
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quiz meh

A random quiz I did

1. My last name: Wang (shutup)
2. I was born in: Blacktown hospital
3. I am really: Outgoing person?
4. My phone is: An old Sony ericsson I got 2yrs ago
5. My eye color is: Black
6. My ring size is: Dunno
7. My height is: 171 cm
8. I am allergic to: girls (LOL Kidding)
9. I was born on: 1st of June
10. I am annoyed by: My own procrastination
11: What happened to question 189?
12. My bed is: A wooden framed single bed
13. One thing you don’t like about yourself: High pitched voice
14. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? Back
15. How do you vent anger? Cry in the corner of my room (no I don't I just keep it inside)
16. How did your day start off? Roll out of bed
17. Do you get along with guys or girls better? Sometimes guys sometimes girls
18. How do you think you look right this moment? The same?
19. Last person you went to the movies with? I went with a bunch of asian girls and guys
20. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas holidays because it's the longest with least work.
21. The last CD I bought was: Nothing
22. Do you have any siblings? Older sister
23. What did you do yesterday? Got up at 12pm and played tennis till 4
24. When in doubt?: Follow your heart (:
25. I Do/ Do Not Believe In: lifetime friendships/myself :(
26. Love at first sight? Never (personality comes first)
27. Luck? I found $1 yesterday is that luck lol?
28. Fate? What about it?
29. Aliens?: NO
30. Heaven?: Not sure?
31. Hell?: Not sure?
32. Ghosts? Nah
33. Horoscopes?: Nope
34. Soulmates?: Yup
35. Karma? DEFINITELY x 100000

:::Which is Better?:::
36. Drunk or High? Drunk
37. On the phone or online: Online
38. Red heads or blondes? Blondes
39. Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes
40. Hot or cold?: Cold
41. Summer or Winter: Summer
42. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
43. Night or Day?: Day
44. Oranges or Apples?: Oranges
45. Curly or Straight hair:? Straight

::Here’s What I Think About:::
46. Abortion: Only if you're pregnant when you're like 16
47. Backstabbers: Meh
48. Parents: I'm asian so nagnagnag

:::Last time I:::
49. hugged someone: Alyssa at her party
50. Saw someone: 1hr ago?
62: Cried in front of someone? Yea my parents when i was like 5

61. Who is the ditziest person you know: Julian (he's on crutches, point proven.)
62. Who makes you laugh? Hai, Carmela, Celine, Shirley, Julian, Ophelia, Eunice E, Dayanan (can be a jerk at times), Kanav (most times is a jerk), Rachel, Keely, Yen wei (mostly from his corrupted mind), Calvin, Anubhav. Cbb naming anyone else.
63. Last show you watched? The Big Bang theory
64. What you don’t understand is? CHEMISTY *dies*
65. The most unsatisfying answer: Ok
66. Something I really miss when I leave home is? Free food!
67. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is? Partying when I'm older :P
68. Tomorrow: Get ready for school
69. Today: Sleeping
70. Next Summer: Holidays XD
71. This Weekend: Mandarin school T_T
72. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: Sister
73. The most difficult thing to do is? Maths
74. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: Yea
75. The first person I talked to today was: My mum
76. First time you had a crush: Year 6
77. The one person who I can’t hide things from: No one, I'm a master thief :D
79. Last time someone said something you were thinking: Tracy
80. Right now I am talking to? Keely
81. What is your dream job? Rubbish collector
82. First job? Null
83. I have had these pets: Fish, mice
84. I can still see: Stuff
85. The worst sound in the world is? Vuvuzela >=D
86. The person who makes me cry the most: No one
87. Best sound in the world?: Music
88. Who makes you happy? My friends
89. Cats or dogs?: Dogs
90. Myspace or Facebook: Facebook
91. Mexican food or Chinese? Chinese
92. My favorite piece of clothing? Black skinnies
93. My favorite color(s) are: Red, green, blue
94. Last time I cried: Primary school
95. My friends: Whoever reading this is my friend.
96. My computer is? BenQ
97. Last person I got mad at: Dayanan
98. Person you secretly crush on?: no one
99. Favorite place to eat?: Some restaurant
100. Favorite song: Baby- Justin Bieber
101. The all-time best show is: Man vs Wild lol
102. The all-time best feeling in the world is: Uhmmm....yeaaa
103. Favorite scent: Idk
104. What color is your hairbrush: I don't have one, I've got a comb though
105. Favorite shoes: Converse all stars (going to buy some soon)
106. I lose all respect for people who: Annoy for the sake of annoying
107. favorite channel to watch: I don't watch tv lol.
108. favorite food: Pork (for you kanav)
109. favorite day of the week: Sunday
110. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: Their....personality? idk everyone's different
111. The worst pain I was ever in was: Dunno
112. Best Memory: When i was in primary
113. Favorite TV show? South Park
114. My favorite singer/band: Justing Bieber (No kidding it'll probably be Big Bang, SNSD or Linkin Park)
115. Greatest Fear: Failure
116. My weakness is: Academics
117. When was your last concert? Don't remember
118. Who broke your heart? Still in tact emotionally and physically =D
119. One thing that makes you feel great is: ...
120. One person that you wish you could see right now? OC people =(

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