
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

hello, it's been a while.

So i'll only blog when i can be bothered now.
So today I threw away/ put away all my year 10 work and worksheets that i've accumulated these past years (I kept my assignments just for sentimental purposes), swept my own floors :O:O:O, washed my school bag and wiped my desk :O:O:O, clearly showing an initiative start for a studious and hardworking year ahead (I just hope it'll stay that way). I think this is very un daniel-like behaviour i actually dont think I've swept my own floors, like in a couple of years? and i dont think i've wiped my own desk in a long while now... my mum's not doing this sort of stuff anymore -crycry- I'm just doing this so i can start fresh, turn over a new leaf and give up all my previous lazy ways. Also i not only BOUGHT books (i.e. limited laptop use) i contacted them aswell :D i fail because they're all wrinkly and bubbly D:D: someone teach me how to do a perfect wrap? im slightly envious of those girls who have perfect crisp covered books, but I'd rather wrinkly and bubbly than scruffy corners and ruined book covers..

2011- the year of the senior black ties D:D:
i'm only 15! why do i feel soooo old :( theres only ONE grade above me and hsc is next year T_T I feel like I'm being replaced by the younger generation!! nuuuuu also in music, some artists are younger than me. Middle age crisis much? lol. (I don't think anyone's heard of such a thing...)
so year 11 i must attempt to:
- Do ALL my homework
- Study at least 2weeks prior to tests
- Start assignments at latest a week later from when they're given.
- Reduce computer time/ facebook time (T_T)
- Listen to less kpop and watch less korean shows...
- DELETE ALL FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT ON GOV LAPTOPS (why kevin rudd whhyyy laptops are the death of my education!!! why must you temp easily tempted teenage students who procrastinate so easily)
- Attempt to be more fit (highly unlikely)
- Pay much much much more attention in class.

I think I've had one of the best holidays though i went out around 1-2 times a week, my parents wouldn't let me go out more and i can't go out entirely now since i got caught going to sleep at 2am and not doing my excel maths workbook lololololol. I experienced many many emotions ffrom sad to happy. Sad AND happy at 3 good friends' farewell party that took many many weeks to plan, but was absolutely awesome in the end sooo i guess worth it. I think i went home about 2hours earlier than all my other friends and i missed out on a lot of things, but at least I was able to go (note: when a party ends at 6 ask your parents to pick you up around 1-2 hours later). My dad was originally saying i couldnt go since that was the day he caught me, but i know him too well hes a big softie and a bit of wooing was all i needed :D but useless after that last party. If it were for my mum I think i'd be able to go out like 2-3 times the WHOLE holidays? I don't know about you guys but my dad holds the most family power so whatever he says goes...

On a completely different note... i have this really annoying patch on my floor boards its just really really dark, and every time i glance past it i keep thinking that theres a cockroach there, and when there actually IS a cockroach i think it's part of the floor >.>, until it moves...

It's 12:30 now sooooo, Happy australia day!!! it's meant to be 40 degrees today. Hooray for hotness, thongs, boardshorts, beer and anything else australia (:

Also i'm kind of looking forward to school, newwww people and cammmppp also it gets pretty boring with only family around at home pretty much all day...Seniors and yr 7's start on the monday, I remember seeing seniors when I was in year 7 "woooaaah they're soo bigg and ooldd" now i'm one of them :S This will probably be my last post these holidays, soooo good luck for school guys, work hard and play harrrrdddd (Y)!!!! (whatever school you're going to) I'll miss you three in particular, but I think I've spent an awesome holidays with you guys, time well spent (Y) and I don't think i have to say much more.

Well this post KINDOF makes up for lack of posts eh? Longest post ever?
Oh and i realise I'm still getting a couple of hits a day even though i haven't updated my blog in WEEKS, I'm sorry to have left you readers hanging (U) but I'm afraid I'll still be doing massive weekly posts from now on.

Congrats if you made it this far, I'm getting quite lazy these days.
-Bye for now-

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