
Sunday, October 7, 2012

mkay so you guys may find this weird but i was watching a drama and there was a scene when a pregnant lady was giving birth and the main had to deliver the baby (pretty funny scene, but thats not the point). So then they were mentioning 'contractions' and 'water breaking' and like stages of labour and shit so being the curious child that i am, i decided to google what all these terms mean. Stories of pain and graphic wikipedia images later, all i can say is LOLOLOLOL glad i will never have to give birth. Conceiving someone into this world requires so much... pain.... I may finally understand now when my mother semi jokingly says that she wouldn't have minded if she had just died whilst in the process of giving birth to me. And apparently she almost did since the painkillers didn't work or something, not really clear on the details nor do i intent to be lol. ALl i know is that this world has been made more beautiful through my birth LOLJOKES HAHA. Have I scared you future mothers? although you guys would probably know this already or paid attention during science. I still remember miss killen showing my innocent year 9 eyes along with my innocent peers' eyes a graphically real pregnancy video. i will never forget miss killen i will never forget, oh and you just happen to be our year adviser who left for penrith! Speaking of her actually, i forgot to mention that her speech at our graduation assembly was very moving!

I seem to have random accumulation of thoughts and opinions about the strangest things during the late night....

Also had a really great reminiscent chat with my old old primary school buddy and our adventures in handball and 44 home base. ANd just little primary experiences, which looking in hindsight was really great had a good 30minutes of laughing about how we used to be so competitive in handball and how we switched from yu gi oh phase to beyblade phase to crashgear phase etc etc. Ah the innocence and simple life of a primary school student, something we'll never be able to return to yet something that really didnt seem all that long ago.

WIll finish the pregnancy scene in my drama and go to sleep bAHAHAH. I really don't do work at home.


that is all.


Unknown said...

inb4 you knock up a year 7

chunchun said...

yo don't even know how to contact you but wanna go parra library tomorrow??
yw and wendy are coming

Daniel W said...

you found the right way hahha yeah i'll come :) what time? or will you guys just be there the whole day?

chunchun said...

ill be there at like 9:30 ish just go on skype or something if you need more info

Daniel W said...

aight i'll be there at around 12 or something :)

chunchun said...

lol this guy hahhaha, arlights

Unknown said...


chunchun said...

^ come if you want anubhav skuxking