
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hi, sorry for this late blog, been a little busy. Yes I know it's already sunday but this will count for saturday's blog (: So I just watched this documentary about an AUstralian dude who got trapped in a laos jungle for 11days. No food, and during the worst monsoon in 100years in that area. On the fourth day he had like no energy so he laid out on a rock near a clearing with only a shirt on and rain pelting his face 24/7. The nights were -20 degrees D= when they had finally found him, he looked like a white wrinkly prune ( a bit like when you stay in the shower a bit too long except X 1000) He suffered from kidney failure, lung failure, extreme hyperthermia and something else with a long name which I forget, and almost died twice in hospital. Oh and his feet imagine this black rotting stump where the toes aren't even distinguishable anymore. Just goes to show how weak we are out of our comfort zone. What would you do in his position, lying out in the open did eventually get him saved, but still if it were me I'd find a nice cave, lie down and die. What are some ingenious survival tips that you would like to share with me?

I'm going to sleep now.

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