
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Life update

Starting off, I'd like to say that I don't get 'thats what she said' jokes, like i get get them but are they meant to be funny? because it isnt really funny... and a's jokes are kinda lame and idk how to react in lame joke situation where the teller laughs only.. it really is quite awkward.

Another awkward moment is when you see your teacher outside of school. We make eye contacts but i really don't know if i should like say hi? or... maybe they dont want to have anything to do with their job once they aren't working. What do you do in these situations? have you ever seen your teacher and said something to them? do you still refer to them as sir or mr/mrs _____ :S

So annoying bus drivers, we all know them... not to be racist but theres this one bus driver in a turban is sooo annoying. Whenever he comes early (even 5minutes) he ALWAYS goes out of his bus locks it and dawdles off somewhere and he comes back sooo slowly we end up being late sometimes. You're doing your job! not on a casual stroll... and he even litters on the ground. Before he used to take like 5 minutes inspecting every student's buss pass and even makes up some random excuse saying that they cant use this buspass on this bus etc etc... how are they meant to get home >.> and the kids he let on, their buspasses look EXACTLY the same. He doesn't do that anymore though.. i think someone made a complaint xD But thats not the worst bus driver, at least he doesnt't scream/ verbally abuse/ stop the bus when he has school kids. I don't have him anymore though, maybe he got fired :D my most embarrassing bus moment was when i had a can.. and the bus driver said be careful with that, but let me on the bus, the road hit a bump the can slipped from my hands and splattered all over the floor quickly i picked it up... then the bus did a sharp turn and because the can was covered with juice it was really slippery and dropped again i managed to catch it but soft drink had still gone everywhere over the bus. Since the bus was slightly tilted it was slowly inchign towards the front of the bus and everytime the bus stopped it went down even more, and i was really hoping it wouldn' have gone in the bus drivers line of sight. My stop was relatively fast so i was able to get off subtly fast, I'm SURE the bus driver would have noticed if i had stayed on longer, and when i got off i noticed the drink full gush at the front of the bus :S:S but i survived embarrassment lulz.

anyways have you ever slept with your hand upright as in hand towards the ceiling upright? If you haven't you should try it for a night, i did it once subconsciously the next morning the whole arm had like no circulation and i couldn't even feel it, i couldnt even move my fingers. It was sooo numb. When i felt it it felt like it belonged to someone else and it was idk hard to explain and kinda scary. I made it somehow drop and it dropped onto my leg it was so freaky i felt like my whole arm had like dropped off :S Soon after though i could feel the blood going into my fingertips and strong pins and needles and soon after it was fiineee. try it one night har har.

MATHHS TEST TOMORROWWW i am so pumped. No joke. Oh and excuse the likelihood of grammatical errors i can't be bothered editting this.

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