
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Okay, i really have to get on with my English assignment. I've only written the introduction and I'm really having trouble finding ideas for the body, GAH. Oh and speaking about English, I don't know how I'll cope with 3unit english next year. I only JUST made it in with an average of 76% and some girls in my grade (actually a lot) are uber good at writing essays, whereas i get mediocre scores T_T. I am also sooo scared of getting kicked out of 3U english next year if i don't perform to standard, I don't know where to go once that happens, I'll fail english, then, maths, then history, and get kicked out of girra, then get 50% in the HSC and end up being a garbage collector...fine, bit over the top there but still . I do feel sorry for the people who didn't do well this semester and was denied entrance into 3U english =o, oh and I heard that someone got the same mark as me, and really wanted to do 3U eng but they were declinneeeddd, apparently because of attitude issues :S.

Well back to english.

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