
Thursday, October 11, 2012

A bad day for buses

SLight rants ahead
Today was such a bad day for buses.
SO i catch the bus from near my home to blacktown and everyday im there on time and the bus is ALWAYS late by at least 5-10 minutes. So today i was thinking no rush since the bus always comes late, as I'm walking through the park at exactly 12:07 on the dot the bus zooms past me. BIGGEST FML MOMENT FREAKING afhasfhaswe and i was thinking it my head knowing my luck the bus will probably come early or on time today.

And then on the way home today i was really tired listening to music and i caught the wrong bus instead of my normal bus. It was the FIRST time in MY LIFE that i've caught the wrong bus at my stop fuuar. SO then ihad to get off early and walk the rest...

My parents really piss me off sometimes, asian parents always have to blame blame blame the kid in order to establish their own form of superiority or some shit. Like they always say shit that really annoys me, today i came home late because i was studying at the library and i wasnt looking at time and they ring me and tell me to stop wasting time outside and how i was meant to come home at 6 but im so stupid because i forgot to call them and i'm so stupid because i caught the wrong bus and FACK it's so annoying. I know they dont mean it because they arent angry or anything, it's almost like the chinese culture and it's only their form of worrying about me, but it annoys me someitmes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol worry? be in an Indian family before you talk about parents annoying you because they worry about you :P