
Friday, July 15, 2011

harry potter pt 2 :DD:

yeah just went on a massive 13hr outing, tiredd assss but had a great day :] ALso watched final harry potter today was not like "Omaosmdomavonaosc so good BEST MOVIE EVER" but it was pretty good. No more harry potter books and no more movies to look forward to again D: but i don't think i'll re-read/rewatch any harry potter because i dont get how people can rewatchmovies and reread stories when they know what happens :S

YEAAHH happy birthday julian (yeah i know its the 18th but we celebrated it today :D) hope you enjoy everything haha. 17 is quite oooldd O.o

 Gotta watch latest ep of cityhunter and catch up on kpop news before going sleep ;) byyee

school in like 4 dayss shiiiieeeeee enjoy it while it last guys

ohhh and i just noticed after a while, skinny jeans are really much warmer than normal jeans :D:D

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