
Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm tired and I have a headache from too much tennis and I'm probably uber stinky right now since I've been sweating non stop for 3 hours. I'm also kindof pissed because apparently 6 people were coming so thats $10 each to rent the courts but instead only 4 people came and I had to end up paying $30 instead of $10 far out I''m not rich people! This holidays seems to be unlucky on a few of my friends. My friend who is ultra sporty has been training for the city2surf like wake up a 5am train for the whole day kind of training. And so after eating and drinking he started running straight away felt sharp pains and it turns out that his appendix got inflamed (don't go to this link if you have a weak stomach) because of that. What exactly IS an appendix for? If some science nerd  reading this knows, please enlighten me. So now he has to undergo surgery to get his appendix removed.

And my other friend is now on crutches because he was in morning glory buying something (I'll stop there) and when he was going down stairs on the LAST one he slipped and twisted his ankle. I know it's slack but I know him too well and I know hes fully unco and just picturing it in my head kinda made me laugh :O I'm an evil person.


Happy Apple said...

Okay. So: appendix.

Primitive humans used to eat raw meat. However, raw meat has a lot of bacteria, so humans had the appendix to digest this meat and prevent them from getting sick. (Back then, the appendix was larger and actually functioned.) But as humans discovered fire, they began cooking the meat, so there was no use for the appendix anymore. So the appendix shrank and eventually became useless. It has no use now.

I actually felt excited answering that question.

Daniel W said...

Thank you smart person (((: you made my day ahaha

awesome said...

as if your not rich *cough*$30 a week*cough*