
Monday, August 1, 2011

A rant post to start the month ^^- ASIAN PARENTS @@

I don't get why we have to wear ties in winter where it's so cold we put on at least ONE jumper so you cant even SEE the tie, so whats the point O.o If they made it compusolry in summer, i wouldn't be complaining :] ties look kinda cool :D Btw i don't think i did so great in legal because i didn't mention an aspect. But I'd appreciate if people didn't say "you're so fucking screwed" because it really doesn't fucking help when i know i didn't do that well. yeah you know thanks for the reassurance. And i swear teachers hate me, i just realised whatever group assignment I'm in i ALWAYS do worse than my partner, godamnit why do i fail so? :/

oh and one other thing why are ALL asian parents so negative? encouragement is also good along with nagging and talks about my failures ya know. AND fuuuarrrkkk yeah i've read this in a couple of blogs and i completely agree WHY DO ASIAN PARENTS LIKE TO COMPARE THEIR CHILD TO ANOTHER I'm sorry im not good enough for you and that i didn't make it to baulkham hills high school like your cousins family friends daughters child or some shit like that, i sometimes wonder if these mystery people are made up to make me feel bad/ encourage me to do better? Like seriously i dont understand the motive of this what point are you trying to make? everytime i talk about something like idk how i beat so and so in lets say tennis, you dont have to bring up my hsc and how it may affect my studies and how i should jsut drop out of highschool to become a professional tennis player. I know it's a joke but its not fuckin funny esp when you mention it everytime i talk to you about a non school related topic and ESPECIALLY because you know that i know that you dont really expect me to drop out of school. i dont understand asian parents like seriously i dont, what do you/i get out of it? psshh we wont be like this to our kids, we've been brought up in westerrrn way lolz.

If you're asian and your parents aren't like this let me assure you, you are one in many many many people. But then again i've been brought up in this asian way so i would be kindof freaked out if they randomly started encouraging me/praising me but still... usually i just ignore it but goddammnitt it gets annoying someitmes. And never have i ever talked to my parents where they ask about how my day was, NEVER it's always "what tests are coming up" "how did you go in your tests" that sort of shiz "have you finished your assignment yet" "did you do it well" you don't even know WHAT assignment it is you dont even care WHAT i'm studying you dont even know WHAT subject it is, you only want results ==' wtf am i meant to say? cant say no or then they'll be like why not blah blah and if i say yes then they bloody expect like 95%+

Me: "tennis was fun today..."
Mum: "ONE HOUR TENNIS gosh you may as well just drop out of school to become a professional tennis player you dont have enough time to study for hsc and you won't get into uni"
Me: "mum why you so negative for?"
Mum: "me? when am i EVER negative"
Mum: "I'm not being negative im just reminding you of hsc"

I dont need that sort of reminding tyvm

/endrant (it's wat the cool kids seem to be doing these days :P)

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