
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Straight males may find the following content disturbing or distressing

This post will be about a number of disturbing topics. I talk about a lot of personal issues on my blog so if you're uncomfortable i suggest you close this tab. (not that any of you will, you're all curious as to what I'm about to say I'm sure, but oh well i warned you).

I was bored and sifting through my movies today. And i came across one called 'Bruno', i heard it mentioned a couple of times on the schoolyard (little did I know it was for all the wrong reasons) so I decided hmm why not? BIIIIIIIG MISTAKE. BRUNO has got to be the GAYEST (literally and metaphorically speaking) movie I had EVER seen. I have a horrible habit of having to finish movies that I start. The image above is the official cover of the movie and is NOTHING compared to the actual video. The video is about a gay austrian fashion designer who became broke, the story follows his road to stardom, now this may sound all well and good however Bruno's road to celebrity status is very strange indeed. The movie contains uber gay dancing, stripping, very revealing clothing (and not on women), VERY gay fetishes which at least are censored, dry humping and same sex kissing. Actually calling this movie gay is an understatement. To actually find this movie funny one must be well aware of all the sexual jargon, and then have one warped sense of humour. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!

Now my grandparents are old fashioned, they're in their early 80's. In shanghai, there are many old fashioned families with chinaware deep cauldrons they keep below their beds. Now I didn't know what it was for, until I found out they were used for pissing into at night when it's either too cold or they can't be bothered going downstairs to the toilet. I cannot fathom how people can live with a bowl of freaking piss underneath their beds. Just thinking about it gives me chills. Now I can kindof understand why it's needed in china, but at my house the toilet is a few metres away from our bedrooms, and unfortunately old habits die hard. I come into their bedroom one day to help my grandad with his computer (he doesn't know how to change the font in ms picture manager) and I almost trip over a clear bucket of yellow liquid, I almost puked when it finally dawned on me. I mean it takes a couple minutes to go toilet and back, peeing in a bucket will save you what 1 minute? there have got to be hygiene issues there.

On a slightly happier note I found out my grandad actually physically deletes pictures ONE by ONE on his camera. He's had to delete hundreds of pictures from his camera taking him like 3hours! when I heard this I just laughed. So i taught him how to delete all of them at once on the computer. He was so happy! rofl....

I'm going to parra tomorrow. Oh and congrats if you made it this far :D

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