
Thursday, July 26, 2012

k just decided that napping is not for me, just took a 2hr nap feel like absolute shit right now. Not oly am i more tired but the two veins in my temple are pounding so hard. NEVAR AGAIN no matter how tired i am will i nap before bed. How does people take constant like naps after school and stuff and feel "reinvigorated" after they have, bottom line is i hate waking up whether it's for any length of sleep. Actually i have never WOKEN up from a sleep and felt good or reinvigorated whether it's 5hrs, 3hrs or 12 hours... Last mufti day tomorrow, proposed theme for yr 12 is pjs lol, iunno whether to go with it or not.... it's kindof like a facebook thing so not sure...

After reading this i am aware of my grammatical errors and poor sentence structure, my brain is fried at the moment. Goodbye. 

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