
Saturday, January 28, 2012

i feel sorry for murray hes always almost there- semi finals grand finals but never won a grand slam before :/:/
i laike to eat mangozz while i watch the tennis.

which reminds me i was watching the match with my dad in my room and mannn asian parents acn be annoying sometimes. He never stops talking and always looking over at my screen, I hatteeee when people keep staring at my screen and whenever i talk to someone "oh is it a girl" "oh you always talk to girls" and hes always commenting on what i'm doing fffsss. ANd idunno the way he says girl in chinese it annoys me even more for some reason and hes always telling me the type of person i should be married to like seriousslllyyyyyyy. And this is while he himself is staring/judging my snsd posters around my rooom.

/end semi rant and back to economics. al holidays homework in 2 days? yeah sounds pretty reasonable to me.

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