
Friday, September 30, 2011

went to manly beach today, for the first time :) it's quite nice. awkward trainride home freaking couple kissing directly opposite to my parents and me >.> it's awkward because i dont know where to look... i swear do couples NEED to pda can't they just wait like 5mins until they get home ==' WTFUX holidays already half gone  TT___TT which means year 12 is coming closerrrr.

Am i weird because i kinda like keeping receipts and train tickets in my wallet? lollol maybe im just lazy and ceebs to throw it out.
got up at 9:30 today AND yesterday T_T in the holidays...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

had a mad day today just chillaxing @ ct. walking around, talking, eating and playing on playground kicking the little kids off YEAHH senior pride reppin. Met some nice/cool ruse people today and met with an old friend (: oh and had pancakes on the rocks, it's not THATTTT good lmfao i think i spent $30 on food today O.o but chyyeahh actually did quite a lot today. better than staying home (Y)

oh and this is for the lulz
THAT stare ahahah you know shit's going down tonight.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

just came back from city/ semi formal, there are heaps of old people around at this time in blacktown and the city. It was a loooong  night and im still tired, for some reason i just cant sleep very well if it's not on my own bed... it was a greeattt nighhht and time for more unflattering pictures of me on facebook woo.

Monday, September 26, 2011

wooo semi formal in a few hours will be leaving the house to go to friends house soon. Love being a guy getting ready takes like 10mins lol. For girls its like an event. THe weather looks okay IT BETTER NOT RAIN.

all readyy braahhh- ps i didnt spend any money on semi clothing this year ^_^ ceeebs.. i'll go all out next year.

anyywayyss time to practice my moves for tonight. loljk

Sunday, September 25, 2011

so was looking through my train time table and i noticed all these little sticktabs on different pages with instructions and dodgy drawn maps hahah. Theres one that says "walk through underground pass until you reach..."  O.o i woondeerr where i was going :L:L

Saturday, September 24, 2011

why is my internet so shit on the weekends its like half the speed and webpages and youtube vids dont load properly so annoying ffs.
going to mando school i was looking at my phone and i smashed my shoulder into the little jutting out bit of the metal gate the bit with the whole where you usually would up a lock. Still hurts even now T__T but i think i've managed to be expressionless in public when something painful happens when secretly inside im like screaming. Yeah i dont know HOW MANY TIMES this happens but whenever i have something important to go to it ALWAYS rains days beforehand and ON the day when the weather is perfect for the last 2 weeks. GAAHH hope it doesnt rain on semi formal but i totally know it will. The weather is such a bitch to me.

If it rains during the kpop music fest im going to shoot myself.

SOOO holiday plans:
- go out
- watch dramas
- read
- do mando homework
life's good.

P.S. my mando teacher is so cute ^^. that is all. kthxbye

Friday, September 23, 2011

hsc is now so very very real...

Thursday, September 22, 2011


okay so we had year 12 farewell today and it  was kinda sad. Like even though i dont personally know any of the year 12's they were honestly one of the best prefects/leaders we've had since i've been @ girra. The former leaders didn't really do much... so yeah i guess i'll definitely miss their presence at like school events, assemblies- they've organised so much i've become used to seeing their faces everywhere. And even monje, jaddo? i know their names because they perform so much, i've probably taken it for granted because it's kinda sad knowing i'll never see them perform again...

i think it's more scary not that their leaving but we'll be exactly in their position 1 year from now saying goodbyes to teachers friends... receiving graduation certificates and actually having almost finished the hsc.

post hsc trials seems to be awesome though all i see the year 12 doing is not going to class, having fun, muck up day, dressing up, water fights for like 2 weeks. I really can't wait for that but thats after 12 months of the peak of education our whole education lives come down to this year. Like i was going to the toilets a few days ago and i see 'guys' like 6 of them in pants and a guy's shirt at the urinal with another person filming and i was like "okkayyy" so im about to join them in the process of unzipping my pants and then i released they were year 12 girls and i was like "wtttttffffffuuuxxx" -runs out-

seems like not that long ago we were fresh faced mini year 7's looking at the year 12's graduate and bam we're now the biggest grade and about to complete our final year of compulsory education. Looking forward to uni life but then again the safety and nurturing that is high school i'll probably miss that and even school uniform i cant imagine NOT wearing it FOREVER O.o maybe i'll just secretly wear it at home after i graduate hahaha. im a weirdo. We'd all the adults entering the real world and seeing friends wouldn't be the easy task of going to school every day.. im sure only theclose friends maybe even only a few will constantly keep in touch, it would be struggle since everyone would be busy with their own livesand new circles of friends. SO MORAL OF STORY: make the most of this last year at high school because we can never be able to return to it. Just like the laidback innocent days of primary school. Yeah im going to attend every school event in year 12 and enjoy it as much as possible.

anywayyzzz i dont want this term to END because i know that everything matters from nwo on T___________T but yeah SEMI formal im exciiitteedd and then crashign at sisters house after (Y)
Like i said i plan to go out at least once every 2 days idc what my parents say it's the last chance to really party but i dont think that'll work since i already have 10 outings planned and holiadys arent 20 days long T__T

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

how the hell did shuffling get to the communist china where no popular culture exists trololol. this girl is awesome, i'm learning off her xDXD haha . BTW i love the chinese flag + mao zhe dong propaganda. she even has the parachute pants hahah how cute.
facebook is seriously becoming sooooo stalkerish you can now like fully see your friends' activity LIVE from the freaking sidebar ==' it's like they're trying to promote stalking fahhh. I like my privacy tyvm ==' todays talent quest/ performance by year 12 was pretty epic, lol i have a feeling we're totally going to get owned next year. OMGOD farewell tomorrow we're going to officially become the OLDEST GRADE, it's scary...

I plan to talent quest w/ friends next year :) it's the last year anwaysss

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

just want to say WOOO 5 views until TEN THOUSAND stalkkss!!! hahaha who will be my 10000th hit? :) wow just hit me (no pun intended) people actually read my blog, there must be many bored bored children out there. trololol

Monday, September 19, 2011

from jeans and a jumper to shorts and a shirt in a few days O.o
wow lol my parents didnt react AS badly as i thought they would towards my shit results and inability to do 4u english. totally feel more at ease now and looking forward to holidays.

so I'm watching heaps more taiwanese dramas now, been addicted to SP recommended to me by V ^^ it's good because by watching taiwanese dramas i can kindof learn mando aswell (:

a bit of my nail was lifted off when i was playing tennis yesterday :S this will heal right? i dont want to have a chunk of flesh thats separate from my nail D: but i do remember having my whole nail fall off when i was in china when i was really really young. It's so clear i've been thinking i just dreamt that up, but yeah i asked my sis and it did actually happen, must've hurt like shiiieett. what are the purpose of nails anyways O.o I used to bite mynails, until i was forced to stop biting them by my dad who'd every week would check my nails and if they were bitten he'd hit me :O i appreciate it now though... bitten nails look bad and it is actually really dirty and a bad habit. SO STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. trolololol

oh and crossroads? mentoring? its bbullshit they expect us to pay $50 for a COMPULSORY session for our own hsc wellbeing. SO what, if we don't pay we wont get the essential information to deal with hsc period? but seriously guuiiisee dont be too stressed from hsc people actually commit suicide/ develop mental problems from the stress/work/etc overload during hsc especially in selective schools. so yeah i dont want you guys dying or anything (: don't completely shut yourself out from rest of society and im going to prove i can survive hsc period while still keeping my blog alive. I mean 10minutes a day it's not much. And in a way this i've found is a good outlet for stress or when im feeling :/:/

getting up on sunday at 2pm reading and wathcing dramas this is the liiifeee i'll have this life for the next month until hsc... but yeah these holidays going out sososoo much at least once every 2 days at LEAST or until my funds last ... hopefully $200 will be enough? but paintball is expensiiveee. :S

Sunday, September 18, 2011

just watched braveheart, it's 3 hours long and was made in 1995, before i was born O.o but it's pretty damn good. ANd zomg Sophie Marceau is so hot (: too bad shes like old now. lololol

Friday, September 16, 2011

An extreme rage post...

 My favourite band. (no spaces no capitals)

Show encrypted text

yeah... it gets pretty intense.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I get up at 1:30pm on weekends but on weekdays my body just wakes up at 7 when i CAN wake up at 8, but then however hard i try i just cant fall asleep again until lke 7:55 then my alarm goes off in like 5mins. STUPID BODY OF MINE. then i end up just being tired for the rest of the day. I mean if i woke up at 8 that would be a solid 7hrs of sleep, but my eyes just feel so heavy when i only sleep 6...

OMGOOODDDDD subject selections i STILL dont know what to drop/pick up zzomggg and only like 1 week to decide. fuuarrr our school gives us such little time and wehavent even gotten our yearly marks back yet... so how am i to decide between ancient and modern and maths and economics :@@

btw, i like greentea mooncake <3
that is all.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My parents are too damn overprotective. When i go on outings i HAVE to be home before 6 ==' fuuarrr my dad raged when i got to blacktown at 6. Even girls get to freaking go out until 10?11?12? fffssss I mean im a guy sif anyone would want to rape me ==' and school if im 5mins late because of bus or whatnot i have to give parents a ring, if i want to go out with friends after school i have to call them, ffffssss i really want that freedom where i can just go out after school and chillax without parents worrying about me at home >.>

Watched requiem for a dream O.o

School tmr time to get up 5 hours earlier and HOPEFULLY sleep before 12. 
WTF t-shirt weather suddenly turned into freezing cold weather >.<

Just watched True Grit (:

I quite like mooncake, just had the original and green tea flavour :) did you know it's made out of lotus seed.

Friday, September 9, 2011

- I think my parents are getting old they've asked if i have school tomorrow at least 3 times already. And i've told them that legal test on thursday was the last test so so many times.
- I know why people say korean dramas are all the same now i've already watched 3 and its always, rich guy falls in love with poor girl >.>
- I impulse bought $2 speakers from typo for the lulz and they arent actually THHAATT bad, at least they work (:
- Holy shit white parents actually say thank you to their kids, i don't think my parents have EVER said thank you to me EVER or sorry. Lol totally an asian thing. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

CHYYEAAAH finally freeeee, now i can like chillax for the next 5-6 weeks before year 12 starts ^_^

BUT omgod legal test had to complete a 10 mark question in 5minutes i was literally still writing with 2 seconds left desperately trying to think of the year the sex discrimination act was in, 1984 or 1977 kept getting confused with anti discrimination act, Ended up writing the wrong one anyway T___________T hope i dont lose toooo many marks for that... And when im stressed for time i see i have 10minutes left, i speed write my answer, look up 5minutes left, write again 1minute left 30seconds, 2 seconds.... Thats literally how i felt- never knew 10minutes could go so fast.

parra= so many asians and where asian culture is accepted :) seriously like all the shop workers are fobby asians and sooo many asians everywhere. Had a yummo chicken, avacado crepe today (:(: AND THEY PLAYED SNSD in there totally going back to try the sweet crepe next time. OH and i really like asian fashion :) it looks really nice on asians, in my opinion. I wana live at parrraaaa be with my fellow race trolollololol. Took 30mins to get from parra home. Takes 1hr 20mins to get from school home >.>

Parra is the land of good looking asians.
Blacktown is the land of bogans wearing short shorts and midriffs with muffin tops. And mothers who feed alcohol to their babies. And unemployed people who roll their weed on the side of the road. And gangs of menacing looking, school jigging teenagers. Anddd i'll stop now lol.
 OH and i also saw my mando teacher lololol awks,.

SOOO tonight i plan to watch requiem for a dream, some taiwanese drama and maybe do some mando homework. Yes. life tis good.

hate how when i actually have things to do procrastination is so easy but when im free it feels like theres nothing to do :S

strike day tomorrow so when im coming home after my test wearing my school uniform, will i look like some retard who forgot it was strike day and actually went to school? :S

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Procrastination comes in many forms....
BUT OMG lost years worth of stickerphotos so devo T__T

just got up 30mins ago, think i slept weirdly because my neck hurts :@

Monday, September 5, 2011

FUUCKK YEASSSS KPOP music fest SYNEY 2011 NOVEMBER here i cooommmee. SO PUMPED ALREADY i get to see snsd IN THE FLESH BRO (or plastic hahaha) but omgod so excited only 2 more months. Sis shouting me tickets, you're the best <3<3 WOOOOOOOO if any of my blog readers are going give me a shout out yeah? (: we can like meet up on the day (: wo.

This has totally made my day, 2 weeks of stressful tests, and now i have something to look forward to wooooh.

SOON snsd, 4minute, b2st soooonnnn mwahahahhah
woo only 1 more exam left, but i have to go to school on a strike day for 1hr and a half then go home again =.=', lol idc about exams anymore just want them over and done with. oh it's pretty funny... i've seen quite a number of people with significant pimple outbreaks. lololol i guess stress really does lead to pimples eh. I dont think i get pimples anymore, the worst period was when i got like 1 or 2 small ones every month, which i would pop >:)

It's kinda scary to think ive already done THIRTEEN HOURS of tests, but it goes surprisingly fast i mean imagine just sitting there for 13 hours... thats a long time. So yeahhh did 4hours of exams today soooo im kinda mentally drained, shall wittle the night arvo/night away watching some relaxing korean dramas/ chillaxing/ facebooking will study for legal tomorrow hopefully after a long sleep, I'm running on 5 hours of sleep atm rofl, my sleeping patterns are so screwed up.. 

It's getting warmer! t- shirt weather is herrrre, but i'd still rather winter than summer anyday.. does everyone remember trying to understand maths in 40 degree heat with nothing but 2 creaky fans that don't spin very well, yeah it's not very nice. I usually wouldnt mind thhahttt much since i wouldn't pay much attention anyways but this time it's the actual HSC :S wow does time fly. And yes, this would probably only apply to girra.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Full day tomorrow, 4hrs of tests GG me.

playing facebook games instead of studying T___T woe is me.  But i notice, all the facebook game players are all fobby asians lololol

Justed watched rise of the planet of the apes, pretty good...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

lolololol ikr.
If you can find the man in the coffeebeans under 3 seconds apparently you're a genius trololololol

Friday, September 2, 2011

I think the fear of tests has dissapeared for me. Before a test/ few days before  a test i used to be all worried and shiieett, theres so many tests im jsut like "meh just another test with the many many many we have to do". ANd i kinda like this exam period because even though we got to school just to do exams, we still get less school none the less :D

Lol i may regret choosing varsity jackets now after looking at the samples, but remember they are still SAMPLES, i.e. the real ones will probably look better, hopefully.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

FUUUU this cough of mine, cough lollies won't even help, i've got 3 strepsils in my mouth right now and I'm still coughing >.< Sorry if my coughing has distracted people in the yearlies :S I think i've already eaten a pack of strepsils today, i hope this isnt bad for me lol.