
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My sister can take me.

The insects are taking revenge on me. I don't really notice this but lately as I go in the shower around 2 or 3 tiny red bumps that are ultra itchy show up (I don't think I notice getting bit as I'm sitting down). Speaking of showers, O-M-G yesterday WORST shower experience ever. Ok like normal I take off my clothes, stand outside the shower, turn on the hot water, stick my hand under the water until it gradually becomes warmer and enter. But yesterday I stood naked for like 5minutes (in the cold) waiting for the water to become hot, which it didn't. When the awful truth dawned on me, i mustered up all my strength and dived into the cooooolllddd water. I had like a 3minute shower (don't worry i still used soap and shampoo) and if you've ever been that cold, when you step out to a 10 degree atmosphere it almost feels warm in comparison. Note to self: don't shower after 12:30am. If this happened to you what would you do? put on your pj's and get into bed all dirty and sweaty or take a hypothermia causing shower? Answer in the chatbox or the comments, I really would like to know!

Day 3 — Your parents 
My parents are asian, that is all. Ok fine, they are naggy, repetitive (how is your maths going? what tests do you have? did you do good in your tests? etc) But i guess they are kind and caring, and let me have more freedom than other asian parents.

Car dialogue between father and son. (over a couple of days)

Case one:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Good
Dad: Good what do you mean good? when you get your results back they are bad not good! You only ever say 'good'

Case two:
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Since I can't say good, I'll say bad.
Dad: Whhhaattt badd??? ask your sister, ask your teacher, ask your friends. You have to study hard, these years are crucial. Even ask me, what are you having problems with?
Me: Trigonometry
*confused look*
Dad: What's that?
Daniel: You know with the angles...
Dad: OHHHH that stuff -rapid machine gunning of shang mathsy words and numbers-
Daniel: *nods* *pretending to listen and be interested*

The ambiguous case: (AHHH trig is getting into my blog)
Dad: How's your maths going at school?
Me: Hmm, Uhhh okay?
Dad: What sort of answer is that?? that doesn't tell me anything I might aswell not ask!
Me: *murmuring* then don't...
Dad: Did you just say something? You better not have talked back to me! Because you know what'll happen if you do *raised backhand* "DISCHIPLINEE" *FEEL PAIN*

If you want to know the things spoken between me and my dad when he comes to pick me up from year 7 -10, randomize the cases and replay them over and over and over again.
Okay they aren't that slack, exaggeration, okay not really they actually do say that (in shang) but it kinda sounds more threatening in English and they'll never actually do it. I think...

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