
Thursday, September 2, 2010

I just got home and I watched 5minutes of playschool and sesame street on abc kids T__T. Hey! it’s the only thing on tv atm. Yes this is what a lack of computer does to a normal person. It’s springtime! Probably my most disliked season along with winter, because for me spring = allergies which is worse than having a cold. I still haven’t gotten my wallet back so I’ve basically given up on it, I’m not going to tell my parents, I’ll just wait until next year until I get a new train/bus pass. So our school has some yr 11 Japanese exchange students that are REALLY, and I mean REALLY, as in 140cm short. And i had pe today, we were playing netball I was Goal defence, one of the RRREEAALLLYYY short Japanese student was goal attack and I was marking her. What happened was, J who was on the other team, passed it to what I thought was an open space, so naturally i go charging at the ball, but the jap student who I was marking, was originally behind me and I didn’t see her charge up (she was surprisingly fast) as I’m about to get the ball I feel a tiny tiny impact on my left shoulder and the next second i see her sprawled on the floor followed by the almost compulsory “oooooh” from bystanders. I hope she understands what sorry means... goshhhh i feel SOOO bad. D’= See this is why I don’t like playing co-ed sports, because I have to tone down my effort in the case of accidently hurting one of the girls, like i did today :(((( I mean ANY guy (even dayanan) would barely have felt anything let alone stack it like she did. Normally, even if it was a guy who stacked it or fell, it would have to be a really large impact and it’s really no big deal, since it happens a lot and guys are really competitive when it comes to sports. How do you say sorry in Japanese?

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