
Saturday, May 21, 2011


I had a new mando teacher today and LOL i think fobs do actually pronounce english as 'engrish'. Could 8/9/10 year olds be your friend? O.o because my mandarin class mates are around that age and apparently i'm their friend :S:S lol little kids are kinda cool they remind me of my primary childhood :D butt iddkk would it be weird for 9 or 10 years olds to be your friends? :O I think so...

Annnndd doo you remember tiipppss? rofl they good innocent fun back in the days ^^ Little kids can get so much enjoyment and fun from suck simple running gammess, now all us teenagers have is like the internet/phones/technology to keep us occupied and within expectations of society, quitee saddd realllyyy. So i was watching the kids at my mando school and they were sososo happy with just playing a simple game of tips, whereas happiness as a teenager is harder to obtain I think... unless you're someone who laughs hysterically over playing COD, SC, LOL or some shit. In which case... how awesome it is to be you!

So i think children are happier than adults and teenagers, its also the best time of life you have no worries and completely innocent. And no test you do is worth crying over (i still don't think any test is worth crying over, but yeaahhh only at GIRRAWEEN harhar) It really is weird how children try growing up faster i.e. 7 year old girls wearing nailpolish and short shorts.

AHAH maybe i hould join in for the lulz? i really was curious the last time i played tips was like many many years ago, but i wont to keep my dignity :L But sure you can play tips now but besides looking kinda :S:S and these things are never the same once you get older...

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