
Monday, October 15, 2012

one hour left

legit hyperventilating right now fuuarrrrrr. I was reading the HSC rules and procedures booklet in the morning today and it said "on the first day of the english examination students must be at school at 9am" I ALMOST SHAT MYSELF LIKE HOLY SHIT. then i texted/called couple of friends and they calmed me down and said not to worry since they were at home themselves.

Okay going to do last pre examination piss and bowel emptying. Butterflies, but once we get into the exam completing rhythm should be all good. asufhawheuawheaweawheahwe exam finishes at 4, shall update this post when i come home.

edit: time to burn belonging AOS notes wooooooo. guys its true i've gained hsc weight now peaking at 62kg lololol. And yup 2 hours went flying past, i really only get into the groove of fast paced essay writing with the last 30 or so minutes... my hand is sore already. alright time for economics and advanced english. after economics on thursday i'll have 8 days until my next exam hehehe but i'll definitely need it since im pretty much only really prepared for economics and english LOL.

1 comment:

Daniel W said...

nah study at home brewww