
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So today for history elective, our group chose italian cuisine. What word first comes to mind when i say italian food? PIZZAAAA. SO we made a classic margherita pizza with buffalo cheese. Did you know that the first pizza was served to queen Margherita in Italy in the colours of the italian flag? (tomatoes- red, basil-green, cheese- white). We could only use the school microwaves to heat up the pizzas, making the (homemade dough) base a bit soggy. We followed the masterchef recipe- because we're just that pro (: Since a certain someone, wasn't here (the one meant to bring the gelato) we had no dessert and we looked uber stingy compared to other groups >.< Oh and P almost cut my finger off as he was cutting the pizza, I was pulling off a piece of pizza I told him to keep cutting, he kinda FORGOT MY FINGER WAS STILL THERE, and i actually FELT the blade on my finger. I was expecting it to gush blood any second or uno -skin forms a little white line- and slowly gets filled with blood, but nothing. Luckily the school is so cheap that we can't afford proper knives that actually cut.

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