
Friday, January 13, 2012

A reflection on the internet

Record: 40 hours without using the computer :) 
Yep but not out of my own free will though, but at least i now have unlimited internet woots. But i think my tpg plan was a little more stable and faster, but oh wellz, unlimited downloading ftw. Maybe it'll get better ive only been online for a few hours. So in my 40 hours of internet famine i've realised that i felt somewhat sadly disconnected with the rest of the world lol yet also somewhat liberised. Now that i have the internet back i feel like im once again trapped within cyberspaccee and the pull is too great to resist. Seriously though the time goes by so fast when I'm on computer :/

So in little over 2 weeks i'll be yet again seeing, but for the last time fresh eager filled eyes of new year 7 high school students. And i can quietly snigger and remember myself during their first school assembly when the principal addresses the assembly with "good morning everyone" and the year 7s initially start of with "gooood mOOOORningg" and then realise they don't know the name of the principal and that no other grade is saying anything and thus they proceed to awkwardly fade into murmers and silence. I think the teachers enjoy trolling the juniors as they become accustomed to high school life- of which i am a veteran of...

okay summer idc if you're not going to have days where the temperature is above 30 degrees i WILL go swimming even if it's 20 something degrees. Which is what i did yesterday and played pool cricket with ping pong balls and a broken noodle yes. we are cool like that. But then when i had to get out and it was pretty windy yesterday fuuuuuuarrr so cold. I think i'm coming down with something, been sneezing all day now...

one last thing, I FOUND MY EARPHONES WOOT woot -does happy dance-
going asian grocery shopping and fish markets with fams tomorrow because i am a dedicated family man. Lol jokes because i have nothing to do and also because they'll treat me to yummy chink food in ashfield-> i think we're going there tmr aswell.
Holidays oh how i love theeee.

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