MY GEWWWDDD guys friday had work from 8-2, then optom cruise at night, went home slept for 5 hours made it to the city for UNSW amazing race at 10 and finished up at 3:30. Tried to get up on sunday- actually felt immobilised.
Optom cruise felt like i had found the secret garden of eden, the guy to girl ratio was like 7-3 huehuehue. It was generally a good night, not the greatest of boats but unlimited drinks means any night is a good night :) Optom kids are so exclusive we got such a backlashing when we were asked by 2nd year optom kids what courses we did hahaha. My whole group went so it was engineering, economics, actuarial studies, health and sport science TROLOOL couldn't be further from optom. It was a beautiful night and ive seen our harbour at night so often these days but I still think we live in a beautiful city :D and did you know fireworks go off at the harbour bridge every 10pm, I NEVER KNEW IT but it was just a little TOO coincidental that they just happened to go off everytime i went on a cruise.
Looking smart- tim lam
Then amazing race from darling harbour -> circular quay -> botanical gardens. Ended up with 236 points out of a a possible 300 AND WE CAME FIFTH AND WON FREE MOVIE TICKETS, chyeah boy thats an economic surplus of $10 /no regrets. The awkward moment when first prize was 4 ipod shuffles but the team had 5 members. THe first time we asked when we finished got 261 points so we were pretty disheartened, turns out they came first so mehhhh. It was a pretty good day, I visited more tourist places in my own city in one day than in my whole life. Also you'll find that people in sydney tend to be pretty chill and easy going, there was a challenge where we had to get 5 tourists with 5 cameras all in one photo and take a photo of them with one of our team members in it, Aussies are nice brah :D And also we had to find a particular painting within the museum of contemporary art, and im so used to paying fees for EVERYTHING in china that I forgot how we still have public free museums in sydney (Y).

/excitement turned us supersaiyan
team 34 ;)
NO TIME TO EAT we carried a solid diet of bananas and water the entire day. Had 7 minutes to spare whilst waiting for train bought a bunch of bananas and distributed them amongst ourselves throughtout the day, FUNNIEST SIGHT 4 sweaty first years holding semi peeled bananas attentively looking at landmarks and running around. STRONG BULKING DIET. And yes i did wear that shirt two days in a row and yes i did sweat in them on those two consecutive days (Y)
Man going out too much and consuming WAYYYYY too much junkfood. This monday we went to gamsharaaaaaa (Y) best ramen broth.
THE RAMEN FOR MEN, except tim lam too soft couldn't finish it as usual.
And here is a picture of cat chilling (sisters)
p.s. FINALLY FINISHED MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA YEEEEEEEEEE, ending was ok not that great.