
Monday, September 19, 2011

wow lol my parents didnt react AS badly as i thought they would towards my shit results and inability to do 4u english. totally feel more at ease now and looking forward to holidays.

so I'm watching heaps more taiwanese dramas now, been addicted to SP recommended to me by V ^^ it's good because by watching taiwanese dramas i can kindof learn mando aswell (:

a bit of my nail was lifted off when i was playing tennis yesterday :S this will heal right? i dont want to have a chunk of flesh thats separate from my nail D: but i do remember having my whole nail fall off when i was in china when i was really really young. It's so clear i've been thinking i just dreamt that up, but yeah i asked my sis and it did actually happen, must've hurt like shiiieett. what are the purpose of nails anyways O.o I used to bite mynails, until i was forced to stop biting them by my dad who'd every week would check my nails and if they were bitten he'd hit me :O i appreciate it now though... bitten nails look bad and it is actually really dirty and a bad habit. SO STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. trolololol

oh and crossroads? mentoring? its bbullshit they expect us to pay $50 for a COMPULSORY session for our own hsc wellbeing. SO what, if we don't pay we wont get the essential information to deal with hsc period? but seriously guuiiisee dont be too stressed from hsc people actually commit suicide/ develop mental problems from the stress/work/etc overload during hsc especially in selective schools. so yeah i dont want you guys dying or anything (: don't completely shut yourself out from rest of society and im going to prove i can survive hsc period while still keeping my blog alive. I mean 10minutes a day it's not much. And in a way this i've found is a good outlet for stress or when im feeling :/:/

getting up on sunday at 2pm reading and wathcing dramas this is the liiifeee i'll have this life for the next month until hsc... but yeah these holidays going out sososoo much at least once every 2 days at LEAST or until my funds last ... hopefully $200 will be enough? but paintball is expensiiveee. :S

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