Saw a girl doing an hour long intensive amazing race around campus in heels, she proceeded to apply makeup to her face at the pitstops... whereas everyone else was yolo sweating like pigs ahhaha- came third. I think day by day the events and content gets a little less exciting, didn't do much today attended a couple of lectures and came third in the Amazing race... that's pretty much it. Also joined the food lovers association on a whim.
Hopefully the pace will pick up tomorrow with the foam party. I will tell how it all goes if I manage to get in. I shall devise an epic plan of espionage wahahahhaha. inb4 i dont get in.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
O-week Day 2
I'm so tired LOL, I actually almost vomited for the first time at the spinning ride today homg, i'm still feeling a bit queazy. Business welcome was cool, there are SOOOOOOOO many people doing commerce degrees like woooow. Met a couple of people and ate two beef sandwiches for lunch, twas goooood. And then sat in the lecture on how to "successfully write a resume/cover letter" the amount of fobs are too damn high, after that my friends joined the chiense student association with me heh. Man i swear, all those clubs just get their attractive female members to promote in heels and short shorts, female uses sex appeal -> it is extremely effective LOLOL. Pretty much my whole group signed up with me on that day hurrrr. *5 seconds later... what did I just sign up for haha. Even my friend from UWS chimed in and signed up lmfao.
and here is a picture of a wild phallus that appeared in the quad late arvo- just because i can :D
"phallus advocacy society" *notsureiflegitsocorjusttrolling
Monday, February 25, 2013
O-week Day 1
Leaving uni at 7:30 gets home at 9... /feelsbadman. I have tired feet, but it's okay I was well hydrated throughout the day with multiple drink freebies:
- 2 pepsi cans
- rockstar can
- lipton ice tea
- 6 pack yeo's poppers
- 2 bottles of water
I pretty much just wandered around the whole day, thank god that the weather report was actually wrong for once so I was able to go on the amazing race ^^ CAME LAST LOLLLOOL I blame our inability to navigate and excessive crowds. I signed up for countless clubs today like at least 10+ I really should prioritise, but you know the first thing i asked was "is this free?" and if yes -> proceed to enrol LOL. so far i have joined the chinese students association, kpop association, table tennis club, taiwanese students association, quidditch soc, doctor who appreciation club, cuesports soc and business soc. I guess it can't hurt to join right lollol, man if only I lived closer to the uni, I'd actually be able to participate in all these clubs instead of prioritising. Haven't been to any proper lectures yet but that shall all change when I attend the school of business welcome (Y)
Bought my first mymulti3 weekly concession THE ONE THAT COSTS $30 and the first of many to come, I feel the physical pains of asset loss :( Speaking of money i paid $260 for the bsoc camp today , sooooo expensive for just 2 days it better be in fuggen luxury apartments or some shit lOLOL considering my mate's 3 day IT camp cost him $90... and now i have $20 to last me the week, mmmmm gg.
O- week xtreme was such a raught considering it just leeches off already prepared o week events... And pretty much the aim of the game is to just take a photo of as many people in your team as possible at the event...
*30k hits yeaaahh boyyy
Giant inflatable tv LOL too cool
strolling through the uniiii.
Good to see fellow bloggers actively blogging now, my newsfeed is always being fed :) it's nice to know that you guys have interesting things to write about for me to read hehehe keep em commiinggg
- you know what I realised? I really like the taste of fortune cookies, it's not so much the novelty but more the subtle doughey sweetness. mmm.

Sunday, February 24, 2013
The great hsc clean up
Only four months late but better late than never right? :D:D
O week starts tomorrow and YAYYA what do you know its forecasted to thunderstorm >.> WHY DO ES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME. The rain always ruins things :(:(
Drove on a main road for the first time today, the round about was scarryyyyy. I always feel paranoid because it always feels like im about to hit another car on the left side.
Tomorrow marks the weekly routine of buying mymulti3 weeklies for the next 4-5 years :(:( $30 every week- thats 4k spent on tickets by the time i finish my degree. That could almost pay for a third of my degree!!! man money money money, i've fully come to realise the value of money ever since my first shift. $30 is like 2+ hours of work T____T uni- it's like school, but you pay to go to it!!! :L
Friday, February 22, 2013
Visited my friend who was working today... I cannot tell you how great it feels just to watch him work instead of working myself lolol. Right now just chilling in parra library waiting for my friends . Life is good , I think working allows you to appreciate your free hours A LOT more, just sitting here and listening to music by myself and leeching the free wifi, tooo good
Thursday, February 21, 2013
First shift
I am actually too tired to blog. My first shift was for 6 hours- sure is taxxing on the body >.< don't know how I'm gonna keep doing this along with uni, hopefully i get used to it. Many different experiences today- watch this space!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
OC class of 2006 reunionnnn
But before that, what's with the unusually high number of fuckwits yelling racist remarks from cars lately? I experience it like every week when I go on my daily after the dinner walks around our block with my family. Australian government needs to invest more in educating idiot bogans in the west. serious.
OC class 2006 had a reunion today, more than half the class showed up so it was a pretty good turnout, FELT LIKE A CELEBRITY ALL THEIR EYES WERE ON US LOLOL and the noise that kids make homg i was actually going deaf. But it's good to see kids active, I was standing there and flecks of cyan and dark blue were whizzing past me. We got our teacher a present and a card and visited all our old teachers, some aged well, some got fatter, some had kids, some retired and some well... pretty much hadn't aged at all LOL. I also saw my PSSA soccer coach and reminded her how we made it into the semi finals in 2005 hurhur. They also built a new state of the art library! with widescreen macs >.> a lot better facilities than at my high school, although they really should upgrade the school sign...
The amount of activity in this photo! it's amazing :) WHo remembers no hat no play? 8) entered the school through the back just as lunch was starting!
In need of an upgrade!
Outgrew the bubblers me thinks! (8
Reliving childhood gaming! deimos risingggggg :D:D:D literally cried in happiness and nostalgia when we got this to work hehehe
NGAWWWWW le classrooms >:D
All in allllll a great day, albeit a great deal of walking to and from westpoint and the school. Love how everyone is around blacktown though hehhhh. We didn't to much except for a lot of talking, but had great fun eitherrr way :D
Man going out everyday, i'm actually beginning to feel it's physical effects. I am ACTUALLY tired, yet i still go to sleep at like 2am >.> have to wake up early at 8am for my first shift tomorrow! wish me luckkk hope my manager isn't too mean haha :) inb4 I sleep at 3am again... but i really am going to try do the near impossible and sleep at 11pm today.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
exploding fire chicken!
Last birthday of the February rush! happy 18th to LX. Had firechicken at stra pocha at strathfield today. Red hot chicken with melted cheese soooooooo goood, but could only manage 8 pieces :( -> feels inadequate man. But hey the fact that the kimchi hotpot actually exploded in my face makes for a pretty memorable experience. Apparently the egg in it exploded and then it got lodged into my eye, SHOULD"VE TAKEN A LUVO PERFECT INSTAGRAM OPPORTUNITY, but noooo i had to go and hurriedly wipe my face :( IDIOT@ HAHA i kid. So after much sweating, burning lips and chilli induced dizziness we cooled off at praus! first time going to praus, tbh i swear all the froyo places taste the same. Most of my friends' birthdays are in november, december, January, February.... so time for some slooooowwwww business in march, april, may :(:(
exploding hot pot,
fire chicken,
luke 18th,
stra pocha
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Happy birthday to my dear friend SLIU. The party was really fun today even without alcohol LOLOOL i've lost my voice and i am tired due to being trolled on my facebook all day. And forcefully made to surrender my phone after being tackled/forcefully tickled :(:(
Now i must somehow devise a plan to get into the foam party.
Now i must somehow devise a plan to get into the foam party.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
High school- for the last time
You know i realised that without a car getting to my school is pretty damn hard. I signed out finally after almost 4 months today, it took an unreasonably long amount of time to get the signatures of 10+ teachers. Some whom i havent seen since year 8.... But yep i got my muckup day photo but no yearbook because they couldn't find any :( The library had already removed me from their system... if i just didn't return my books they wouldn't even know. SOme of my friends told me to not even worry about it, but you know i collected a one metre pile of books and I assume returning them to school would be more beneficial than throwing them in the bin. I found a book that I used for my year 9 science assignment, i was scared that they would charge me like $500 worth of late fees before letting me sign out hahha, luckily that didn't happen. It's weird I'm beginning to get used to disassociating myself as a high school student, couldn't have felt more like an outsider today hahah. Within 4 months the buildings have changed and my table tennis team mates have allll grown up cute (8. I swear this must be the 129312984th school gym extension... I'll probably come again in 10 years to see that it's still being extended :L
The english teachers laughed at my "long lost beauties" such as othello and to kill a mocking bird etc etc hahah. THey didn't even check my books, I don't know whether it's good that they rely on the students to bring in their own books or not. I'm sure they would lose sooooooo many books every year. I was actually lucky enough to meet and talk to all my year 12 teachers today, (except for legal, but i don't like her so yeeeee). Time fllliessss.
*happy valentines day, maybe one day this day will actually hold meaning for me TROLOLOL
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
hey does anyone remember the VORTEX? you know that oval shaped thing attached to a tail that whistles when you throw it in the air. You know THE toy during our primary school days with endless ads on tv. Well we wanted to buy one for a picnic/bbq today and we went to THREE stores, toys r us, target and kmart. After much seeking we FINALLY found a dodgy looking one at kmart which broke after just a few hours :( According to toys r us they havent had vortexes for 2 years. WHAT DO KIDS PLAY THESE DAYS, don't say ipod/phone because that is pretttttyyy sad.
We had half a loaf of bread left, so what do we do? bait birds with it LOLOL the crows, ibises and pigeons make for some gooood entertainment hurrr.
We had half a loaf of bread left, so what do we do? bait birds with it LOLOL the crows, ibises and pigeons make for some gooood entertainment hurrr.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Stuck between two worlds
You know what's ironic even though I live in blacktown my employment prospects are restricted because I go to university in the city. So the manager today wanted availability and pretty much because it takes 1.5hr to get to uni and 1.5hr to get back, I'm pretty much unavailable from monday-thursday. But if i try to work in the city, they'll see that even though i go to UNSW I'm pretty much unavailable from friday- sunday. AIYAHHHHH 5eva unemployed.
SOMEONE COME TO THE JOLIN CONCERT WITH ME :D:D, oh wait i don't have a job....
SOMEONE COME TO THE JOLIN CONCERT WITH ME :D:D, oh wait i don't have a job....
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Job hunting #3
Train ticket + lunch = $10, fun just walking and chilling with a couple of mates in the city... priceless :) Even though we were just looking for jobs, felt like i had a great time yesterday 6 hours just flew by, and because we were on a job seeking mission i barely spent any money at all :) And best of all for the first time we actually handed out all our resumes woooo. Then we saw the chinese new years dragon dancers trolling in nab hurhur.
And wow city i love you, total freebie haul: bottle of lipton mango ice tea, 2 packets of shapes, bottle of mineral water. I sometimes wonder if they even make any profit from their promotions... because although I accept freebies, I wouldn't actually buy the lipton ice tea for $3.80 in store.
Chinese new year's eve dinner :) happy lunar new year guys! Wanted to see new year celebrations at the city but nooo my friends dogged me for their families... Jks jks hope everyone gets manyyy hong bao :) I don't get many because I have no relatives in aus haha
Belmore park (8
I have my first job interview tomorrow! wish me luck :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Spent an afternoon with some good old girra's at nandos- 50% workers discount = $5 chicken for all hahaha. Spent the rest of the time walking around and reminiscing about the high school days as if we were 50 years old :L Then came home learnt how to left turn steer properly and proceeded to round up my driving time to the nearest hour in my log book >:) and now I'm going to do some more cover letters and job applications, all in all makes for a surprisingly productive day!
Monday, February 4, 2013
obtaining my derp ID card
I tried oh i did try but in the end I am inevitably left with yet another derp ID card that makes my high school ID card look angelic. And nope this isn't going to change every year, the criminal dark looking face of mine will be poking it's way out every time i open my wallet :( guess it could be worse (actually not really) dont ask to see my id card plzzzz LOLL
Walked around to familiarise ourselves with the campus which shall be our homes for the next few years then proceeded to go to central for lunch at Mappen! Tbh it looks better/more interesting than it actually tastes, but relatively cheap at around $5 for udon noodles. Will have to be learning how to live cheap for uni!
Mate invited me to his house for superbowl and catchup today, havent seen him for ages, as in all of post hsc ages. Pretty devo, but i guess theres always a next time.
still not used to seeing people in uniforms, forgetting that it was a school day today. Am i a uni student or high school student /identitycrisis
still not used to seeing people in uniforms, forgetting that it was a school day today. Am i a uni student or high school student /identitycrisis
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Losing driving virginity
you guys were right about the accelerator LOL. Freakin turning and overturning gets my hand into awkward positions, and my dad keeps yelling which puts me on edge. Also i can't understand his shanghainese during the heat of the moment. :<
Saw many different sides of a friend today, it was nice in a weird way. Hope he's alright though, I'm always here to listen bro (Y) Also realised many asian fathers are a lot more loving and supportive than mine. If i cried in front of my dad he'd be like "wtf's wrong with you". Actually i dont think my parents have EVER comforted me in times of distress before, wouldn't expect them to haha. But yeah today was an interesting experience LOL, met people outside my usual circle (Y)
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