Happy father's day PA
Pretty hectic and loongg day ups and downs and the weather was pretty bipolar as well. Yesterday was a beautiful day for unsw's open day! i just have to say that unsw's open day is much better than usyds open day in terms of the atmosphere and layout, but my god usyd's architecture is just so much more amazing, old castle themed buildings really put new and modern glass buildings to shamee... :S Arrived at around 11am after taking the free shuttle bus from central, saw C on the bus didn't even realise it until like half way into the journey. Was quite a chilled day the amount of year 12 friends i saw there was amazing, EVERYONE was there, just hopped between my friends from various school! hahaha and unsw so many good looking girls QAQ. Walked around and trawled for some freebies (as asians do) then met up with I and we attended a student exchange lecture together since she had 1hr to spare. Saw her cousin who wore a corset like top IN LIKE TEN DEGREE WEATHER, i was cold in my uber thick jacket >.> I swear everyone is so smart T___T hahah So then i left L with 3 girls ;D;D as they lined up for free sausage sizzle but i had to give that one a miss because i had an economics lecture to attend! which meant that i didn't have lunch until 3:30
THen we went pancakes on the rocks but loser was mad at me and i incurred two painful slaps for making the effort to trek all the way from unsw to see her ugLI face <//3 Was a pretty great day i just ordered the devonshire and shared with L who didn't have money as usual >.>. We chilled in the playground area for a while until the weather turned from sunny to suddenly pouring and raining-> we only had 1 umbrella. C was so brotherly and kind to S could this mean a little more than meets the eye ;D;D especially when they went on the carousel together ;D;D cuties, daniel approves heheh.
macquarie uni open day this sat!!! wooo 4 open days in a row? (just an excuse to parents to get out of the house)
ATTEND ALL THE OPEN DAYSSS! (except university of western sydney)
Went home after buying a drink at IGA, needed to go home asap and arrive by 6:30 my dad already was raging at me fuuuuuh. Didn't get to say goodbye because apparently loser needed someone to go toilet with her <3 p="p">warning.
k guys here comes the major low, it'll probably be uncomfortable for you to read but trust me it was 100x more uncomfortable for me to witness firsthand. SO as i was nearing blacktown these 14 year old little CHILDREN who were trying to be badass gangas were bullying this 70 year old blind man (i was listening to him and apparently he was a war veteran or something). SO the little prick the smallest one (about 5 of them) goes up to the poor man and waves his hands in front of his face and keeps saying "can you see me can you see me" and laughing like a little idiot. The poor man asks what station he's at and one of them yells "central we're at central, hahaha don't worry he's blind he can't tell" that lack of respect for elders really made me feel so bad, and no one else was saying anything to them. I told him that we were at toongabbie and then he said "oh thats my stop" and proceeded to get off while those dumbass kids fucking laughed as he struggled to make his way up the stairs. Then this one kid had a vibrator in his hand and yelled to the entire carriage asking what people thought it was, and then laughed like a fucking retard yelling that it was a vibrator and put his hands on his crotch. I swore back at them a couple of times when they kept attacking me with seriously stupid remarks the little 14 year old said the word "fuck" literally LITERALLY every second word it just lost it's meaning. It wasn't the smartest thing to do but i was just angry at their lack of respect for anyone considering that they them selves looked like little 14 year old boys. I felt the urge to shut them up physically seriously they were so small, but there were 5 of them and 1 of me and i was going to get off in the next stop. I guess the best thing you can do is ignore them. Seriously that ruined the day, that 70 year old man smh, kids these days especially the uneducated ones that tend to reside around my area. What would YOU do in my circumstance? i just felt powerless watching that powerless elderly man getting bullied.
School tomorrow i don't feel like my careers interview >:( should start filling out that form.
good on ya for doing something at least :) WOW THEY'RE SO DISRESPECTFUL IT'S UNBELIEVABLE
good on ya for doing something at least :) WOW THEY'RE SO DISRESPECTFUL IT'S UNBELIEVABLE
o.0 that is so slack. yah!! daniel you're so good. kristy approving of daniel's niceness achievement unlocked. lol that didn't even make any sense :P
good work man, shoulda punched on though.
Lol fanx guys.
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