How do you carve a pumpkin?
I think Halloween has kinda lost it's meaning, I mean who actually knows what religion it's tied to and what it's actually 'celebrating'? I think people of all religions just go around for lollies. Speaking of trick or treating, who IS actually going trick or treating this year XD, or even celebrating halloween (although I know many of my asian readers won't be doing anything). I actually went last year witha couple of friends and it was mad fun :D (refer to blogger dp) and you would be surprised at the amount of lollies we actually managed to reap from a couple of streets (even in Australia). Except some households are kinda scary and what happened to "never accept candy from a stranger?" hahaha. I've seen a couple of bogan people just walking around with bags and normal-ish clothes who I think use halloween as an excuse to get freebies. Wait, isn't that what halloween is for? :P
P.S. I don't even think my family know what halloween is and will probably shut the door on anyone who knocks looking like a witch/zombie/goul or what not.
On another note, I spent a good few hours trying to tell my grandad how to extract files from a rar file. Also I notice my grandad always comes out of the toilet with suspicious wet patches on his pants, which i HOPE is evidence of him washing his hands and wiping it on his pants.
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