IT'S MARCHHHH! the first month of universitty liffeee officially started /mixedemotions. Hope the March highschool -> uni transition goes smoothly (8
So a night of ice and fire (foam party): wellllll that was both the most enjoyable yet painful experience that I have come in contact with for a while. BUT I REGRET NOTHING from the intensive (not really) plan to infiltrate an 18+ only event to actually being able to attend the event albiet plagued by great paranoia and intensive id card swapping. And finally getting soaked to the bone and walking to maccas in the rain with soggy underwear and clothing. MCDONALDS HAS NEVER TASTED SO GOOD IN MY LIFE, everyone just bought a hunger deal and devoured it. All my under 18 mates were able to get in! (without other id) hurrr success never tastes so good unless there is difficulty to achieve it! And here is a timeline of photos to depict the epic journey

Trivia night IN the roundhouse where the foam party was to be held. We tried concentrating on the trivia but everyone else had other things on their minds :) T suggested we hide behind the bar for the next 2 hours until 6, which no one was keen to do.
Instead we retreat to the roundhouse toilets to devise our plans LOLLLOL we seriously contemplated just staying inside the toilets for 2 hours, but in the end decided not to.

Eventually came outside without drawing to much attention as subtly as a group of 5 guys wearing formal shirts and simultaneously exiting the deserted toilets can be. Surveyed the area and noted slightly ajar windows and possible entry ways. Discussed emergency plans which included completely irrational measures such as buying o week yellow shirts and dressing up or pretending to help and set up.
In the end we casually walked into the unibar cool and collected (since it connected to the trivia area) Remained there for a good hour until friends came and we began to blend within the crowd. THe last step was here the security came in to check ID's and give entry stamps on peoples' arms. O and I went into the toilets where he attempted to slip me his ID card the most subtle way possible, which ultimately failed considering the toilet was packkkeddd and then the security guard walked in half way... In the end a mate of mine said his stamp was really wet and just pressed it onto my arm.

And in the end the sweet taste of dishonourable victory can be enjoyed- strong uni life debut party/10. WOOOOOOOO it was such an amazing night got to know a lot more first year students atmosphere was greeeeeaaattttt! Stayed in that foam pit for a good 2hours with wrinkly hands and stinging eyes being the ultimate outcome. TOo many slimy slippery bodies around me the entire night hahahhaha. Music was shit to begin with, I don't really appreciate rock at clubs not enough bass to really get anyone going, after bounce came on the pace really picked up and the night turned into what I was expecting :D

To whoever has to clean this up biggest gg ever I swear, the floor was just littered with broken cups, bottles, foam, tissues, food. MY mate spilled a cup of beer and the carpet absorbed it into nothingness LMFAO i think that's what it's meant to do, hide the spills as much as possible. 2nd year students tell me it's pretty gross when it's not night time and you can see everything clearly. HAHA I like how we're like the cute first year noob students :) Everyone all night was jsut asking "oh are you first year? second year?". I found myself asking my mate if he thought so and so was a first year student like us or not :L
Okay biggest CSB post ever i know #feelsliketheultimatesneakyninjaman.
Shark slide and jelly wrestling during the dayyyyyy.
Maccas run at 2am in the morning then walked back to the uni in the pouring rain with two dodgy umbrellas shared between 4 guys. Just picture it, 4 foamy guys one with a towel on his head (me) attempting to warm himself because he only brought a t shirt, another with a stitched up foot all huddling under two black leaking umbrellas. We were just wondering how we were able to get ourselves into such a situation. Oh wait it's because O wanted to stay all night and camp at village green, except it was raining and we ended up going to red centre, med building, library and abs to seek shelter. A sad sight indeed LOL. soggy shoes and chaffing wet chinos nevar again I tell you.

And yeppp this is what we ended up with. (Y) First years represeenttttt. Trekking to the bus stop at 6am in the morning was just the worst, windy and raining and just generally unpleasant. I don't think i've felt as cold as I did yesterday for many MANY years. Damn troll unpredictable weather :/ I actually think we should've just stayed in the ASB all night, i mean WHO CARES IF STUDENTS COME. THen we could totaly just rock up for the last day of O-week. But whatevvss I heard the last day isn't that great anyways.
Although I'm tired i just hate the notion of taking naps or even just sleeping during the day. I'd rather just stay tired until night and sleep a bit earlier... Same with sleeping on public transport I jsut cannot fathom how you guys do it....
Can't believe I start uni OFFICIALLY after all these months on monday. I feel so unprepared my brain has turned to mush, WILL IT BE ABLE TO HANDLE LEARNING!??!? Oh and I also have an interview for moochi @ UNSW the same dayyyyy. Fingers crossed I get it, the pay is just sooo much better than subway. Got my roster today working tuesday mornings and thursday afternoons not too bad hahah just sucks having to trek back and forth from uni to blacktown.
Man i've had so much fun this week O-week was boring at times but I still think it lived up to it's reputation (Y) definitely worth going to. Met so many people and caught up with old ones and uni hasn't even really started yet :) Like for example I met someone who followed my tumblr aggges ago hurrrrr before introducing our names she asked what my url was first hahahhahahhaahhahahah, too good made my night. Guess it wasn't too bad because I knew one of her friends. funfunfun.