
Thursday, August 25, 2011


Off to school dance x] will blog wen i get back! :D

EDIT: Hoarse voice, ringing in ears, full stomach on unlimited soft drink + cake + lollies + chips = one very very awesome night. And a happy but tired daniel :P Need some stress relief from all the yearlies. Seriously i feel sorry for the people who missed out, one of the maddest nights in a while :) and duuuuuuuuuuuude most of the ticket sellers didnt even end up going wtf. Yeah i understand, i too sometimes feel like staying at home studying for tests rather than going out and partying (Y). LULZ a bunch of year 7/8 kids came aswell and i think i accidently made one fall onto the ground because i was too intensely shuffling/raving with the boys :) meh only year 7 I SWEAR I WAS NOT AS SHORT AS THEM when i was in year 7...

Gots to hit the hayyy early tonight im so tired got another full day tmr yEAHHHH :):):):):)first girra dance in 17 years woooooooooo, and i was there x]

P.S. photos of me at dance parties are so unflattering lmfao.
P.P.S. saw many girls dancing in heels tonight- RESPECCTT~ lol i think the skill level starts from year 7 and they slowly get better until year 12. ROFL year 7/8/9 (can't tell the diff) so wobbly ended up ditching the shoes. BUT WOOOWWW total different side of girra girls i saw tonight lololol (Y) Sometimes i wonder what it feels like to dance in heels, i guess iw ill never know... orr will i :P

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