
Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm wearing my grey sweater. 

Today I got a haircut refer to previous posts for a description of what it looks like. On the way I noticed something intriguing, you know how donated clothes go to St vinnie's? and they sell it for a couple of bucks to give to charity. Well I noticed that in westpoint there are stores that sell clothes for JUST as cheap $3 or $4 for an item of clothing. How they make profit I have no idea (you have to pay the employees, rent and electricity costs), even though they do look pretty shabby, the point here is that Vinnies, a non profit charity organisation has to compete with a retail store and obviously the retail store would have better things. So vinnie's would be going downhill (it was virtually empty whereas the store in westpoint was overflowing), meaning that somewhere out there a homeless man would have nothing to eat for the night :( How are the clothes so cheap? they HAVE to have been made in China then transported all the way to Australia, the FUEL alone would cost heaps more. 

Today I played 4 hours of tennis in my first tennis comp, (won 2 lost 2 =D) and now my legs are ultra tired and my feet hurt. And the friction of the tennis racket grip on my thumb has caused the skin to rub away leaving a red painful area. I also chugged down 3 bottles of water. 

Currently making a list and researching work experience areas. I'm thinking something food related since I like food =D But i don't want to go chopping vegetables for a restaurant D= , my friend did that...thats not work experience thats free labour!!


Ophelia said...

Shangri La Hotel has work experience.
Idk if there are any more places though.

Anonymous said...

Where are you going for work experience?