
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Job Hunting #2

So trekked it all the way to Macquarie to job hunt because i'm such a nice friend, and i was surprised that most retail stores will actually accept your resume over there. In blacktown it's pretty much a no, or 'apply online' :/ I have like no savings in my bank account now GG

My parents are so annoying i swear my dad keeps saying "9pm daniel 9pm" fuuaarkkk offf i am well aware that offers come at 9pm, said it when i got up and repeated it when i got home. ALmost as if to deliberately annoy me. Same thing during hsc results/atars aswell just kept bugging me about it for the entire week. Parents: y u so annoying D:D:

1 comment:

Happy Apple said...

Congratulations on your offer!!!