
Friday, October 8, 2010

I was going to talk about something, but I forgot what it was.

I watched despicable me in 3d today, and i finally know where people get those "real 3d" lens less glasses from. I think I've become an impulse buyer, while oftern just 'browsing' a stall. Buying hats are hard for me =/ my head is too big for child hats yet too small for adult hats :(

So my grandad acted really freakily today. i came down for dinner and i saw him staring at the dvd player thing above our tv, just looking at it. I think he was still kinda conscious because he called my name and said hi and stuff. But then  he refused to come to dinner instead he just stared black eyed at the tv for hours whilst we were having dinner, he seemed really really out of it. When we tried calling him he just ignored us. After my dad came back home, he finally made grandad come to dinner but he even kind of forgot how to walk, he shuffled along and walked slanted. When he started eating he just kept saying the same thing over and over and overagain. Telling my grandmum to come sit down and eat (when grandma had already finished dinner) when dad asked him what was the problem he kept saying that. Originally he kept saying he didn't know how to turn the tv off and to not worry about him (obviously in shange) over and over again, the tv had already been turned off by my mum... now he's downstairs resting on the sofa i think.

I think this runs in the family, it's kindof unnerving =/

Okay now i know that I'm definitely not going crazy, because i keep wondering how my pens keep disappearing, turns out my dad comes into my room when he's upstairs and needs a pen and 'borrows' one of my pens. Problem is, they never get replaced, how do i know this? I saw my dad use one of my pens today. And he always denies taking them, my parents never like to admit something that makes them wrong and me right. It's an asian dominance thing.

1 comment:

Kristy Ng 伍颖彤 said...

sounds like your grandad has a case of.......
oh never mind...