
Sunday, January 22, 2012

i recently took out all the train tickets from the last 2/3 months from my wallet because i never really bothered to throw them out. So these last few months i've visited pendle hill, parramatta, eastwood, strathfield, westmead, granville, central, townhall, cabramatta, north sydney (fireworks) and olympic park (KPOP MUSIC FEST YEAHH) And evidently i've been to parramatta the most which surprises me considering  there isnt really that much at parramatta and I didnt think i visited very often...

only 1week left of holidays KILL ME NOWOWOWOWOWOJWWJ

I just realised people are getting old D: some of my friends are turning freaking 18 this year. EIGHTEENNEEENNE full rights of an adult, it's scary i don't want to grow up just yet D:D: we're like older teens now.. oh well i'm not quite there yet im turning 17 this year :) 16 to 17 is like mehh but 17 to 18 is a massive jump... in terms of maturity responsiblities etc etc.

I seriously regret deleting bebo, would be good to see how i was like in my younger tween years. Even if what i wrote and how i used to think would probably be cringe worthy.

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