
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


hey does anyone remember the VORTEX? you know that oval shaped thing attached to a tail that whistles when you throw it in the air. You know THE toy during our primary school days with endless ads on tv. Well we wanted to buy one for a picnic/bbq today and we went to THREE stores, toys r us, target and kmart. After much seeking we FINALLY found a dodgy looking one at kmart which broke after just a few hours :( According to toys r us they havent had vortexes for 2 years. WHAT DO KIDS PLAY THESE DAYS, don't say ipod/phone because that is pretttttyyy sad.

We had half a loaf of bread left, so what do we do? bait birds with it LOLOL the crows, ibises and pigeons make for some gooood entertainment hurrr.

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