Leaving uni at 7:30 gets home at 9... /feelsbadman. I have tired feet, but it's okay I was well hydrated throughout the day with multiple drink freebies:
- 2 pepsi cans
- rockstar can
- lipton ice tea
- 6 pack yeo's poppers
- 2 bottles of water
I pretty much just wandered around the whole day, thank god that the weather report was actually wrong for once so I was able to go on the amazing race ^^ CAME LAST LOLLLOOL I blame our inability to navigate and excessive crowds. I signed up for countless clubs today like at least 10+ I really should prioritise, but you know the first thing i asked was "is this free?" and if yes -> proceed to enrol LOL. so far i have joined the chinese students association, kpop association, table tennis club, taiwanese students association, quidditch soc, doctor who appreciation club, cuesports soc and business soc. I guess it can't hurt to join right lollol, man if only I lived closer to the uni, I'd actually be able to participate in all these clubs instead of prioritising. Haven't been to any proper lectures yet but that shall all change when I attend the school of business welcome (Y)
Bought my first mymulti3 weekly concession THE ONE THAT COSTS $30 and the first of many to come, I feel the physical pains of asset loss :( Speaking of money i paid $260 for the bsoc camp today , sooooo expensive for just 2 days it better be in fuggen luxury apartments or some shit lOLOL considering my mate's 3 day IT camp cost him $90... and now i have $20 to last me the week, mmmmm gg.
O- week xtreme was such a raught considering it just leeches off already prepared o week events... And pretty much the aim of the game is to just take a photo of as many people in your team as possible at the event...
*30k hits yeaaahh boyyy
Giant inflatable tv LOL too cool
strolling through the uniiii.
Good to see fellow bloggers actively blogging now, my newsfeed is always being fed :) it's nice to know that you guys have interesting things to write about for me to read hehehe keep em commiinggg
- you know what I realised? I really like the taste of fortune cookies, it's not so much the novelty but more the subtle doughey sweetness. mmm.

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