
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

O-week Day 2

I'm so tired LOL, I actually almost vomited for the first time at the spinning ride today homg, i'm still feeling a bit queazy. Business welcome was cool, there are SOOOOOOOO many people doing commerce degrees like woooow. Met a couple of people and ate two beef sandwiches for lunch, twas goooood. And then sat in the lecture on how to "successfully write a resume/cover letter" the amount of fobs are too damn high, after that my friends joined the chiense student association with me heh. Man i swear, all those clubs just get their attractive female members to promote in heels and short shorts, female uses sex appeal -> it is extremely effective LOLOL. Pretty much my whole group signed up with me on that day hurrrr. *5 seconds later... what did I just sign up for haha. Even my friend from UWS chimed in and signed up lmfao.

and here is a picture of a wild phallus that appeared in the quad late arvo- just because i can :D
"phallus advocacy society" *notsureiflegitsocorjusttrolling

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