daniel why are you up at 2:22am watching asian dramas aiiyaahhh, but in other news FINISHED WATCHING PROSECUTOR PRINCESS wooowoooo not that any of you guys would know what it is or have heard of it hahaha but yay good drama ^_^ made me smile, i realise i smile by myself during sweet moments in dramas which is actually kinda sad, because frm a third person perspective i.e my mother its just me fully absorbed on my laptop screen while smiling like a derp for no reason. WHATS THE SADDEST DRAMA YOU GUYS KNOW OF? ive never cried from any show before, ever so come at me :) eyes almost started watering at the end of gong and yongseo couple in wgm though hahahah.
Hey look its hte last day of september and the last hsc free month before a hectic october and november! I love how everyone is blogging about hsc and exams and future careers etc etc and here i am LOLOLLOL. Maybe its just my way to relieve the oncoming pressure and stress.... anyways daniel out (:
IT JUST DAWNED ON ME 2 WEEK UNTIL ADVANCED ENGLISH FREAKING HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. fuck, mother of god. oh well at least i can concentrate on my studies now that my drama appetite has been satiated.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
suffering from facebook withdraws, i deactivated yet i still sleep at like 3am everyday fml must attempt to sleep earlier. Going to the library more often now so much more productive there, library is really packed these days. I SWEAR IT ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME when something cost like $4 im always 5cents short or when im buyni g a drink im 5 cents short ALWAYS like today i went to get some wickedwings from kcf after a well deserved day of studying and i had exactly $3.45 then i had to break my $20.... /firstworldproblems
yep nothing much happening, seems like everyones hardcore studying hahahh. Althuoght i dont get how people can non stop study for lke 5+ hours wihtout any distractions or anything. it's crazy. oh and also suffering from GANGNAM STYLE WITHDRAWS OMG havent dont it in so long, and exercise in general hahaaha no table tennis/ tennis anymore :( oh well i opted to take the 15 minute walk to the library instead of getting dropped off yeee.
yep nothing much happening, seems like everyones hardcore studying hahahh. Althuoght i dont get how people can non stop study for lke 5+ hours wihtout any distractions or anything. it's crazy. oh and also suffering from GANGNAM STYLE WITHDRAWS OMG havent dont it in so long, and exercise in general hahaaha no table tennis/ tennis anymore :( oh well i opted to take the 15 minute walk to the library instead of getting dropped off yeee.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Last Week #5 Grade Picnic Day!
welps i guess thats it i've completed all of my high school education and the grade picnic was probably the last time i'd see my grade together as a cohort. For now all the fun's over and it's about doing the last few hard yards home, buckling down and hsc will all but be completed in one and a half months! jia you girraween class of 2012~
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The Last Day #4 Graduation!
I FAILED GUYS I FAILED i told myself that i wouldn't cry and today was the first time in like 6 years loolol like i was watering up then one of my best mates came up to me with teary eyes then i lost it like niagra faills hahahah then we punched each other for being such pussies :P but it was all good when i saw this cute girl, my tear ducts responded and impediately cleared up LOLOLOL. My report was soso since i went up in my weaker subjects but went down in my better subjects... So we got clapped out after assembly at 11am today, basically it's a tradition where all the other grades line the exit way and clap as we exit the school, and me and my friend blasted gangnam style and gangnammed our way to the end of high school lololol LIKE BOSSESS (but then we went back to the beginning to say our proper goodbyes).
We stayed for a good 2 hours just taking photos saying our goodbyes and seeing everyone crying, it was sad but fun at the same time. THe girra class of 2012' oh how 6 years just fliessss by. Then i reentered the school to go toilet and find some people STRAIGHTAWAY felt like an outsider hahaha where everyone was in a different grade, LACK OF BELONGING LOLOL
the crewwww of six years (Y) we've stayed together for all these years, man my blazer was so small could barely move in it. Guy on the far right next to me= friends since kindergarten :P 13 years reppin mate. no one notice the awkward hovering plates of food :)
The last day as an official high school student :P
Roll call buddies since year 7, will miss you D':
Now to read the messages on my shirt and write up facebook farewell messages ashdaweuaeagsfafs. Inb4 more emotions loolol.
/the sad moment when my actual name is mentioned once on my entire shirt... oh well i guess everyone remembers me as 'wang' lawl and yes guys thank you for all the love and the many penises.
Grade Picnic day tomorrow time to find my supersoaker and wet all the bitchesss lollool. It's going to be the last time i see my grade as an entire cohort, man this week is going way too fast i don't think i can take any more sad days hahaha.. Better not rain tomorrow forecast says its temperature is going to be in the high 20s (Y).
see you all tomorrow class of 2012.
We stayed for a good 2 hours just taking photos saying our goodbyes and seeing everyone crying, it was sad but fun at the same time. THe girra class of 2012' oh how 6 years just fliessss by. Then i reentered the school to go toilet and find some people STRAIGHTAWAY felt like an outsider hahaha where everyone was in a different grade, LACK OF BELONGING LOLOL
the crewwww of six years (Y) we've stayed together for all these years, man my blazer was so small could barely move in it. Guy on the far right next to me= friends since kindergarten :P 13 years reppin mate. no one notice the awkward hovering plates of food :)
The last day as an official high school student :P
Roll call buddies since year 7, will miss you D':
Now to read the messages on my shirt and write up facebook farewell messages ashdaweuaeagsfafs. Inb4 more emotions loolol.
/the sad moment when my actual name is mentioned once on my entire shirt... oh well i guess everyone remembers me as 'wang' lawl and yes guys thank you for all the love and the many penises.
Grade Picnic day tomorrow time to find my supersoaker and wet all the bitchesss lollool. It's going to be the last time i see my grade as an entire cohort, man this week is going way too fast i don't think i can take any more sad days hahaha.. Better not rain tomorrow forecast says its temperature is going to be in the high 20s (Y).
see you all tomorrow class of 2012.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The Last Week #3 Talent Quest!
Anubhav was right the cola boys did make history props to them, they kindof stole the show though it didnt really feel like it was a celebration of the year 12s as a cohort more like just the cola boys but ehhh neon lights were just amazing. Our kpop performance was great after the 3 term effort, but I SCREWED UP GANGNAM STYLE omfg as if i could get the footing wrong fuuarrr such an amateur mistake i swear that was the ONLY TIME i screwed it up whhyyyy I think i got carried away by the crowd cheering for us fuuuuu. Oh well it still came together nicely and everyone was telling me that they were surprised how good it was (: Shubha's comedy routine was amazing (albeit a bit long) aswell for once we had everything, and if i do say so myself that was probably the best TQ of my 6 years of being at school :D although im probably biased lolllolol.
Being all serious and shit
Oppa gangnammm stylinggg in front of the 800 girra people :)
More serious shit- dat glum facial expression woooo
~sorry sorry
AND FINALLY- the crewww of almost 3 terms :):):) year12generation woooo
tomorrow is the last day as a high school student, it's finally here graduation. Let the tears flowwwww xD :'D <--- attempting to maintain that face tomorrow
edit: updated the flashmob post with a link to the youtube video and table tennis with a few photos :p check it out yooooo.
BYEGUYS see you all girra class of 2012 tomorrowww!
/shoutout to hilaire who also failed her gangnam style act like me! woooo lolol
Being all serious and shit
Oppa gangnammm stylinggg in front of the 800 girra people :)
More serious shit- dat glum facial expression woooo
~sorry sorry
AND FINALLY- the crewww of almost 3 terms :):):) year12generation woooo
tomorrow is the last day as a high school student, it's finally here graduation. Let the tears flowwwww xD :'D <--- attempting to maintain that face tomorrow
edit: updated the flashmob post with a link to the youtube video and table tennis with a few photos :p check it out yooooo.
BYEGUYS see you all girra class of 2012 tomorrowww!
/shoutout to hilaire who also failed her gangnam style act like me! woooo lolol
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Last Week #2 Table Tennis!
So today was the last day of table tennis since we joined at the beginning of the year, pretty good run beat mr clarke and A my greatest rival we've been keeping scores since 3 terms ago and it really came down to the last point. I'm glad i joined the table tennis team and glad that I was able to vice captain it, i asked a couple people out of curiousity if they still do sport/exercise and most of them actually said no and missed sport in high school, but A and L have been able to look forward to table tennis every week through our hsc lives. Also i played school sport for the first time in 2 years since year 10 wooooo felt like an old man, my back was hurting for some reason by the end LOL, i just randomly joined the year 9/10/11 people playing european handball on the bottom oval eheheh.
ARCH NEMESIS IN TABLE TENNIS, china vs india lolol
Usain bolts of table tennis lolol
Being tools loloolool wtf is this post
year 12s vice captain and captain along with our club leader MR C :):) lol he hated me before when he was my VA teacher back in year 7 and 8 and kicked me out of the classroom but he seems all good now :). Plz dont zoom on my active sweaty face is very very unappealing lawl.
Ancient, economics and last eng adv lesson today. Feeling so sick due to over consumption of chips softdrink and cake D:D: and my headhurts form too much exercise today LOL can see small beer gut developing LOLOL
Our new school pavement which hasnt dried yet, why...
Its raining right now if it rains on our grade picnic asuhduaeywgfaygwe. Talent quest tomorrow aisjdajsdjawe this is what we've been working for 3 terms for! hopeuflly our whole crew turns up tomorrow with costumes! WOw thank you body for becoming all sickly on my last week of school which i wish to enjoy! ah well at least when i'm sick it's not too bad like it's never serious enough for me to stay home.
ARCH NEMESIS IN TABLE TENNIS, china vs india lolol
Usain bolts of table tennis lolol
Being tools loloolool wtf is this post
year 12s vice captain and captain along with our club leader MR C :):) lol he hated me before when he was my VA teacher back in year 7 and 8 and kicked me out of the classroom but he seems all good now :). Plz dont zoom on my active sweaty face is very very unappealing lawl.
Ancient, economics and last eng adv lesson today. Feeling so sick due to over consumption of chips softdrink and cake D:D: and my headhurts form too much exercise today LOL can see small beer gut developing LOLOL
Our new school pavement which hasnt dried yet, why...
Its raining right now if it rains on our grade picnic asuhduaeywgfaygwe. Talent quest tomorrow aisjdajsdjawe this is what we've been working for 3 terms for! hopeuflly our whole crew turns up tomorrow with costumes! WOw thank you body for becoming all sickly on my last week of school which i wish to enjoy! ah well at least when i'm sick it's not too bad like it's never serious enough for me to stay home.
party at schoool.,
table tennis club
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Last Week- #1 flashmob!
I'm so tired i really should sleep earlier. Today was the last ever modern lesson tbh it still hasnt sunk it that we will NEVER have another modern lesson again after 18 months, it ended just like that. Ryan each gave us a personalised card and heavy metal t-shirts to wear- i assume to show that he recognised us as equalsand to share in his tastes llollo. RIP modern history 2012- my favourite line- line 5.
Then i went to epping for a flashmob at the station we should've done it earlier because by the time we did it there werent many people left :/ But none the less had a goooood time.
bruises acquired from too much gangnam. triceps hurting from too much pushup movement during gangam style....
also woooopwoopwoopp we made it into the talent quest (Y) vids and pics up soooon. TOmorrow will be the last ever school table tennis session, shit will go downnn. My friend and I have kept count of our scores and win rate against each other for 3 terms since we joined the club now, and after all those weeks hes leading me by 1 win. Tomorrow will be the decider. must. beat. him. at. table tennis.....
Then i went to epping for a flashmob at the station we should've done it earlier because by the time we did it there werent many people left :/ But none the less had a goooood time.
bruises acquired from too much gangnam. triceps hurting from too much pushup movement during gangam style....
also woooopwoopwoopp we made it into the talent quest (Y) vids and pics up soooon. TOmorrow will be the last ever school table tennis session, shit will go downnn. My friend and I have kept count of our scores and win rate against each other for 3 terms since we joined the club now, and after all those weeks hes leading me by 1 win. Tomorrow will be the decider. must. beat. him. at. table tennis.....
Sunday, September 16, 2012
trekked to epping today, so tired did 2 hours of gangnam practice. DONE SO MUCH GANGNAM THESE PAST FEW WEEKS my god but can never got over the epicness of it :) it looks so look, will be participating in a flashmob at epping tomorrow if you're around there at 4 come check us out :)
LAST WEEK FOREVS, let the tears flowwww. :P
LAST WEEK FOREVS, let the tears flowwww. :P
Friday, September 14, 2012
Today was the last 'formal learning' modern history lesson, after two whole years oh man am i giong to miss learning abuot Hitler and ww1 and cold war and detente and weimar germany and leni riefenstahl. Hopefully will be able to continue it and do a history major in my arts degree next year! :) I wish i cuold stop time, everything is passing just too quickly, graduation isnt even sinking in not even 1 more week of school left. Tears will be shed/
everytime i get invited to an 18th in which i cant attend and especially those of good mates is like feeling a small needle prick my heart- lolwut. But in conclusion- devo hahaha i'll mail them messages and cards on their birthday (Y)- especially since facebook is blocked >.> Big 18th happy birthday to the skuxxgod BISSSYYYY, will miss partying with that fool.
everytime i get invited to an 18th in which i cant attend and especially those of good mates is like feeling a small needle prick my heart- lolwut. But in conclusion- devo hahaha i'll mail them messages and cards on their birthday (Y)- especially since facebook is blocked >.> Big 18th happy birthday to the skuxxgod BISSSYYYY, will miss partying with that fool.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Life update #8
So there were year 9 commerce stalls today which kicked us out of the COLA where we chill at lunch so we went to the library... and discovered... that girraween high school... has a knitting club, I lold and took the perfect opportunity to make a meme :D
Also stayed back at school until 4 with the kpop crewwwww to audition for talent quest, i'd say 3 terms of ongoing hardwork put into that. We kindof screwed up one section, like we werent in sync, argghhh dunno what happened there >.>
inb4 we dont get through T____T asjieawiehawihewae.
SOOO this appeared on the tables one day lololol, class of 2012 reppin. It's actually pretty good hahaha
Weird weather today, really hot and humid to pouring and cold then it cleared up at like 5.
AHAHAH gangnam style craze, love seeing those flashmobs from alll these high schools (headed by year 12 of course :P) going to be participating in one on monday with soem other schools hopefully. Man gangnam style so good so catchy and easy to learn ehehehe.
Also stayed back at school until 4 with the kpop crewwwww to audition for talent quest, i'd say 3 terms of ongoing hardwork put into that. We kindof screwed up one section, like we werent in sync, argghhh dunno what happened there >.>
inb4 we dont get through T____T asjieawiehawihewae.
SOOO this appeared on the tables one day lololol, class of 2012 reppin. It's actually pretty good hahaha
Weird weather today, really hot and humid to pouring and cold then it cleared up at like 5.
AHAHAH gangnam style craze, love seeing those flashmobs from alll these high schools (headed by year 12 of course :P) going to be participating in one on monday with soem other schools hopefully. Man gangnam style so good so catchy and easy to learn ehehehe.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Kpop dance is coming along nicely! auditions this thursday and next htursday is the talent quest woooo we've been working consistently at it for almost 2 terms now... just some polishing up work to do and it's all good. I HAD SOMETHING INTERESTING TO BLOG ABOUT TODAY, but now i've forgotten. It's too sudden doesnt even feel like school is coming to an end, jstu over 1 more week of reppin the black, white and gold uniform :((((Just reading the "the awkward moment when..." "if i had a dollar for every time..." and "funny moments" documents within the girra yr 12 2012 yearbook facebook page hahahahah so good 'wipes away tears of nostalgia' ive just wasted lik 40minutes reading everyone's posts :/
SOOOOO my modern history teacher expects an essay from me today....just lol
SOOOOO my modern history teacher expects an essay from me today....just lol
Monday, September 10, 2012
my teacher just sent me this: and the title was "request for work"
Hi Daniel-I've been praying all weekend and I still didn't get any essays from you.
Can you do these questions
Assess the impact of ideology on Nazi foreign policy to September 1939.
Can I get this by Tuesday.
Evaluate the role of the law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict in the workplace
Can I get this by Thursday.
Ciao Mr Ryan
SHIT I FEEL BAD NOW, arghhhh ive been neglect modern and legal, mkay shall write an essay...NOW.
Hi Daniel-I've been praying all weekend and I still didn't get any essays from you.
Can you do these questions
Assess the impact of ideology on Nazi foreign policy to September 1939.
Can I get this by Tuesday.
Evaluate the role of the law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict in the workplace
Can I get this by Thursday.
Ciao Mr Ryan
SHIT I FEEL BAD NOW, arghhhh ive been neglect modern and legal, mkay shall write an essay...NOW.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Life update #7
ASIUDAISUDUASUDAUSD formal after party at multimilliondollar mansion aushduhaschuyasydyasdauygwe with waterslides, pools and jumping castle asfasuieuwgaydh wyeawehy and im going to be in china with no friends audauwuewaehawye seeing all these invites to parties post hsc and not being able to attend any -rage quit life-
whats the hardest thing about writing practice essays? starting it.
2 weeks left of high school FOREVER and 5 weeks until the first hsc examination! scared/worried/exxcited?
my friend and i have an little competition running we posted a "likef or tbh" status on fb and whoever got the most likes loses and has to shout the winner lunch. FML im losing badlly fuuarr hoping for a massive spike on his wall in the next 23 hours... inb4 orders whole menu in restaurant lolololol, my wallet is ready :(
whats the hardest thing about writing practice essays? starting it.
2 weeks left of high school FOREVER and 5 weeks until the first hsc examination! scared/worried/exxcited?
my friend and i have an little competition running we posted a "likef or tbh" status on fb and whoever got the most likes loses and has to shout the winner lunch. FML im losing badlly fuuarr hoping for a massive spike on his wall in the next 23 hours... inb4 orders whole menu in restaurant lolololol, my wallet is ready :(
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I TREKKED TO MACQUARIE open day today, dont think i'll be going there it's much further away than unsw and usy took me ONE HOUR AND THIRTY minutes to get home. Also there wasn't really much of an open day vibe we arrived and there was no one to great us and not that many people actually there. There was a staff shortage at macq whereas at usnw i'm pretty sure there was too much staff so much staff that I overheard some volunteers talking about Kpop lmfaoo. YEP so looks like its unsw first then usyd :D Freebie haul: a bottle and some m&ms lololol.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Feels like spring is finally here!! and along with it my horrible hay fevers arrghh. I walk through this park everyday on the way home, it's so secluded and lonely kind of nice. for some reason today i just decided so sit there by myself on that sunny afternoon and take a break from everything :) I didn't realise it before but It's actually pretty beautiful, or maybe that's just spring hahah.
Did some solid studying at the library today, should go more often, i get a lot of work done there for once :D
Under a tree...
So greeeeennn
No oneee
Did some solid studying at the library today, should go more often, i get a lot of work done there for once :D
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
SO it was byo cup day today at 7/11 i swear do these promotions actually work lol? some kids from my school drove to 7/11 at lunch with an esky filled it up brought it to school and gave out cups to year 12 and everyone just shared LOLOL. By the time i'd come home from school at like 4 7/11 only had really watery disgusting slushy and the floors were all wet and sticky, have to go early it seems. I'm not a big fan of 7/11s promotions... it's kinda a put off when people bring washing buckets, crates and other large containers and ravage the slushy machine...
Beginning to feel like spring.
Beginning to feel like spring.
Monday, September 3, 2012
More fooood!
hotpot for father's day yesterday, and today is my sister's 27th birthday! heading out to italian restaurant in around 30 minutes, shall try get a little work done before that :)
EDIT: hahaha amazing night once again, no work got done when i arrived back home arghhh. Heres some more food- i seem to be eating a lot of food lately :S
mmmmmmm - surprised at how many people don't like olives, i mean cmon who doesn't like olives :O:O:O
As soon as the dishes came everything looked so good. Tasted even better. I'm tired, going to sleep now- early for once woo. I just realised that I include many many more pictures on my blog than i did before, I think it's the lazier way of blogging ahhaha- or if i have nothing much to say.
EDIT: hahaha amazing night once again, no work got done when i arrived back home arghhh. Heres some more food- i seem to be eating a lot of food lately :S
mmmmmmm - surprised at how many people don't like olives, i mean cmon who doesn't like olives :O:O:O
Crab meat pasta
Happy birthday sis (Y) bed hair lulz. ANd yes both our eyes are small, what of it LOLLOAs soon as the dishes came everything looked so good. Tasted even better. I'm tired, going to sleep now- early for once woo. I just realised that I include many many more pictures on my blog than i did before, I think it's the lazier way of blogging ahhaha- or if i have nothing much to say.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
UNSW + moral dilemma
Happy father's day PA
Pretty hectic and loongg day ups and downs and the weather was pretty bipolar as well. Yesterday was a beautiful day for unsw's open day! i just have to say that unsw's open day is much better than usyds open day in terms of the atmosphere and layout, but my god usyd's architecture is just so much more amazing, old castle themed buildings really put new and modern glass buildings to shamee... :S Arrived at around 11am after taking the free shuttle bus from central, saw C on the bus didn't even realise it until like half way into the journey. Was quite a chilled day the amount of year 12 friends i saw there was amazing, EVERYONE was there, just hopped between my friends from various school! hahaha and unsw so many good looking girls QAQ. Walked around and trawled for some freebies (as asians do) then met up with I and we attended a student exchange lecture together since she had 1hr to spare. Saw her cousin who wore a corset like top IN LIKE TEN DEGREE WEATHER, i was cold in my uber thick jacket >.> I swear everyone is so smart T___T hahah So then i left L with 3 girls ;D;D as they lined up for free sausage sizzle but i had to give that one a miss because i had an economics lecture to attend! which meant that i didn't have lunch until 3:30
THen we went pancakes on the rocks but loser was mad at me and i incurred two painful slaps for making the effort to trek all the way from unsw to see her ugLI face <//3 Was a pretty great day i just ordered the devonshire and shared with L who didn't have money as usual >.>. We chilled in the playground area for a while until the weather turned from sunny to suddenly pouring and raining-> we only had 1 umbrella. C was so brotherly and kind to S could this mean a little more than meets the eye ;D;D especially when they went on the carousel together ;D;D cuties, daniel approves heheh.
macquarie uni open day this sat!!! wooo 4 open days in a row? (just an excuse to parents to get out of the house)
ATTEND ALL THE OPEN DAYSSS! (except university of western sydney)
Went home after buying a drink at IGA, needed to go home asap and arrive by 6:30 my dad already was raging at me fuuuuuh. Didn't get to say goodbye because apparently loser needed someone to go toilet with her <3 p="p">warning.
k guys here comes the major low, it'll probably be uncomfortable for you to read but trust me it was 100x more uncomfortable for me to witness firsthand. SO as i was nearing blacktown these 14 year old little CHILDREN who were trying to be badass gangas were bullying this 70 year old blind man (i was listening to him and apparently he was a war veteran or something). SO the little prick the smallest one (about 5 of them) goes up to the poor man and waves his hands in front of his face and keeps saying "can you see me can you see me" and laughing like a little idiot. The poor man asks what station he's at and one of them yells "central we're at central, hahaha don't worry he's blind he can't tell" that lack of respect for elders really made me feel so bad, and no one else was saying anything to them. I told him that we were at toongabbie and then he said "oh thats my stop" and proceeded to get off while those dumbass kids fucking laughed as he struggled to make his way up the stairs. Then this one kid had a vibrator in his hand and yelled to the entire carriage asking what people thought it was, and then laughed like a fucking retard yelling that it was a vibrator and put his hands on his crotch. I swore back at them a couple of times when they kept attacking me with seriously stupid remarks the little 14 year old said the word "fuck" literally LITERALLY every second word it just lost it's meaning. It wasn't the smartest thing to do but i was just angry at their lack of respect for anyone considering that they them selves looked like little 14 year old boys. I felt the urge to shut them up physically seriously they were so small, but there were 5 of them and 1 of me and i was going to get off in the next stop. I guess the best thing you can do is ignore them. Seriously that ruined the day, that 70 year old man smh, kids these days especially the uneducated ones that tend to reside around my area. What would YOU do in my circumstance? i just felt powerless watching that powerless elderly man getting bullied.
School tomorrow i don't feel like my careers interview >:( should start filling out that form.
Pretty hectic and loongg day ups and downs and the weather was pretty bipolar as well. Yesterday was a beautiful day for unsw's open day! i just have to say that unsw's open day is much better than usyds open day in terms of the atmosphere and layout, but my god usyd's architecture is just so much more amazing, old castle themed buildings really put new and modern glass buildings to shamee... :S Arrived at around 11am after taking the free shuttle bus from central, saw C on the bus didn't even realise it until like half way into the journey. Was quite a chilled day the amount of year 12 friends i saw there was amazing, EVERYONE was there, just hopped between my friends from various school! hahaha and unsw so many good looking girls QAQ. Walked around and trawled for some freebies (as asians do) then met up with I and we attended a student exchange lecture together since she had 1hr to spare. Saw her cousin who wore a corset like top IN LIKE TEN DEGREE WEATHER, i was cold in my uber thick jacket >.> I swear everyone is so smart T___T hahah So then i left L with 3 girls ;D;D as they lined up for free sausage sizzle but i had to give that one a miss because i had an economics lecture to attend! which meant that i didn't have lunch until 3:30
THen we went pancakes on the rocks but loser was mad at me and i incurred two painful slaps for making the effort to trek all the way from unsw to see her ugLI face <//3 Was a pretty great day i just ordered the devonshire and shared with L who didn't have money as usual >.>. We chilled in the playground area for a while until the weather turned from sunny to suddenly pouring and raining-> we only had 1 umbrella. C was so brotherly and kind to S could this mean a little more than meets the eye ;D;D especially when they went on the carousel together ;D;D cuties, daniel approves heheh.
macquarie uni open day this sat!!! wooo 4 open days in a row? (just an excuse to parents to get out of the house)
ATTEND ALL THE OPEN DAYSSS! (except university of western sydney)
Went home after buying a drink at IGA, needed to go home asap and arrive by 6:30 my dad already was raging at me fuuuuuh. Didn't get to say goodbye because apparently loser needed someone to go toilet with her <3 p="p">warning.
k guys here comes the major low, it'll probably be uncomfortable for you to read but trust me it was 100x more uncomfortable for me to witness firsthand. SO as i was nearing blacktown these 14 year old little CHILDREN who were trying to be badass gangas were bullying this 70 year old blind man (i was listening to him and apparently he was a war veteran or something). SO the little prick the smallest one (about 5 of them) goes up to the poor man and waves his hands in front of his face and keeps saying "can you see me can you see me" and laughing like a little idiot. The poor man asks what station he's at and one of them yells "central we're at central, hahaha don't worry he's blind he can't tell" that lack of respect for elders really made me feel so bad, and no one else was saying anything to them. I told him that we were at toongabbie and then he said "oh thats my stop" and proceeded to get off while those dumbass kids fucking laughed as he struggled to make his way up the stairs. Then this one kid had a vibrator in his hand and yelled to the entire carriage asking what people thought it was, and then laughed like a fucking retard yelling that it was a vibrator and put his hands on his crotch. I swore back at them a couple of times when they kept attacking me with seriously stupid remarks the little 14 year old said the word "fuck" literally LITERALLY every second word it just lost it's meaning. It wasn't the smartest thing to do but i was just angry at their lack of respect for anyone considering that they them selves looked like little 14 year old boys. I felt the urge to shut them up physically seriously they were so small, but there were 5 of them and 1 of me and i was going to get off in the next stop. I guess the best thing you can do is ignore them. Seriously that ruined the day, that 70 year old man smh, kids these days especially the uneducated ones that tend to reside around my area. What would YOU do in my circumstance? i just felt powerless watching that powerless elderly man getting bullied.
School tomorrow i don't feel like my careers interview >:( should start filling out that form.
kids these days smh,
open days,
pancakes on the rocks,
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