
Monday, September 3, 2012

More fooood!

hotpot for father's day yesterday, and today is my sister's 27th birthday! heading out to italian restaurant in around 30 minutes, shall try get a little work done before that :)

EDIT: hahaha amazing night once again, no work got done when i arrived back home arghhh. Heres some more food- i seem to be eating a lot of food lately :S
mmmmmmm - surprised at how many people don't like olives, i mean cmon who doesn't like olives :O:O:O

Crab meat pasta
Happy birthday sis (Y) bed hair lulz. ANd yes both our eyes are small, what of it LOLLO

As soon as the dishes came everything looked so good. Tasted even better. I'm tired, going to sleep now- early for once woo. I just realised that I include many many more pictures on my blog than i did before, I think it's the lazier way of blogging ahhaha- or if i have nothing much to say.

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