
Thursday, December 29, 2011

been watching some old school asian dramas. Realised that a lot of the asian dramas these days are just mainly focused on looks and have the same storyline. The actors/actresses in like older dramas (09 and before) act soooo well and the plots are deeeper.

Went shopping today lawl. funfunfun. more fun to be had tomorrow and SATURDAY woo. How are everyones holidays so far, hope you're all enjoying it :)

got up at 9am today O.o

P.S. i got bored so i finally decided to get tumblr :) link me guyyyzzz? :):) i need people to follow. im still changing the layout and shiiee heheh.


aisha said...

You have really done a great work to share the hidden art of the great man. It is really a nice work by them. Thanks a lot for this
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Daniel W said...

what is this i don't even. How did blogger not detect this as spam D: