm i got a haircut on friday~
you can see my forehead 8D
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
worst pain to do a test when sick, not to mention not having enough time had to concentrate on not letting snot dribble down onto table T___T i RAN OUT OF TISSUESSS. English tomorrow then im freeee (for 4 days until economics) group is thinking of doing a bleach cosplay for muckup HMMM, people think i should be hitsugaya? because i look like him...really lawl.
really need a new phone cant wait until contract ends in sept. My phone's automatic screenlock/saver is broken so i have to manually lock it, and if i forget gg, battery gone in 1hr.
really need a new phone cant wait until contract ends in sept. My phone's automatic screenlock/saver is broken so i have to manually lock it, and if i forget gg, battery gone in 1hr.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Cant believe people like nicki minaj can be considered artists/singers, true their beats are pretty catchy btu they really cant sing. What happened to singers like mariah carey, whitney houston, alicia keys >:(
Pretty surprised at the amount of teachers that can play table tennis in my school O.o
Disadvantage of having artistic friends who do VA and like to troll:
the graffiti they draw on me are too realistic broooo, loololl (originally was naked) and i demanded she draw clothes on her. All guys can draw are dicks, mehhh gotten used to that already, lawl.
GG for modern then english. goodbye.
Pretty surprised at the amount of teachers that can play table tennis in my school O.o
Disadvantage of having artistic friends who do VA and like to troll:
the graffiti they draw on me are too realistic broooo, loololl (originally was naked) and i demanded she draw clothes on her. All guys can draw are dicks, mehhh gotten used to that already, lawl.
GG for modern then english. goodbye.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
looking through topics of subjects and scary to see us on the last topics for practically all my subjects! we're nearing the end! end of learning after almost 6 years. Kinda confronting ive already learnt all these topics? seems like i havent learnt anyting (probably because i haven't loloolol).
Does anyone know where to get gatsby? (not online cbf waiting that long...) :( i think my hair is too hard i have some shitty gel that doesnt really work.
Does anyone know where to get gatsby? (not online cbf waiting that long...) :( i think my hair is too hard i have some shitty gel that doesnt really work.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Ahhh just came home tired and lost voice, been at all day. Today yesterday and te day before have all been suchhh amazing days omo. But srsly haven't done much work over the course of those three. Can't believe I'm having so much fun in yr 12 period ahahahah. Shall sleep early tonight an do a lot of work tomorrow :)
Friday, June 1, 2012
Mmm not are if I want to participate in our schools eating competition wasabi and raw onions? Not suree. Probabaly will though since it's the last year and in willing to try anything :3
Just came back am very fullll. Busy day again tmr tennis then mando school then straight after that party until 12 in the night (or should I say morning xD) but okay srsly after these few days hardcore work Daniel!
Arm beginning to feel the pains of many many birthday punches :(
17... what an awkward age, not 16 not 18 but inbetween :L kinda feel like an "old generation teenager now" haha, but yeahhh had a great day today thanks 4 duh messages/cards :3 especially LX biggest troll, but i saw it coming ahahah. I actually cant wait ofor my next birthday 1 year from now my life would be completely different, the people around me completely different. I actually had to come home and do work today so yeahh...
ANyways short post have to head off soon, going to restaurant with le familieeee.
P.S. happy birthday @melancholylove who unfortunately shares the same birthday as myself >:( what a shame ahaha :)
Okay should get changed and what not... BYYEE ITS ALREADY FRIDAY OF WEEK 6, what is this fuckery. night all.
ANyways short post have to head off soon, going to restaurant with le familieeee.
P.S. happy birthday @melancholylove who unfortunately shares the same birthday as myself >:( what a shame ahaha :)
Okay should get changed and what not... BYYEE ITS ALREADY FRIDAY OF WEEK 6, what is this fuckery. night all.
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