
Sunday, January 22, 2012

okay so let me tell you what asian family friends and my family talk about :)-
- common chinese immigration stories
- how my dad's friend managed to woo his now wife, and how she used to be the 'prettiest girl' in school
- likewise with my dad and my mum
- get me to stand up and comment on my height
- discussing whether i have a girlfriend or not
- how the old 70 year old man is some world wide champion in badminton

As a result i missed out on hewitts match but I'm not complaining because i got substantial amounts of red pockets :{D wow this is the first time ive used this emoticon -> @m-elancholylove influence >.<\

tomic vs federer, hewitt vs djokovic
not looking good for australia lol.

Oh yeah and neighbours why do you have so much lawn to mow?!?! i swear every second day someone around my street mows the lawn wakes me up EVERY time at like 7/8am forcing me to get up and close my windows which i hate since it becomes hot and stuffy. And the other day a freaking hhuuugeee ass lawn mowing machine was mowing the grass in the park a few meters away from my window gahhh closed all the windows still sounded like a steamtrain was in my room.
oh and also.
Record: 12 hours without eating food! (sleep ;D)

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