
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NYE+everything+2012!!~!@@#- epic longest post ever gl reading lol + photo spam.

Lol soz been neglecting blogger for tumblr.
Now where should i begin...
gather around for a long story kids :]

on day 1, KKinda just got home and slumped onto my bed- Daniel's body cannot survive without sleep D: i didn't even unroll my sleeping bag last night/ this morning. Slept/ dozed off couple of hours had those asian pork dumpling things that you steam in  pot, then came back onto computer and in a zombie state of mind aimlessly went on tumblr + allkpop spent like 3 hours on it holycrap, i don't think getting tumblr was a good idea lol...

I have to say this was the first time i've seen fireworks live and it's ssosooso amazing irl like omgah. Went to a mates house bit before when we were planning to catch the train and meet up with other friends at like 4:33 little did we know we were so aborbed into our maffia card game that we had 5-10 minutes to get to pendle hill, all 7 of us lmfao. SO we all changed in 1 minute went to toilet (woo advantages of being a guy :D) and legged it to peno. Then we had to buy ticks fahhh the ticket machine was so slow and we could only buy one by one we still had 2 tickets to buy and the train had already arrived, we sprinted down the stairs i almost epicly stacked it and we just make it. New clothes for the day soaked with sweat... which defeated the whole purpose of changing into the clothes before. 30 seconds later and we wouldn't have made it D:D: but wait this is just the beginning of our adventure lahh.

We meet up with the girliess at north syd station and proceed to be fatties and eat sub way/ hungry jacks for dinner. I had a foot long (no innuendo intended) and bought some subway cookies to nom on, omg i love subway cookies they're so soft man. And i wanted a drink but had no cup so just borrowed from friends hungry jacks cup and refilled at subway ^^ teehee but then i got caught by the asia man worker there "you cannot do that" and im just like 'k' and walk out of the store wooo rebel ftw.

Then got to mcmahons point and prepared to camp out for 6 hours a whole school day :O but we actually got pretty good seats and we could see the whole harbour FOR FREE. it went like uber fast though before we knew it it was already 9 o clock and fireworks were going off which were pretty mediocre. And they kept trolling us with fake fireworks like 15mins before hand >:( so after the 9 oclock fireworks we decide to go for a leisurely stroll around the area which was getting pretty crowded and the toilet lines bahahahha 30mins- 1hr waiting in line gg. Waht sucked was that the toilets were uni sex gosh make the guys wait for so long... if there were males toilets there would be a heaps smaller line. I swear i freaking couldnt even get through the line, and never before have i gotten such big death stares from people waiting to pee trolololol. I mean you may as well just go find a bush. so then we were walking around chilling and we come past this park and this was where allt he teenage drunk people were smoking and yelling and shit. We go down the stairs to a nicer pathway near the sea and we see a massive massive cave in front of us like in the cliff face so with nothing else to do in skinny jeans and converse shoes i/ friends decide to traverse the cliff int he middle of the night and chill/ sleep up there. Here's a pic it's not very good but yeah, such derps we are lololol. There was only just enough space for us to lie down, 3 of us fit in there :)

Then we became slightly claustrophobic and paranoid and D was like wat if drunk people like peed/ vomited up here D:D:D: and then we decided to get down. THen i was like waaittt a minute if they were drunk there would be no way they could climb up there in the first place >> and then as we are walking back up the public pathway- with lots ofpeople walking past and up the stairs we come across a couple ya know casually on the side having sex, like legit bro. At first we were like wtf are they doing since there was a girl sitting on a guy? and moving... and then the realisation and we were all like wttfuuuxx yeah theres a new memory for us, friggin shameless boggannss ==' probably on something aswell or on many things...and then there were the lebs who were drinking, swearing throwing insults at each other, i swear they're so uncreative "Fuck you" "no fuck YOU" lmfao be more original gawwshh. WE stopped and watched hoping that they'd get into a fight, entertainment wooo. Finally we came back to your camping spot for the last hour of 2011~ here are some pics taken with my 5mp phone :/ i just have to say seeing the fireworks on television does not compete with real life.
 THIS WAS SO COOL it was like gold was streaming from the harbour bridge and then the reflection on the watter, shame that there were gaps though.

TOO, many, fireworkds, phone, cannot, handle.

So the fireworks finished at around 12:15 and it took us until THREE AM to get back to my friends house. THe crowds homg you seriously cannot imagine. We found this shortcut to north syd station but had to leave to join the main line because we THOUGHT it was the bus line when actually it was not so could have gotten on the train 30minutes earlier ehhh. In the mean time went to troll asian looking tourists/ families by saying 'xin nian kuai leeee' in an extremely chinky accent :D
Stuck here with friends for laik 30minutes, inching the way to north syd station.
And then this train ride OMMGGOD. most packed train i've ever been on 12312839x china. Even the kpop music fest wasn't this bad. Had sweaty arms, backs and butts making physical contact with me for around 15 minutes. Couldn't even move, and breathing was difficult as i absorbed the cacophany of human bodily odours. I have never made so much physical contact with a number of guys around me before. ever. And i dont plan to. My friend had girls all around him for the whole train ride, lucky ;-; lol jokes, but better off than me =o the girls got off attt townhall and we had to wait all the way to toongabbie :S
oooft we're so badass taking pictures of ourselves at toongabbie at 3am. -sarcasm- lol Don't mind me casually in theback i just kinda forgot to open my eyes again :) but tbh never been in public so late/early before it was 1am at btown after kpop music fest :3 such a goodboy.

ANd then start swimming at 4am in around 20 degree temperatures because we can, and the long stream of derpy photos begin! the consequence of too much caffeine, red bull and god know what else. I chose to upload one of the less crazy photos :)

got out of the pool and don't really remember what happened after till when i left at 10am. But yeah didn't end up sleeping at all, played pool, basketball and table tennis while everyone ran of energy and died on the floor lool, we're as i did not even unroll my sleeping bag -insert appropriate meme- Oh yeah i remember at 7or 8 went for a bike ride with C who also did not sleep to pendle hill where all the shops were closed even woolworths. EXCEPT FOR ONE an asian bakery bahahahahha, asians ftw. We bought 5 steak pies ^^ and the service lady was just like FIVE? and we nod with sullen sleep deprived adolescent faces. yeahh i was hungry but the pies didnt really sit very well with everything that was churning in my stomach at the time. Everyone left pretty early 8 or 9 ish probs to go home and sleep weak ones :P For what i did when i got home refer to above since im writing this 2 days after lol. I stayed up all of new years day saw the first sunrise of 2012 and the last sunset of 2011 <3 If only i could spend it with someone special~ lol jk my friends are special :):):)

wow the last 3/4 days went by fast. Wondering if can be bothered getting up at 9am and trekking to city for law seminars and information sessions at unsw/uts/usyd tmr with frieeends. Buh nah probably not im lazy. It's finally getting hot aquatic centre this thursday or balling? hmmmm.

this took me an unbelieveably long amount of time to write, i congratulate if you managed to get this far lolol. bored kids.
Nye unforgetable new memories and experiences :] one of the best nights <3

and here are some more random pictures that are less derp :D
my friend made these for us~

our spots were pretty good.
  we laik to asian squat.

wow i think this is like over 1.5k words blogspot posting > school work priorities.
Wooo just wasted i guess 5-10 minutes of your life? :) btw no way am i editting this took so long to write. 

OKAY BYYYYYYYYE finally. back to tumblr <3 :):)

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