
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Had to get up at 9 today! went to sydney fish markets, pretty disappointing and wasn't very big. 1 thing i notice the workers are all asian and the buyers/restaurant eaters are also all asian...flemington is also all asian and so is ashfield. we've invadedd :O
rode to wl park yesterday and i've made a realisation: i have never flown a kite before. Just something i have to do before i die.

finished frankenstein and i just have to say that it's the most macabre gothic book i've ever read. Literally the protagonists whole family, wife and best friend die and in the end he also dies. Along with this the antagonist > frankenstein's monster also dies in the end. So the whole book is about death never have I read a book in which literally all the characters end up dead. WOW, early 18th century victorian english literature is pretty hard to understand. Like in the first few pages i had no idea what i was reading like i couldnt understand the language. this entirely -> wow tumblr is so relevant to real life :) thank god for memes which put daily woes of life into pictures :D BUt then eventually throughout the book i got used to the language. But sometimes i still had to read and re-read sentences with the aid of a dictionary to understand wtf it was on about. Yes extension 1 hsc english student ftw.

When i read the last few lines of a good book or watch the last few minutes of a good drama, and it finishes. I kinda have the "soo what nnoooww" empty kindof feeling. LOL maybe it's jsut me.

goodnight :)

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