
Monday, November 28, 2011

Conflicting perspectives

Woots finally get a chance to blog, I've been itching to blog about stuff for a few days now but i just didnt have the time. SO now i've forgotten what i wanted to say :/ great. SO here are some pictures :)
My worktable for the last week receiving much scrutiny from my overly organised paranoid asian mother. YES i got distracted and pulled out my ancient ancient ds (from the good old junior high school DS gaming days) and played pokemon woots. AND YES i eat yellow and purple CONFECTIONARY when i work mmkayy don't judge. AND YESSSSS those are primary school level mandarin books in my drawer, hey gotta start somewhere >.> AANNDD YESSSSS there is an snsd calender right in front of my work to give me inspiration ;) loljks, but seriously. AANNDD YE.... okay i shall stop now.

 Procrastination without facebook.... ON ANOTHER NOTE dunno if you can see it but that is a RED coloured GINGER hair compared to my normal coloured hair. I have never grown a red hair before :O:O i thought it was like a strand of that tree that has really really thin leaves/ stem things that are in little segments which hurt like a bitch when you use it to whip someone, so i was trying to take it out when i realised it was STEMMING from my HEAD! LOL maybe i should just let it grow and have 1 long strand of ranga hair TROLOLOL

Been neglecting my homework for assignments so now i literally have a shit-ton of modern and legal to catch up. ^THat's all MODERN fuuarrrr need to have another modern history homework marathon :S:S

BUt yes iin my bid to not become distracted and DO my enlish speech which was due today i disabled my facebook for a day, WHICH ALMOST KILLED ME. I was  clicking my easy access facebook tab like every 10mins and then coming face to face with the login page, AND nothing much even happens on facebook.zomg i think i have a problem have to see a facebook addiction psychiatrist, THEY DO EXIST LOL. SO i was able to put in a good 5hours of non stop english assignment writing, which is probably the longest time ive been concentrated on work. Yeah sorry  I just can't mentally bring myself to come straight home and non stop work for like 6 hours WHICH i know people do, esp at selective schools and WHICH i know i should be doing.

AND MY IPOD OFFICIALLY BROKE oooomg, being the cheap asian i am i've resorted to buying a $10 8gb mini sd card for my phone and transfering the music onto there, until i somehow manage to rack up the money for an ipod T__T

THEN THERES MENTORING have the worst mentoring teacher ever, hes such a -insert swear- douche i literally have THE WORST teacher, i would rather ANYONE but him, yeah serves me right for not handing in my selection sheet. He just talks about his life story and makes fun of us that asnciaji3123i123!@#D. No one cares brah. I would rage at him but i heard people actually get into deep shit from badmouthing other students/teachers on their private blogs so i'll refrain from doing it. BUt a good mentoring session, is one where he forgets we have mentoring.

So conflicting perspective, module C of the 2u adv english course. I actually dont know how to employ an effective act of representation when it comes to real life situations where someone just outwardly deny's your perspective. E.G. me: "hey have you listened to _ _ _ _ it's pretty good" Other person "nah it's shit why would you listen to that" -awks- i dont even know how to respond im like "okay" -walks away- And wahts worse it's sometimes my friend and i dont just like walking away but theres no point reasoning with him if he wont see my perspective at all, such is the nature of stubborness. Lol for non girra people if you dont know wtf I'm on about maybe you can come back in a year after you've done module C LOLOLOL. BUT GODAMNIT stubborn people/ close minded people are annoying.

MOST random post ever lol, if you actually managed to i commend you on your extremely high levels of boredom. NO GO AND STUDY MATHS or CHEMISTRY or ECONOMICS or someshit because I know you all need to ;D SPEAKING OF WHICH IT's EXAMINATION WEEK why the fk am i so calm, OH WAIT because i only have two 50minute tests and one 5minute speech, chyyeaah :D GL GUYS it actually counts ohhshiiett.

Felt like using capitals today. Running on 6hrs of sleep feel so. sleep. deprived. I seriously dont know how people can survive on <4hrs of sleep AND I KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DO to watch dramas lmfao. This took a while to write so most likely there are all sorts of grammatical errors lawl.

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