
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm still getting hits every day so I feel obliged to blog..
I'm procrastinating, which is realllyy really bad since when i go to do work on my main comp i just get distracted and procrastinate until i go to sleep >.< yes that's right i have days where i procrastinate the WHOLE day. SO when i use the computer for work i use my DET laptop so i don't procrastinate. I need some ideas for creative writing tomorrow D:D: and i have 2 weeks of work to catch up since i've been doing last minute assignment jobs for the past week. And sleeping at 1 which makes me feel dead the next mornign and i have mild blood shot eyes every day, I thought you only needed 8hrs of sleep? apparently 7hrs is not enough...

I think eating chilli/oily stuff does give you pimples i've experienced a random outbreak of pimples. If you're a fobby asian you probably know what these are: yes it's what ive been eating lately, bottled chinese food neither sounds or looks tasty but it actually is...

 So on the note of bus etiquette.. I always give my seat to elderly/disabled/pregant BUTT i HAATTTEE those annoying old ladies who are such bitches. They shout at any school children found in the 'please vacate this seat for elderly' seats at the front of the bus. And they're usually foreign women with an accent who are not ancient i.e. 80+ but like 60s-70's

Lady A: (to school child) points at blue sign.
Kid: -looks clueless-
Lady A: do you know how to read? i thought you went to school
Kid: -begins to look scared-
Lady A: these seats are for the elderly, get out
Kid- runs away

Lady B:  these seats are for the elderly MOVE..
Me: there are seats here for you.
Lady B: look at the sign only old people can sit here.
Me: it says VACATE for elderly, and there's still a seat for you. (snap, biaaatchhh)
Lady B: -grumble-
I still gave up my seat in the end since there were other old people who came on the bus... but still... maybe i shouldn't do that... i don't want a letter to be sent to school because of me... buhh they annoyyyyy mehhhhh

Yes i always give my seat and when an elderly person doesn't have  a seat i tell some people to get up. And occasionally i forget or don't see them orrr when there are CLEARLY extra seats they some nothing better to do/whiney/complainy old woman RAAAGEES AT ME. last time i checked vacate meant to give up your seat i never knew you had to give it up to someone who clearly has a seat to sit on.
SO viv...not only do i give seats i also deny them to ones who are bitches :D but i would totally get up or ask someone to get up for a pregnant woman, it's happened before..

Oh and i hate bus drivers who drive so... stiffly? like they never smoothly break they always slam on the breaks and slam the accelerator causing people on the bus to crash into each other... it'd be so totally doooggg if the driver does it on purpose for the lulz... but yea i don't particularly enjoy sitting down while someone ass smashes into my face, nor do i like falling back onto yr 7/8 girls T_____________T

 I have no imagination or creativity so i fail at creative writing...  I NEED INSPIRATION.

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